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8/2/2006, 03:46 PM
I've been ****ed off all day about the Rhett Bomar situation. But OU will survive and we'll be ok without him. We've still got the best defense in the land and the best player in the nation in Adrian Peterson. The offensive line and receivers are alot farther along now than they were last year. We're not going on probation. We'll recruit past this. And we'll move on. Even before the news I didn't pick us to win the National Championship. Now I know we won't. But I still think we can win 10 games and get into a BCS bowl. I still think Adrian will win the Heisman. It's not like Rhett had wonderful numbers last year anyway. We'll move on because we're Oklahoma and Rhett Bomar may have the best physical skills that any quarterback that has ever played here has. But Rhett is not bigger than the program!

8/2/2006, 03:49 PM
Good point, but we're still all extremely ticked off at him and this is our way of getting that out. Keep putting on the salve, though. It always helps to have an optimist around to pull us out of the muck.

Bourbon St Sooner
8/2/2006, 03:52 PM
At least I still have hurricane season to look forward to.

8/2/2006, 03:58 PM
Maybe so but its still all Nate Hybl's fault. Damn him.

8/2/2006, 04:04 PM
I gotta disagree w/ you. AD is great but what good is he when you don't have a proven QB. As i said earlier it will be last year all over again. Opposing teams might as well run a 10-1 D!! And the year after this one will be the same thing as well. Another QB to break in. What they may do is just do what they did last year and say to hell w/ it and start the guy w/ more years of eligibility for the future. Take your lumps and get it over with. Man.... crazy!! I'm just in AW right now!!!!!!

8/2/2006, 04:13 PM
I'm no optimist. I was just trying to give a Rockne speech to try and make myself feel better.:D

8/2/2006, 04:14 PM
we'll be fine. we just have a hole to fill. yeah the offense will be shaky once again, we'll find a good leader for QB though. OUr defense will be better than last year

8/2/2006, 04:17 PM
I do feel better hearing of Tramel's comments.

This might be the best news ever for me finishing my PhD, too.

Rock Hard Corn Frog
8/2/2006, 04:22 PM
we'll be fine. we just have a hole to fill. yeah the offense will be shaky once again, we'll find a good leader for QB though. OUr defense will be better than last year

I think our defense will be great. We may yet be a contender for the NC as well. On paper though the team isn't as strong as it was 24 hours ago.

8/2/2006, 04:26 PM
What did Tramel say? I'm stuck in a non-radio environment.

8/2/2006, 04:30 PM
A couple of other players were investigated, but these are the only guys getting kicked off the team.

Or so I read through the wonder that is the internet grapevine, so still take that as with HUUUUUUGE grain of salt.

8/2/2006, 04:31 PM
Tough loss guys no question, but you still have the talent to win the south. I have heard Bomar was a problem from the beginning. Maybe it will motivate one of your other QB's to step up their game. I am glad to see Coach Stoops handle the situation the way he did. Not meaning kicking the kids off, but straight forward. Good luck to you, but I really do not think you need it. Just get it together so hopefully we can meet in the CCG.

8/2/2006, 04:42 PM
Pfffft, sunshine pumpers...the lot of ya's.

8/2/2006, 05:01 PM
I am not sure we will be Bowl eligible. We are going to be at the mercy of the NCAA. RB and JD and the Car Dealer SCREWED us!

8/2/2006, 05:17 PM
I think we could've recovered from losing AD better than we'll recover from this, and AD is the best college football player at any position.

We don't have any depth at QB -- I kinda liked what I saw of Hazle in the spring game, but I'm alone in that (and I think I'll go watch the spring game again tonight, only watching Hazle's drives). Still, nobody (aside from USC and Texas Tech) breaks in a new QB without some suffering along the way.

With how much we suffered last season, I had a real sense of entitlement about our QB position, going into this season.

Apparently, so did he.

In hindsight, Rawls was a pretty stand-up dude. Even with all the falling down.

8/2/2006, 05:30 PM
In hindsight, Rawls was a pretty stand-up dude. Even with all the falling down.
Heh, he was a true hillbilly. :D

8/2/2006, 05:43 PM
Well I for one hope y'all pull together a great season. Don't get me wrong, I have no love for OU or most of the B12 for that matter.

But a lot of UT and B12 fans are licking their chops - especially aggy it seems. With the weak schedules out there, I think most of the conference should re-evaluate their thoughts on the matter and how schedule strength plays into things nowadays.. but wtf do I know.

This will make some of your wins this year a little more delicious I'm thinking.

Jello Biafra
8/2/2006, 05:48 PM
I gotta disagree w/ you. AD is great but what good is he when you don't have a proven QB. As i said earlier it will be last year all over again. Opposing teams might as well run a 10-1 D!! And the year after this one will be the same thing as well. Another QB to break in. What they may do is just do what they did last year and say to hell w/ it and start the guy w/ more years of eligibility for the future. Take your lumps and get it over with. Man.... crazy!! I'm just in AW right now!!!!!!

well....ad didn't do too bad last year. if you carry out his average, he would have carried for over 1500 yards last season. not bad for a runningback w/o a PROVEN qb.....

if they start PT this year, at least it will give halze and sammy boy a fighting chance to learn the offense. as it stands right now, they don't even know the play book yet.