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View Full Version : Pooor Aggies...the texas version

7/24/2006, 12:30 PM
Wow. It's been a long time since I posted but when I saw this video I had to put it out there. If it's been posted before sorry... I'm from Dallas and have several a&m friends. This link / video has made the rounds through them and I couldn't pass up putting it out there for you guys to see.

Just when you think a&m can't get any worse, something like this comes out. An absolute masterpiece.

One of my buddies is/was a Corp guy at a&m. Here's what another of my horn fan friends said to him as he passed on the link (classic): "....you might want to have your sword ready to plunge into your throat."

The true aggie faithful must be proud.



7/25/2006, 11:03 AM
you're new here, so I won't be evil, but this has been posted like a dozen times already. Here are things we have pointed out:

-towel waving is not straight.
-there is a much worse video from Kentucky.
-there is an equally worse video of looking at someone "being serious."
-they start the video off by buckling their seat beats.