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View Full Version : Has anyone stayed at The Sooner Legends Inn yet?

7/23/2006, 10:52 AM
My family and I are going to Norman in the next couple of weeks and were thinking about staying there.I was wondering if any of my Sooner bretren had stayed there yet?

Any feedback or firsthand info you could provide is appreciated.The pictures I have seen make the rooms dedicated to our star players look cool,just wondering if in person the look is the same or if it comes off tacky and cheap looking.Thanks in advance for any info.

7/23/2006, 12:15 PM

7/24/2006, 12:21 PM
I've never stayed there, but I had a big ole sloppy $ooner steak and it was the shiznittle bang shnip shnap shnap.

Plus the great one, Barry, used to git r' done there so how can you go wrong?

7/25/2006, 01:08 PM
I am going to be staying there on the 26th and 27th.i guess I can tell my fellow SoonerFan posters my impressions of the place when we get back home Friday.Looking forward to it.

Jay C. Upchurch
7/26/2006, 12:23 PM
It is a first-class joint all the way. I highly recommend it. The decor is like taking a tour through an OU time capsule. The accomodations are top notch.