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7/20/2006, 06:41 PM
1. OU's Offensive Line on '07 is terrible. I've never been sacked so many
times on this game in the past.

2. Rhett Bomar isn't fast enough

3. Iglesisas isn't fast enough

It seems like EA sports messes up OU's talent each and every year.

7/20/2006, 07:07 PM
There is a lot about the offensive line right now that's unproven. So it's probably closer to right if it's not great. But I've found the offensive lines always pretty bad in these games. Even with Madden 04 and 05 and the OU offensive lines that gave up almost no sacks back then the game always seemed to allow more sacks then there should have been. But I wouldn't blame em as much for this untested group.

Bomar should be at 78 in speed. Maybe around 81 in accell. That's where I put him at in 06 and it seems about right to me. Iglaseas wasn't in 06 but I put him in there with 93 as his speed but 97 as his acc. that seems about right to me.

7/20/2006, 08:20 PM
1. OU's Offensive Line on '07 is terrible. I've never been sacked so many times in the past.

Sounds spot on to me!!

Try shifting your offensive line to avoid blitzes. You can do that in 07 now ya know.

7/20/2006, 08:56 PM
I noticed that Halzle's speed is 82. Is he really that fast or is it possible that EA confused his speed with Bomar's??

7/20/2006, 09:06 PM
Halzle is speedy but Bomar should be about as fast.

7/20/2006, 09:48 PM
Sounds spot on to me!!

Try shifting your offensive line to avoid blitzes. You can do that in 07 now ya know.
that doesn't do me any good. i like to take my game online and right now i'm 2-4. for starters, let me say i do usually play people above my skill level, but anybody who learns to blitz me often and cover the flats at the same time beats me.the line is so horrible on this game that 2 or 3 guys can run at me, untouched, at the same time. it's really hard to make plays under that kind of pressure

7/20/2006, 10:02 PM
that doesn't do me any good. i like to take my game online and right now i'm 2-4. for starters, let me say i do usually play people above my skill level, but anybody who learns to blitz me often and cover the flats at the same time beats me.the line is so horrible on this game that 2 or 3 guys can run at me, untouched, at the same time. it's really hard to make plays under that kind of pressure

I'm using the 360 and while Bomar is unusually slow for what one should expect, there are ways around it. I've got a 3-2 record with the losses coming to pure cheese guys and as long as you utilize OU's absolutely monster omega dominating D you should be good to go. With the slow qb, get the D to start expecting runs up the middle and passes over the flats. Start to hit them with some play action and then go to the out routes. Take advantage of Gresham's speed at TE and then go for the juggular with a screen pass to AD. After that, the D should be good and confused and you can get away with alot if you mix it up. Bomar is slow, but if you run the option run it out of the two te right I form set. The nice thing about this game is that you can actually look at what's going on and respond to it as if it were actual x's and o's and not just an arcade game. If you make the right adjustments, you should do well. One thing to remember aside from being sure to use Gresham and Guitierrez(sp? -use the formation subs, he's great on draw plays and screens), zone blitz like there's no tommorow and ALWAYS have a mike linebacker or safety playing spy. If they start the scrambling crap, blitz the corners and play cover 2 with the mlb at spy or blitzing.

7/20/2006, 10:13 PM
I'm using the 360 and while Bomar is unusually slow for what one should expect, there are ways around it. I've got a 3-2 record with the losses coming to pure cheese guys and as long as you utilize OU's absolutely monster omega dominating D you should be good to go. With the slow qb, get the D to start expecting runs up the middle and passes over the flats. Start to hit them with some play action and then go to the out routes. Take advantage of Gresham's speed at TE and then go for the juggular with a screen pass to AD. After that, the D should be good and confused and you can get away with alot if you mix it up. Bomar is slow, but if you run the option run it out of the two te right I form set. The nice thing about this game is that you can actually look at what's going on and respond to it as if it were actual x's and o's and not just an arcade game. If you make the right adjustments, you should do well. One thing to remember aside from being sure to use Gresham and Guitierrez(sp? -use the formation subs, he's great on draw plays and screens), zone blitz like there's no tommorow and ALWAYS have a mike linebacker or safety playing spy. If they start the scrambling crap, blitz the corners and play cover 2 with the mlb at spy or blitzing.
yea, in my first two losses, i was having a lot of trouble defending the option, but i found that playing my two olb's as spys usually helps solve that problem. thanks for the tips, i'm about to go play a little bit more and i'll try some of this stuff out. ymssra

7/21/2006, 12:18 PM
the line is so horrible on this game that 2 or 3 guys can run at me, untouched, at the same time. it's really hard to make plays under that kind of pressure

I bet Bomar was thinking that same thought many times last season.

7/21/2006, 12:53 PM
the best way to avoid a killer rush is to use the snap count to your advantage, make the defense jump early or late, cause if you they have a good jump its gonna be really tough

7/21/2006, 01:01 PM
the best way to avoid a killer rush is to use the snap count to your advantage, make the defense jump early or late, cause if you they have a good jump its gonna be really tough
trust me, even if they jump late, it's a problem:(

7/21/2006, 01:31 PM
trust me, even if they jump late, it's a problem:(

quick shotgun screen passes to paul thomson maybe? either that or just go deep out of the gun. if they're blitzing that much they've got to be in man coverage w/out any safety back there. either way, i'm starting hate playing this game online when everyone and their mother plays as tosu/uf/gtech/and so on. don't know why they can't do something in the game to aviod this 20 step drop back. if you can't get a draw play or a shuttle pass off with the blitz coming at you i'd throw that in with the scramblers as some of the most irritating crap ever.

7/21/2006, 02:22 PM
1. OU's Offensive Line on '07 is terrible. I've never been sacked so many times on this game in the past.

Bomar probably says similar things about the OL in real life.

As for speed, Bomar's running ability didn't seem to me to be based off his speed, but his acceleration and a little bit of that "sixth sense" shiftiness. By that I mean if he's running around the end and a LB is coming, he probably won't juke his completely and keep going, but he'll feel the guy coming at him and make just enough of a shift that the guy doesn't get a solid slam-him-down-hit, so Bomar goes down falling forwards and gets a few extra yards that way.

7/21/2006, 02:43 PM
I bet Bomar was thinking that same thought many times last season.

Bomar probably says similar things about the OL in real life.
wow, way to come up with original posts. if i could neg you twice in one day, trust me, i would. try reading the other posts in the thread before you start posting. it might help you keep yourself from looking like a complete idiot.Hook 'em Hook 'em Hook 'em Hook 'em Hook 'em Hook 'em

7/21/2006, 02:52 PM
wow, way to come up with original posts.

The use of sarcasm to call someone original isn't original either. Neither is saying "Ha I negrepped you and you suck you idiot."

7/21/2006, 02:54 PM
The use of sarcasm to call someone original isn't original either. Neither is saying "Ha I negrepped you and you suck you idiot."
that's funny, i don't remember saying that. however, i do remember saying screw you and your once-every-thirty-five-year posse. and tell me why sarcasm has to be original. you prove one thing: you can't fix stupid.

7/21/2006, 03:42 PM
I have the 360 version and to me AD is slow. Ive never been so po'ed. I can have like 5 yard jump on everyone and he will get tracked down from behind (not on an angle) every time. I am using the sprint trigger also...I dont know, but it drives me crazy, then stupid rb from MTSU will clear the line and be gone for 80 yards and I cant get a db or safety within 5 yards of him.

I think they have AD going dwon to easy also, unless the momentum is up he will drop if a defender even bumps him. He should be tough to take down with no momentum, and a beast with momentum.

The right side of the OL sucks, I dont even try running right unless its between the tackles or something.

I have noticed that you can do a fake snap in this game and draw the D offsides in 07 which is nice.

7/21/2006, 03:46 PM
snrfn4ever08= the new gdc?

7/21/2006, 05:56 PM
They shouldn't release the game with current rosters -- they should always release it with last year's rosters -- or they should always release an updated roster after the first month or two of games.

Because as we always see, it routinely cheeses us off how highly they rank some player / poorly they rank another. I'm sure they nerfed AD some because of his injury (because they looked at his stats, decided he *couldn't* be all that and a box of cookies) last season, which is just lame.

Problem is, players want current rosters -- so obviously EA can't do that, even if it'd make the game accurate. Fact is, no rosters they release in the summer are gonna be accurate for how those players will truly play in the fall.

7/21/2006, 10:52 PM
snrfn4ever08= the new gdc?

7/22/2006, 12:26 AM
Do any of you, 1) live in the Norman / OKC area, and 2) have the rosters for the PS2 yet?

PLEASE !!!??? If you do, and I can rip those from you, PM me.


7/22/2006, 12:32 AM
Do any of you, 1) live in the Norman / OKC area, and 2) have the rosters for the PS2 yet?

PLEASE !!!??? If you do, and I can rip those from you, PM me.

i live in midwest city and i should be getting a memory card with the rosters sometime this week

7/22/2006, 01:05 AM
oh don't sweat it. gdc is the resident whorn-chaser-offer but you're not far behind.:P

7/22/2006, 03:13 AM
Do any of you, 1) live in the Norman / OKC area, and 2) have the rosters for the PS2 yet?

PLEASE !!!??? If you do, and I can rip those from you, PM me.

probably, next week some time i can show you where to download them...
well im guessing since you asked, you dont have a sharkport or maxdrive

as far as OU on the game - we suck
defense is good, but there are alot of teams with good defenses and OU's offense is subpar with that oline and not having a truly dominant wideout
at least for my style of play for a- teams

georgia tech/cal/psu are probably much better a- teams than OU
and i played with Tex tech online tonight, and other than there secondary blowing (partly cause i still try to user pick everything) they were as good or better than OU imo on the game [being they are a b+ team]

arkansas could probably hang with OU too

*part of it might be ive gotten better in the past 2 days - but i like to pass a good bit, and thats not the strong point of the team

7/22/2006, 10:17 AM
oh don't sweat it. gdc is the resident whorn-chaser-offer but you're not far behind.:P
good, that's something i take pride in then. i hate whorns.Hook 'em Hook 'em Hook 'em

7/22/2006, 10:26 AM
ooh, guys. statylzer just gave me some gray spek. i'll be sure never to mess with him again:rolleyes:

7/22/2006, 12:27 PM
paul thompsons attributes aren't that great, but if you need a big play through the air, he's the one to go to. dude pulls down everything on the game. a couple of things i dont like about the game are the angle they out the camera on a return, and on defense you can only cycle through your players one way, so if you go past the one you want, you gotta haul butt through the entire team to get back to him.

7/22/2006, 12:40 PM
paul thompsons attributes aren't that great, but if you need a big play through the air, he's the one to go to. dude pulls down everything on the game. a couple of things i dont like about the game are the angle they out the camera on a return, and on defense you can only cycle through your players one way, so if you go past the one you want, you gotta haul butt through the entire team to get back to him.

on the 360 version (i think it's probably the same on xbox and ps2) if you hold down the B button or the button that's used on the particular version you have you can cycle through the players using the directional pad. makes things much easier

7/22/2006, 09:21 PM
OU HIGHLIGHTS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3GmPDLuaAU)

7/22/2006, 10:36 PM
nice work stinky britches.

7/23/2006, 11:44 PM
So, I'm not playing 2007 (still on 2006 - waiting until I can afford the 360 too) but I just re-created my favorite play ever. The infamous "porkchop in the endzone" play*.

One of my defensive tackles popped the ball loose, scooped it up, and rumbled about 60 yards untouched for a touchdown. Oh, and finished with a dive into the end zone.

* I know PrideTrombone and I refer to that play by that name because when Cory Heinecke did it against Air Force in 2001 we figured the only thing that kept him running that fast was thinking "porkchop in the endzone... PORKCHOP IN THE ENDZONE!" :D

7/24/2006, 12:23 AM
im so desparate for football that ive resorted to watching highlights of a video game. God help us all

7/24/2006, 01:13 AM
ooh, guys. statylzer just gave me some gray spek. i'll be sure never to mess with him again

Lol, good job at making "facts" up out of the air.

8/1/2006, 06:21 AM
more research http://www.utopiacollegesports.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42061
was definitely wrong about arkansas hangin' in my previous post
i wasnt giving enough credit to the OU corners both being solid - that helps a great bit

but penn state, arizona state and georgia tech are overall more talented than OU on the game
but reggie ball cant hit a barn
and cal is about the same as OU - but they have an even better secondary

8/1/2006, 07:43 AM
more research http://www.utopiacollegesports.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42061
was definitely wrong about arkansas hangin' in my previous post
i wasnt giving enough credit to the OU corners both being solid - that helps a great bit

but penn state, arizona state and georgia tech are overall more talented than OU on the game
but reggie ball cant hit a barn
and cal is about the same as OU - but they have an even better secondary

You've got to be kidding me. Is Reggie Ball STILL the quarterback at G Tech?????? What is this the 12 year plan?

Landthief 1972
8/1/2006, 08:40 AM
Thompson's stats aren't great, but he has become my go to guy because he can outjump most defenders. On Varsity setting, Bomar's got pretty good touch on his passes, so I just float the pass high and Thompson jumps up in slo-mo and picks it from over the head of 1-3 defenders (yeah, I shouldn't throw into triple coverage, but sometimes I mash teh wrong button).

First thing I do is tweak the attributes when I get the game. Bomar got more speed, and Peterson got more strength.

8/1/2006, 10:51 AM
Lol, good job at making "facts" up out of the air.
no problem:rolleyes:

8/1/2006, 11:11 AM
I've had to adjust my sliders because Bomar keeps going 19-22, 18-26, 35-43, 13-17, 22-22, 39-49, 25-28.

I mean, come on. Too easy.

So what did I do to make it challenging, besides increasing the CPU's awareness? I run it inside. I only average 1.8 yards per carry, but I keep at it. Peterson went down. Patrick went down. Murray went down. Gute keeps fumbling. I keep pounding it inside. I punt a lot, but hey.

8/1/2006, 11:13 AM
Yeah, about Reggie Ball. He's a senior now and he's played since he was a 5'11'' 185-pound freshmen. He's a good athlete, strong arm, won't light the world on fire, marginal leader and an average player. How is he still starting, half a century later?

Roll On
8/2/2006, 12:07 AM
It's not just with you guys, '07 messed up almost every roster (whether it be huge chunks of the Frosh class missing, messed up stats, or incorrect numbering). I guess I can see why, it's a pretty daunting task to put every D-I player's skills onto a 100 point scale.

Actually though, I've used OU a few times and find them to be pretty good. Peterson is one of the best tackle-shedding backs I've used so far (seems like it's become much harder to break tackles), Bomar has a good arm and good accuracy (although, like every QB in this game, his passes to the middle are prone to interception by the abnormally high-leaping LBs in this game), and you all have plenty of good receiving targets (Adron Tennell is good, as are Thompson and Gresham, and I like to use Murray as a receiving back). The D is good too, but, of course, the CPU scores pretty much whenever the hell they want to so that's moot.

8/8/2006, 11:10 PM
where do they get this idea that Missouri is one of our big rivals?

8/8/2006, 11:30 PM
where do they get this idea that Missouri is one of our big rivals?
don't even try to figure that out. it'll make your head hurt. at least that's what it did to me

8/8/2006, 11:47 PM
how can you all even play with bomar in the game...do this...go to roster update and switch paul's position to QB...guess what his overall rating at QB is after that...91! Obviously too high, but still...why not? or, why would you ever play with bomar if he's not our QB anymore?

Frozen Sooner
8/8/2006, 11:58 PM
Hey, don't ask me. I cut his and Quinn's asses as soon as I could. PT is my 2006 QB and he's lighting it up. Averaging 240 ypg passing and 80 rushing.

Yeah, I need to bump the difficulty up.

8/9/2006, 12:42 AM
Hey, don't ask me. I cut his and Quinn's asses as soon as I could. PT is my 2006 QB and he's lighting it up. Averaging 240 ypg passing and 80 rushing.

Yeah, I need to bump the difficulty up.
don't bump it up to heisman unless you like to see opposing linebackers with 10' vertical leaps.

Landthief 1972
8/9/2006, 08:23 AM
I switched ENA to QB and his deep ball is pretty sloppy. Thankfully, Kelley is a super stud and always seems to get into position to make the catch. Oddly enough, Huggins is having a pretty good year, too. He took PT's spot when I booted Brett Romar. I don't throw to Iglesius much because a lot of his routes are across the middle, which is tough to hit without a pick in 2007.

8/9/2006, 08:27 AM
how can you all even play with bomar in the game...do this...go to roster update and switch paul's position to QB...guess what his overall rating at QB is after that...91! Obviously too high, but still...why not? or, why would you ever play with bomar if he's not our QB anymore?

You cant play with your own rosters online, and I think thats what some of these guys are doing... Online you have to use default rosters... You could sub Thompson to QB once in the game, but you cant change his position...

8/9/2006, 11:51 AM
crossing routes are much easier to hit on 07 than they were on 05

8/9/2006, 12:40 PM
05 receivers couldnt catch any pass

8/9/2006, 12:42 PM
Its better now, especially on man to man, crossing routes work great on man to man...

Landthief 1972
8/9/2006, 12:54 PM
Its better now, especially on man to man, crossing routes work great on man to man...

Well, then maybe I just suck at passing. :D

I'm also that guy that will run AD in the direct snap over and over until the d starts to call a play against it. Who needs stategery when you've got AD going for 20 every play to the outside? :D

8/9/2006, 01:33 PM
I just play NCAA to tide me over til Madden.. I love college football, but they just have never caught that series up to Madden... So i dont even play it online, i played about 10 games and went 8-2... I cant spend too much time off of Madden b/c the release date is coming soon along with the MC...

8/9/2006, 01:33 PM
i finished up the a- teams...

and texas matches perfectly with my defensive play style (use mlb)


im undefeated with cal online though