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7/20/2006, 12:17 AM
i've read the book a couple of times and wanted to check out the series on TNT. i noticed it has some pretty decent actors. anyone here checked it out yet? are they just picking out the best shorts from the book?

7/20/2006, 12:21 AM
I watched part of it. It didnt really hold my attention.

But I am sure if I hadnt been eating and playing with my dog, it might have been more interesting.

7/20/2006, 12:24 AM
did you read the book? it would probably be easier to follow, i imagine.

7/20/2006, 05:09 AM
I caught the first two episodes.

The first one was cool, no commercials. They didn't suck, but they weren't exactly memorable either. I can't even remember what the first two were about, I only remember that I had no trouble sitting through thtem both and didn't feel the need to channel surf.

One of the next ones has William H macy in it I think....I hope it wasn't on last night...or I missed it.

7/20/2006, 06:47 AM
I liked the first one, Battleground, with William Hurt. It's not in the book "Nightmares..." tho, it's in Night Shift, I believe.

The 2nd one, Crouch End, was okay. I had forgotten what it was about so I reread it after I watched it, and that helped to make better sense of the show.

I haven't watched anymore yet, I have them recorded tho.

7/20/2006, 06:49 AM
One of the next ones has William H macy in it I think....I hope it wasn't on last night...or I missed it.
Oh yeah... last week they replayed them the next night, so you might check again tonight if you missed it last night.

7/20/2006, 07:11 AM

Batleground was pretty cool.

7/20/2006, 09:14 AM
it's on tonight, 10 central. "umney's last case"- will macy, and "the end of the whole mess"- ron livingston. the end of the whole mess is the one where they are experimenting with the water and you see his handwriting at the end. one of my favorites.

7/25/2006, 07:58 AM
I finally watched "end of the whole mess" last night and I liked it. Not bad at all. At least it's something to watch while I'm waiting for Lost, CSI, ER, etc to come back this fall.

7/25/2006, 08:00 AM
it's on tonight, 10 central. "umney's last case"- will macy, and "the end of the whole mess"- ron livingston. the end of the whole mess is the one where they are experimenting with the water and you see his handwriting at the end. one of my favorites.

What handwriting?

7/25/2006, 09:23 AM
I got distracted when Umney's was on, so I missed End of the Whole Mess. Mess is one of my favorite stories, probably 2nd to that one where the drug dealer gets stranded on the island alone.