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View Full Version : It sure went from...

7/19/2006, 07:09 PM
...these Americans in Lebanon should pay $150.00 each to get out of Lebanon to Cypress to...

We are sending in the Marines to get them.

Opinions on why this happened?

7/19/2006, 07:15 PM
...these Americans in Lebanon should pay $150.00 each to get out of Lebanon to Cypress to...

Who was saying this? Not that I disagree. I'm sure Beruit is on the State Department's List of Places You Should Really Think Twice About Visiting.

7/19/2006, 07:19 PM
I suppose it depends on why they were there. People that have a good reason to be there probably should receive assistance to get out. If they're there vacationing, the onus should be on them to pay. I don't know who decides that, however.

7/19/2006, 07:24 PM
I think it all started in Anderson Cooper's Blog, but I'm sure there were more taxpayers who found that U.S. Citizens who went into Lebanon and did not registar with the State Dept during their visit, were very foolish. I don't think anyone should have to pay to get out of there...but I think Americans should be more conscience of registaring when going abroad from now on...especially if it's considered a hot zone.

7/19/2006, 07:30 PM
I think it all started in Anderson Cooper's Blog, but I'm sure there were more taxpayers who found that U.S. Citizens who went into Lebanon and did not registar with the State Dept during their visit, were very foolish. I don't think anyone should have to pay to get out of there...but I think Americans should be more conscience of registaring when going abroad from now on...especially if it's considered a hot zone.

oh i think they should have to pay, Like you said they knew it was a hot zone when they went. If they want out they should have to pay

7/19/2006, 07:31 PM
Do the Marines take American Express?

7/19/2006, 07:38 PM
Do the Marines take American Express?

Well, i dont think they should foot the bill for the Marines. Well, hell yea make them pay,, I mean how much does it cost to invade a small country anyway.:D

Or I really meant $150.00 bucks aint bad

7/19/2006, 07:39 PM
Do the Marines take American Express?
Nope just Visa :)