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View Full Version : Watched Depp's "The Libertine" last night

7/18/2006, 12:32 PM
Syphillis in the pre-penicillin age was a rank beyotch.

7/18/2006, 12:52 PM
What is that flick about (other than some guy that's a Libertine)? Seems like it was only in theaters for a couple of weeks.

7/18/2006, 12:58 PM
Its actually pretty entertaining if you like historic themes. Its about a minor English nobleman who also happend to be a playwright. Its set in the Restoration era shortly after the coronation of Charles II when England sort of rebounded from puritanical Cromwellian rule. The folks with money sort of go hog-wild skronking everything and everybody in sight. The poor people continue to live in the mud as they always had.

Depp's character is among the worst of the sort. A "libertine" is an archaic term for someone who doesn't consider wedlock a prerequisite to "taking liberties" with hawt chicks.

Eventually, he kinda goes overboard.

7/18/2006, 01:06 PM
Sounds interesting.

I thought it was about some guy who was for drug legalization and conservative economics. ;)