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7/9/2006, 03:41 PM
Most people including myself have said that the o-line is the key to us being a great team or a good team...While we return alot of players with experience we do not necessarily return alot of experience. O-line is always a tough position to just watch at practice and see how good they will be as far as playing together, but I got this quote from Coach Wilson that has me excited due to the fact that I heard nothing last summer about how good our line could be, let me know what you think??
"I think our line is going to be significantly better than most people expect it to be," Wilson said. "And I think it's got a chance to be pretty good."

Man I hope he is right

7/9/2006, 03:48 PM
Most people including myself have said that the o-line is the key to us being a great team or a good team...While we return alot of players with experience we do not necessarily return alot of experience. O-line is always a tough position to just watch at practice and see how good they will be as far as playing together, but I got this quote from Coach Wilson that has me excited due to the fact that I heard nothing last summer about how good our line could be, let me know what you think??
"I think our line is going to be significantly better than most people expect it to be," Wilson said. "And I think it's got a chance to be pretty good."

Man I hope he is right
Me too. I think we'll have a better one than people expect. Which is good for us IMHO. I like nothing more but preseason doubts from the media towards us. It gives our boys an edge.

7/9/2006, 04:12 PM
We need the offensive line to be good if we want to compete for a National Championship.

The Consumate Showman
7/9/2006, 04:38 PM
I think with Messner, Dukezilla, Braxton, Cooper, Quinn, Walker, Moore, Baressi, hopefully Simmons (BTW, has there ever been any definite update on how serious Brian's injury was?), Schacht, and the other high schoolers (Brandon, Bailey, Williams, Beeler) we have coming in, I think we should be much improved over last year's squad.

But you know guys, being a fromer O-Lineman myself, it is very hard to come together as a collective group when there are internal doubts as to where respective guys are going to fit along the line. I really do think that Akim M. and Brandon Keith were being looked at by KW last year as starters and when they just up and quit, I think that more than likely contributed to the dissention along the line for the first half of the season.

What people always forget to look at is the whole body of work our line did last year and everyone HAS to admit that once everyone knew their role about half-way through the season, our line settled down and really protected Rhett. The big problem was that KW was having to do a spring adjustment job in the middle of the season and I think we should give him some real credit for figuring out where everyone was best suited to play and helping those guys mesh and come together as a unit.

I am particularly excited about our O-line this year and think that if we can sign the Romine kid this year along with another solid 4 or 5 star O-Lineman or two, we should be a SOLID unit for the next few years...

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
7/9/2006, 05:31 PM
he said that last year too. then millington quit...

7/9/2006, 07:57 PM
he said that last year too. then millington quit...

I'll go with the glass is half-full theory...he's got to get it right some year:D

7/9/2006, 10:18 PM
he said that last year too. then millington quit...
Hey, everybody was drinking the koolaid this time last year....then the TCU trainwreck happened. There are fewer unknowns this year ... the glass is half full.http://blogs.zdnet.com/images/icedteahalfempty.jpg

7/9/2006, 10:20 PM
I'll go with the glass is half-full theory...he's got to get it right some year:D

Awww, jkm'll get that o-line thorn pulled out of from under his skin someday.

We hope.


7/9/2006, 11:03 PM
I think with Messner, Dukezilla, Braxton, Cooper, Quinn, Walker, Moore, Baressi, hopefully Simmons (BTW, has there ever been any definite update on how serious Brian's injury was?), Schacht, and the other high schoolers (Brandon, Bailey, Williams, Beeler) we have coming in, I think we should be much improved over last year's squad.

But you know guys, being a fromer O-Lineman myself, it is very hard to come together as a collective group when there are internal doubts as to where respective guys are going to fit along the line. I really do think that Akim M. and Brandon Keith were being looked at by KW last year as starters and when they just up and quit, I think that more than likely contributed to the dissention along the line for the first half of the season.

What people always forget to look at is the whole body of work our line did last year and everyone HAS to admit that once everyone knew their role about half-way through the season, our line settled down and really protected Rhett. The big problem was that KW was having to do a spring adjustment job in the middle of the season and I think we should give him some real credit for figuring out where everyone was best suited to play and helping those guys mesh and come together as a unit.

I am particularly excited about our O-line this year and think that if we can sign the Romine kid this year along with another solid 4 or 5 star O-Lineman or two, we should be a SOLID unit for the next few years...
i'd help give some insight on this because i too am a former offensive lineman, but our team sucked and i hated playing there(no offense to anyone who plays/played O-line, it just wasn't my thing), so i don't really have much insight to give, but IMHO, if we have a good line this year, say hello to our 8th national championshipHook 'em

7/9/2006, 11:53 PM
it will take alot more than a good oline to bring in another championship

but i agree - this oline is much more talented and not that much less experienced than last years group outside of davin
the rest of the guys last year were pretty much career backups
and if nothing else, the constant reshuffling of the line was definitely a hindrance that i hope this years squad doesnt go through

7/9/2006, 11:57 PM
Doesn't the line know it will be easier for them and for us if they're just good and get the job done?:D

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
7/10/2006, 12:06 AM
Awww, jkm'll get that o-line thorn pulled out of from under his skin someday.

We hope.


well, we've only lost 1 this year instead of our normal 80. that's a start...

The Consumate Showman
7/10/2006, 04:40 PM
Is Jessee White ever going to get over his back problems? If not...what a waste.

The Consumate Showman
7/10/2006, 04:41 PM
I say OUr O-Line will elevate OUr team this year becuase I believe OUr D will be back among America's elite in every facet of D this year...

7/10/2006, 05:09 PM
well, we've only lost 1 this year instead of our normal 80. that's a start...

That's the most optimistic post I've evar seen you type in regards to our Oline.


7/11/2006, 11:43 AM
Man, I'd love to be able to read something positive into Coach Wilson's comments. Problem is, they sound to me suspiciously like "Coach Speak", in other words, the blandly optimistic stuff you almost always hear out of the coaches this time of year.

I hope I'm wrong.

I will say this, however: I'm very glad we've got Wilson calling some shots on offense -- and still believe he was an excellent hire. I'm just not convinced the O-line problem has been "solved".

I'll be more than happy to be proven wrong come the start of the season, obviously :D

7/11/2006, 11:48 AM
I don't think we have the star power of a Jamaal Brown or even Davin Joseph, but I think our overall talent and experience level is better than this time last year.

Jason White's Third Knee
7/11/2006, 05:15 PM
he said that last year too. then millington quit...

A dang ol' party pooper. That's what you are.