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View Full Version : Since last week's renewal of the fat jihad 2006...

Tear Down This Wall
7/5/2006, 01:23 PM
I've lost 2 measly pounds...back down to 198. But, the good news I started lifting weights again and was able to bench 215 right out of the box. I didn't know if I could go over 200 after laying off for so long.

7/5/2006, 02:18 PM
Can you donate some weight to me? I'm nearly 6' and 125 points. I needs to gain weight...but that would mean eating unhealty...which I refuse to do!

7/5/2006, 02:22 PM


Tear Down This Wall
7/5/2006, 03:03 PM
Can you donate some weight to me? I'm nearly 6' and 125 points. I needs to gain weight...but that would mean eating unhealty...which I refuse to do!

You can't possibly be 6', 125. I mean, salt pickled crackers, dude! I'm 5'9" and going 198! You need to start eating those Brian Bosworth shakes - milk, ice cream, peanut butter, eggs, etc.