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View Full Version : Oh frabjous day!

7/5/2006, 10:26 AM
Calloo! Callay!
Daughter #1 just called to tell me that she received her first real paycheck, for working as a lifeguard at a local pool. I welcomed her to the world of the "working poor," but I couldn't maintain the slightest bit of cynicism because there was so much pure delight in her giggly voice. It made me proud to know that she appreciated it so much. There's nothing like EARNING something, and I hope she continues to enjoy the feeling many, many times throughout her life.

That is all.

7/5/2006, 10:35 AM
She spent it already didn't she?

7/5/2006, 10:36 AM
Her life has changed forever.

But...in a good way.

7/5/2006, 10:37 AM
I trust you have counseled her on the potential liability inherent in such work.;)