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6/30/2006, 02:50 PM
http://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/email_obama.jpg (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=31246606&url_num=1&url=http://www.dscc.org/)

http://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/email_usa_final6.gif (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=31246606&url_num=2&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060623_obama_rs_OP.jsp)Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said that "The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice."
Dr. King was right, it does bend toward justice.
But it doesn't bend on its own. It bends because for over two hundred years, we have had the courage to put our hands on that arc and move it in the direction of opportunity, equality, and justice.
It bends because people are willing to run for office and stand up for the America they believe in. And it bends because millions of other Americans are willing to volunteer, and make phone calls, and knock on doors, and talk to their friends and neighbors, and write checks large and small because they believe too.
This November, these efforts will culminate in a historic opportunity to bring back the America we dream of. When Democrats retake the Senate, we will show that we don't have to settle for the Republican agenda of fear and division anymore.
We don't have to settle for a Republican agenda that tells us we can find the money to give Paris Hilton more tax cuts, but we can't find enough to protect our ports or our railroads or our chemical plants or our borders.
We don't have to settle for the closed-door deals that give billions to the HMOs when we're told that we can't do a thing for the 45 million uninsured or the millions more who can't pay their medical bills.
And we don't have to settle for a Republican agenda that gives billions away to the oil companies and then tells us we can't invest in the renewable energy that will create jobs and lower gas prices and finally free us from our dependence on the oil wells of Saudi Arabia.
Only a Democratic Senate can restore the values we hold so dear. As I write this message, Democrats running for Senate are winning. We are ahead or tied in five of seven targeted races - even against well-known and well-financed Republican incumbents. There are many, many reasons to believe.
But if we are going to win, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the largest national organization supporting the election of Democrats to the US Senate, must raise $1 million dollars before June 30th and its FEC filing deadline to close the fundraising gap with the Republicans.
Never before have Senate Democrats been so united behind one singular goal. To help us blow past our fundraising target, a group of Democratic Senators have agreed to match your donations dollar for dollar - meaning that your gift is instantly doubled. If you have ever thought of giving to the DSCC, now is the time.
Please make a secure online contribution of $50, $75 or more. Your donation will help the DSCC elect Democrats in Senate races across the country. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=31246606&url_num=3&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060623_obama_rs_OP.jsp)
The news from across the country is good, but no one thinks winning control of the Senate will be easy. The voters are with us, but we face opponents who have twice as much money as we do -- and they're spending it early and often.
The National Republican Senatorial Committee is already running television and radio ads smearing Democratic challenger Jon Tester - a farmer whose family goes back three generations in Montana - as too liberal for the state. They're singing from their same tired song book -- gay marriage, flag burning, higher taxes. We can't let them do it this time - and we won't.
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is responding to the Montana attack ads, but this is just the first of many, many such ads to come in tight races all across the country. The DSCC must be ready to respond to Republican attacks wherever and whenever they occur. But it is not enough simply to respond. We need your help so that Democrats can define themselves before negative campaigning begins. As Mark Twain said, "A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth even gets its boots on."
I believe that the best America is ahead of us. I believe that someday soon, we will live in a nation where all children can receive an affordable, world-class education, where our workers have good health care and secure jobs, and where our homeland is both safe and free. I believe our friends and neighbors are ready for a change - they're ready to reject the leaders who don't think government should even try to solve big challenges.
I believe we can make it happen. Please do what you can to help.
Please make a secure online contribution of $50, $75 or more. Your donation will help the DSCC elect Democrats in Senate races across the country. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=31246606&url_num=4&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060623_obama_rs_OP.jsp)
Now is the time for action. With your support, the DSCC can make sure that our candidates increase their leads this summer - and pull ahead to victory in November. Electing a Democratic Senate is the first step toward turning this nation around.

Barack Obama

P.S. Be sure to let your friends and neighbors know that Democratic Senate candidates are winning across the country - even against longtime Republican incumbents. Please ask them to make a contribution to the DSCC in any amount they can afford.

http://admin.dscc.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/nd_joindscchead.gifWhen you make a contribution today, the DSCC will put your money to work right away in the campaign to put a stop to George Bush's extreme agenda.

If you received this message from a friend, click this button to join the DSCC.http://www.dscc.org/img/emailbtn_donate.gif (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=31246606&url_num=6&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060623_obama_rs_OP.jsp)
http://admin.dscc.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/nd_emailbtn_join.gif (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=31246606&url_num=7&url=http://admin.dscc.org/dia/organizations/dscc/signUp.jsp?key=9) http://admin.dscc.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/nd_emailfooter.gif

6/30/2006, 02:51 PM
Best thread evar.

6/30/2006, 02:53 PM
http://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/email_gore.jpg (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=32255429&url_num=1&url=http://www.dscc.org/)

http://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/email_usa_final7.gif (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=32255429&url_num=2&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060627_gore_AP5.jsp)In all my years in public life, I have never seen leaders that act with the contempt for the truth as I have witnessed in George Bush's administration.
The evidence now makes it hard to avoid the conclusion that George Bush has repeatedly and insistently broken the law and the corrupt Republican Congress has shirked its constitutional duty to hold him to account.
In my view, a president who breaks the law poses a threat to the very foundation of our democracy. As Americans with a stake in the future of our country, we must act quickly and decisively. We have less than five months to win the six seats we need to control the Senate -- and pull our country back from the brink of a constitutional crisis.
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is leading the fight to restore a Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate that will put the brakes on Bush's unprecedented expansion of power. The DSCC has one job and one job only -- to close the fundraising gap between Democrats and Republicans running for Senate in all the key states. Early television ads and field organizing during the third quarter are critical to success in November -- we need your help before June 30.
To help us surpass our fundraising target, a group of Democratic Senators have agreed to match your donations dollar for dollar -- meaning that your gift is instantly doubled. If you have ever thought of contributing to the DSCC, now is the time.
Please make a secure online donation to the DSCC of $50, $75 or more to help reach our $1 million goal before June 30th. Please do not wait on the sidelines -- every minute counts, every dollar counts. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=32255429&url_num=3&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060627_gore_AP5.jsp)
I first ran for Congress in 1976, served eight years in the House, eight years in the Senate, and ran in national campaigns four times -- two for president and two as vice president. I know what it takes to win.
There is a great debate among us about whether we should run campaigns that turn out our base voters or spend our resources persuading swing voters. I ask you not to make Democrats choose -- we need both strategies to prevail. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has a comprehensive month-by-month plan to win Senate races across the country and elect a Democratic majority in November. We need your help to implement that plan. Making a contribution to the DSCC today is the strongest statement you can make that you will not allow George Bush and his Senate allies to trample the Constitution.
Please make a secure online donation to the DSCC of $50, $75 or more to help reach our $1 million goal before June 30th. Please do not put this message aside -- every minute counts, every dollar counts. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=32255429&url_num=4&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060627_gore_AP5.jsp)
Even in the age of the Internet, television ads are crucial for introducing candidates to the voters. The DSCC faces an enormous challenge because our candidates are running against well-known Republican incumbents. As they prepare to fight the coming air war, Democrats are already feeling the effects of Republicans' special interest fundraising advantage. We're counting on small grassroots donations to close the gap.
Almost as many resources are needed for a modern-day field effort. The DSCC is leading the way in an unprecedented voter identification program in fourteen states, including door-to-door canvassing, phone banks, direct mail, and more -- and sharing our information with state and local parties. This field work must be completed during July and August if our candidates are to be competitive in the fall.
I am writing to you because you are the heart and soul of the Democratic Party. It is people like you who have the power to control America's future -- and the world's. Please take immediate action today. Together, we can elect a Democratic Senate and stand up to the Bush's administration's truly breathtaking disregard for American values.
Al Gore
P.S. I know you have friends, family, co-workers and neighbors who want to end George Bush's nightmarish regime. Please forward this message and ask them to make a donation to help elect a Democratic Senate and put a stop to his radical agenda.

6/30/2006, 02:54 PM
http://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/email_edwards.jpg (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=34138602&url_num=1&url=http://www.dscc.org/)
http://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/email_usa_final9.gif (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=34138602&url_num=2&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060629_edwards_AP5.jsp)Day after day, I am stunned by the callousness of George Bush's presidency. Two thousand five hundred American soldiers killed in Iraq is "just a number," according to White House Press Secretary Tony Snow. Thousands of our most vulnerable are stranded in the New Orleans Superdome after Katrina while the Bush administration looks the other way. Millionaires get tax breaks while children and seniors go without health care and other basic human needs. As far as I'm concerned, George Bush is the worst president in my lifetime.
To protect American families from further harm, we must stop the Bush administration's extreme agenda at the next possible opportunity. One of the most important things we can do is elect a Democratic Senate this November.
You can help get our country back on track by supporting the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee today. On June 30th, we face a critical fundraising deadline in our efforts to close the gap between Democrats and Republicans running for Senate. As I write this message, the DSCC is just under $100,000 away from meeting its $1 million goal. Every dollar you contribute before the deadline will be personally matched by a group of Democratic Senators. If you have ever thought about making a contribution, the moment to make a difference is right now. We need your support today to make or break this goal.
Please make a secure online contribution of $50, $75 or more. The DSCC will put your contribution to work immediately in the campaign to stop George Bush's extreme agenda. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=34138602&url_num=3&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060629_edwards_AP5.jsp)

We must take immediate action for two main reasons.
First, we must restore our country's moral leadership in the world, especially as it pertains to the war in Iraq. It's no secret that America's credibility and influence have been hobbled by George Bush's actions during the past six years. In too many places around the globe, the idea of American leadership seems like a contradiction. The Bush administration has turned a blind eye, and has done nothing to change its failed policy in Iraq. A Democratic Senate will stand up to this administration and hold it accountable for its mistakes and failed priorities.
Second, under George Bush's callous leadership, our government has done nothing to address the growing gap between rich and poor - the most dangerous threat to our national character as a land of opportunity. Thirty-seven million of our own people are living in poverty and despair - George Bush's response is bloated deals for government contractors in Iraq and giveaways to the oil and gas industry. Just last week, the Republicans in the Senate blocked Senator Kennedy's attempt to raise the minimum wage - which has not been increased in almost ten years. This is not simply wrong. It is downright mean-spirited.
We all pay a price when the American Dream no longer seems American. The Republicans in Washington, D.C. have left a trail of wreckage at home and abroad. The best way to stop them is to elect a Democratic Senate in November. We need your help to meet and exceed the DSCC's $1 million end-of-quarter goal. Please help today.
Please make a secure online contribution of $50, $75 or more. The DSCC will put your contribution to work immediately in the campaign to stop George Bush's extreme agenda. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=34138602&url_num=4&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060629_edwards_AP5.jsp)
A group of Democratic Senators will match your donation dollar-for-dollar, effectively doubling your contribution. Democrats running for Senate are ahead or tied in five of seven targeted races - even as they challenge better-known and better-financed Republican incumbents.
There is nothing we can't accomplish, as Americans and as Democrats. Please do not stand on the sidelines and wait for someone else to act. The power to stop George Bush's callous presidency is in your hands.
The DSCC is counting on you. Please make a contribution today.
John Edwards
P.S. I know you have friends and family who are as concerned about the future as you are. Please forward this message and ask them to join you in stopping the Bush agenda today with a contribution to the DSCC. Together, we can elect a Democratic Senate.

6/30/2006, 02:55 PM
Wow, they went up 150K in minutes.

6/30/2006, 02:55 PM
http://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/email_obama.jpg (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=29599912&url_num=1&url=http://www.dscc.org/)

http://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/email_usa_final4.gif (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=29599912&url_num=2&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060620_obama_OP.jsp)Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said that "The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice."
Dr. King was right, it does bend toward justice.
But it doesn't bend on its own. It bends because for over two hundred years, we have had the courage to put our hands on that arc and move it in the direction of opportunity, equality, and justice.
It bends because people are willing to run for office and stand up for the America they believe in. And it bends because millions of other Americans are willing to volunteer, and make phone calls, and knock on doors, and talk to their friends and neighbors, and write checks large and small because they believe too.
This November, these efforts will culminate in a historic opportunity to bring back the America we dream of. When Democrats retake the Senate, we will show that we don't have to settle for the Republican agenda of fear and division anymore.
We don't have to settle for a Republican agenda that tells us we can find the money to give Paris Hilton more tax cuts, but we can't find enough to protect our ports or our railroads or our chemical plants or our borders.
We don't have to settle for the closed-door deals that give billions to the HMOs when we're told that we can't do a thing for the 45 million uninsured or the millions more who can't pay their medical bills.
And we don't have to settle for a Republican agenda that gives billions away to the oil companies and then tells us we can't invest in the renewable energy that will create jobs and lower gas prices and finally free us from our dependence on the oil wells of Saudi Arabia.
Only a Democratic Senate can restore the values we hold so dear. As I write this message, Democrats running for Senate are winning. We are ahead or tied in five of seven targeted races - even against well-known and well-financed Republican incumbents. There are many, many reasons to believe.
But if we are going to win, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the largest national organization supporting the election of Democrats to the US Senate, must raise $1 million dollars before June 30th and its FEC filing deadline to close the fundraising gap with the Republicans.
Never before have Senate Democrats been so united behind one singular goal. To help us blow past our fundraising target, a group of Democratic Senators have agreed to match your donations dollar for dollar - meaning that your gift is instantly doubled. If you have ever thought of giving to the DSCC, now is the time.
Please make a secure online contribution of $50, $75 or more. Your donation will help the DSCC elect Democrats in Senate races across the country. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=29599912&url_num=3&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060620_obama_OP.jsp)
The news from across the country is good, but no one thinks winning control of the Senate will be easy. The voters are with us, but we face opponents who have twice as much money as we do -- and they're spending it early and often.
The National Republican Senatorial Committee is already running television and radio ads smearing Democratic challenger Jon Tester - a farmer whose family goes back three generations in Montana - as too liberal for the state. They're singing from their same tired song book -- gay marriage, flag burning, higher taxes. We can't let them do it this time - and we won't.
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is responding to the Montana attack ads, but this is just the first of many, many such ads to come in tight races all across the country. The DSCC must be ready to respond to Republican attacks wherever and whenever they occur. But it is not enough simply to respond. We need your help so that Democrats can define themselves before negative campaigning begins. As Mark Twain said, "A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth even gets its boots on."
I believe that the best America is ahead of us. I believe that someday soon, we will live in a nation where all children can receive an affordable, world-class education, where our workers have good health care and secure jobs, and where our homeland is both safe and free. I believe our friends and neighbors are ready for a change - they're ready to reject the leaders who don't think government should even try to solve big challenges.
I believe we can make it happen. Please do what you can to help.
Please make a secure online contribution of $50, $75 or more. Your donation will help the DSCC elect Democrats in Senate races across the country. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=29599912&url_num=4&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060620_obama_OP.jsp)
Now is the time for action. With your support, the DSCC can make sure that our candidates increase their leads this summer - and pull ahead to victory in November. Electing a Democratic Senate is the first step toward turning this nation around.

Barack Obama

P.S. Be sure to let your friends and neighbors know that Democratic Senate candidates are winning across the country - even against longtime Republican incumbents. Please ask them to make a contribution to the DSCC in any amount they can afford.

6/30/2006, 02:55 PM
make that 500K

6/30/2006, 02:56 PM
boom, 700K dissapears, tax and spend democrats. :D

6/30/2006, 02:57 PM
http://admin.dscc.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/nd_emailhead.gif (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=29060746&url_num=1&url=http://www.dscc.org/)
"The threat of the Democrats taking the majority in the House this November is very real."

Congressman Tom Reynolds, Republican (NY)

Chairman, National Republican Congressional Committee

This one is from Nancy Pelosi :P

In a candid moment Congressman Reynolds uttered what independent political observers having been saying for some time.
The fact is no Republican will be safe in 2006.
A few months ago, the campaign map featured fewer than two dozen competitive House races and political analysts dismissed our plans to restore the Democratic majority as wishful thinking. Today, more than 50 races are deemed 'competitive' with 40 of them Republican, and pundits now say that Democratic gains are almost certain.
The 2006 elections give us the best chance in more than a decade to reclaim the majority in Congress. And, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is doing everything in its power to seize this historic opportunity to win a Democratic majority in the U.S. House of Representatives.
I know that committed activists like you are an essential part of our strategy for victory. That's why I am asking you today to join the fight with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the only national party committee committed to electing a Democratic House.
Join the DCCC's Campaign for a Democratic Congress. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=29060746&url_num=2&url=http://www.dccc.org/get_involved/join_our_campaign/)
As the official campaign arm of House Democrats, the DCCC is fighting harder, better, and more efficiently than ever. The DCCC has recruited the strongest field of challengers in Democratic Party history, provided our candidates better funding than ever before, and launched an aggressive voter outreach effort that includes our earliest-ever TV, radio and online ads, as well as fact-based web sites exposing the voting records and campaign contributions of GOP incumbents.
As a result, far more Republican than Democratic seats are in play, and the DCCC is almost neck-and-neck with the NRCC in cash on hand -- putting us in excellent position to achieve the 15-seat gain we need to win the majority in the House.
By getting plugged in with the DCCC's campaign, you will be part of our historic effort and receive the latest insider information on the polls, the ads, and the Democrats' strategy to reclaim a Democratic majority. To win a Democratic House, we need as many grassroots activists as possible on the ground nationwide to help push us over the edge.
Join the DCCC's Campaign for a Democratic Congress. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=29060746&url_num=3&url=http://www.dccc.org/get_involved/join_our_campaign/)
The Republicans' agenda has left Americans behind. They have systematically abused the authority of their offices, running roughshod over our American tradition of checks and balances in order to push President Bush's misguided agenda.
You can help end one-party rule and restore common sense and compassion to your government by helping to elect a Democratic Congress in November. With a Democratic majority we will take America in a new direction. We will raise the minimum wage; allow Medicare to bargain for lower prescription drugs prices for our seniors; reinstate rules demanding that new spending and tax cuts be accounted for and offset in the budget; cut in half the interest rates on student loans; and implement all the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.
Together, we can stop the Bush agenda cold this November. The opportunity is here for us and winning is within reach. However, it is far from certain. If Rove and company know one thing, it is how to win elections. And if past is prologue, they will do or say anything to win. We need the support of Democrats nationwide, to make a Democratic House a reality.

Join the DCCC's Campaign for a Democratic Congress. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=29060746&url_num=4&url=http://www.dccc.org/get_involved/join_our_campaign/)

Nancy Pelosi
House Democratic Leader

P.S. -- We know what's coming next with the Republicans' special-interest money: unlimited funding of attacks, deception, obstacles to counting votes, and every new underhanded tactic that strategists like Rove can devise. Will you join me in saying, "Enough is enough?" Join the campaign to help get America back on track: Join the DCCC today

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6/30/2006, 02:59 PM
Best thread evar.

I concur.

6/30/2006, 03:00 PM
http://admin.dscc.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/nd_emailhead.gif (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=26764840&url_num=1&url=http://www.dscc.org/)

Each week, Senator Frist and the Republican Leadership make choices about the Senate agenda. They could focus our work on record high gas prices, the war in Iraq, or skyrocketing health care costs.
But there's an ugly truth: it's election season and down-in-the-polls Republicans are turning to their same old playbook - fear and division. Next week, Bill Frist, in an attempt to appease extreme right wing elements of the Republican Party, has promised that the Senate will vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment and attempt to write discrimination into the Constitution for the first time in 230 years.
Join me in telling Senator Frist, "The Senate should be working on real issues - not writing discrimination into the Constitution" by visiting the DSCC's website:
http://www.dscc.org/realissues (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=26764840&url_num=2&url=http://www.dscc.org/realissues)
This divisive and unnecessary amendment that would undermine the Constitution has overwhelmingly failed each time the Senate has voted on it. We don't need another Terri Schiavo moment where we spend valuable time away from the important work that needs to be done. Now, more than ever, it's time to focus on security, solutions for the high cost of healthcare and gas prices.
But you know Bill Frist and the Republican Leadership can't be trusted to address real issues. After all, Senate Republicans and their big oil friends have forced more than ten votes to drill for oil in ANWR, but not a single vote to lower gas prices. They spent months trying to privatize Social Security, but Bill Frist can't find room in the schedule to raise the minimum wage or provide funding for Stem Cell research.
We need a President and a Congress that doesn't play divisive politics. At a time of war, Republicans should unite the country and focus on the real issues, not divide and undermine its founding principles.
http://www.dscc.org/realissues (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=26764840&url_num=3&url=http://www.dscc.org/realissues)
Thank you,
Harry Reid

6/30/2006, 03:01 PM
http://admin.dscc.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/nd_emailhead.gif (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=25891830&url_num=1&url=http://www.dscc.org/)

I know that you hear a lot of optimism from me. The more I learn about races around the country, the more convinced I am that Democrats are going to win in November.
But I also know that it's easy to just chalk that up as rah-rah sentiment from the DSCC. The thing is, I'm not the only one starting to believe it.
Just take a look at what the media has been saying about our chances:
These respected pundits all agree. Democrats are ready to win in November.
Arizona: New poll shows Democrat Jim Pederson surging
One reason I'm so optimistic is the latest huge news from Arizona. The most recent poll shows that Democrat Jim Pederson has pulled within 7 points of Republican incumbent Jon Kyl.
This race was hardly on the radar screen when the cycle began, but Pederson has cut Kyl's lead by 22 points, just since January. We are now within striking distance in Arizona.

http://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/dscctvbadge.jpg (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=25891830&url_num=2&url=http://www.dscc.org/news/multimedia/20060602_dscctv/)Ohio: New episode of DSCC TV

DSCC Political Director Guy Cecil is back with another episode of DSCC TV. This time, he's talking about Ohio, where Mike DeWine is feeling the heat for his rock-solid support for George Bush.
You can watch this exclusive video briefing at DSCC.org:
http://www.dscc.org/news/multimedia/20060602_dscctv/ (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=25891830&url_num=3&url=http://www.dscc.org/news/multimedia/20060602_dscctv/)
Stay tuned for the next episode of DSCC TV!
Pennsylvania: Santorum doesn't live there anymore
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette said it best: "[Rick Santorum] doesn't live here anymore."
That's about the only conclusion you can draw from the recent revelations that Santorum's house in Penn Hills, PA is virtually empty. No one has lived there for months. And the Post-Gazette's mail was returned as undeliverable.
Santorum's response to the allegations has been downright bizarre. Instead of immediately denying the charges, he went on a Philadelphia radio talk show and accused Democratic operatives of "trespassing" on his property and "looking in [his] windows."
Let me say that again. His only defense is to attack the messenger.
If Santorum sounds desperate, it's because he is. The latest polls show Democrat Bob Casey beating him by an impressive 13 points. There's a lot of race left to run in Pennsylvania, but now that voters know that Santorum doesn't even live there anymore, he's going to have a huge uphill climb.
Pennsylvania (Again): Rick Santorum's special interest friends
Now that Santorum is an outsider himself, it only makes sense that he's still getting help from his out-of-state special interest friends.
Remember that shady Republican advocacy organization - Americans for Job Security - that has poured more than $1.5 million of TV advertising into the campaign? Well, they're back again this week with a brand new ad targeting Bob Casey.
AJS is nothing more than a front group for Rick Santorum's most unsavory friends. They have known ties to Karl Rove, those Swift Boat Veterans, and the pharmaceutical industry. They also seem to have a lot of money that they're willing to spend in support of Santorum's reelection.
Bob Casey and other Democratic Senate candidates across the country need your help to compete. Make a contribution today and you'll help the DSCC give them the resources they need to fight back Republicans like Rick Santorum and his cronies.
Click here to make a secure online contribution of $50, $75, or more. You - our online grassroots community - can help us level the playing field. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=25891830&url_num=4&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060602_lewis_OP.jsp)
Rhode Island: Chafee in trouble
Sen. Lincoln Chafee is pouring nearly $300,000 into television ads in Rhode Island - just to win his Republican primary! Incumbent senators basically never lose in the primary. Heck, most of them don't even draw an opponent.
But Chafee is in serious trouble in his race against former Cranston Mayor Steve Laffey. The latest polls show the campaign is neck and neck. Even if Chafee wins, he is absolutely vulnerable in November. I can't wait.
Anne Lewis

6/30/2006, 03:03 PM
http://admin.dscc.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/nd_emailhead.gif (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=24885749&url_num=1&url=http://www.dscc.org/)

[/URL][URL="http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=24885749&url_num=3&url=http://www.democrats.org/minimumwage"]http://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/20060403_minimumwage.jpg (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=24885749&url_num=2&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060315_clinton_NG.jsp)It's been ten years since Congress last voted to raise the minimum wage.
Republicans leaders in Congress refuse to allow a fair vote on raising the minimum wage for millions of the nation's lowest-paid workers. They've found time for huge giveaways to millionaires, pharmaceutical giants, and big oil companies, but surprise -- the price of a gallon of gas has doubled since George Bush took office while the minimum wage has stayed the same.
Republicans want to talk about anything but the real problems ordinary Americans face. They want to divide us by race, nationality, gender, income, geography, anything. They tell one group of Americans that they should be threatened by demands for justice by another group. They use fear and hatred to bring out the worst in us and drive up the Republican base vote.
You can change the terms of the debate this election season by speaking out and demanding action right now on the most common-sense of issues. Americans from every walk of life can agree that working Americans making minimum wage deserve a raise.
Sign this petition demanding a debate and vote on minimum wage before the election, so that everyone knows where Republicans stand -- it will be delivered to the Republican leadership:
Click here to sign the DNC's Minimum Wage Petition. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=24885749&url_num=4&url=http://www.democrats.org/minimumwage)
Here are some simple facts that can't be ignored:

Someone working full-time for the $5.15 federal minimum wage makes just $10,700 a year. A single mom with two kids who works full-time for the minimum wage is about $6,000 below the poverty line.
The federal minimum wage has been stuck at the same rate since 1997.
The real value of the minimum wage is more than $3.00 below what it was a generation ago.
The minimum wage is the lowest it has been in over 50 years relative to the average wage.
Raising the minimum wage to $7.25 an hour adds up to more than one year of groceries, over 9 months of rent, a year and a half of heat and electricity, or full tuition for a community college degree.The world's richest and most powerful country must do better.
Democrats in the Senate are leading the way on making this simple, humane change that will affect millions of Americans. They need your help to make this effort a success. Senator Ted Kennedy's Fair Minimum Wage Act can pass this year, but only if people across the nation show they want change.
Add your name to the growing list of Americans willing to stand up and demand a fair wage for the nation's lowest paid workers:
Click here to sign the DNC's Minimum Wage Petition (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=24885749&url_num=5&url=http://www.democrats.org/minimumwage)
So far, over 100,000 people across the country have signed on as citizen co-sponsors to this bill -- 100,000 Americans demanding specific legislation is something that even the most out of touch Republican leaders cannot ignore.
Please sign on as a citizen co-sponsor of Senator Kennedy's bill to increase the minimum wage. After you sign on, please forward this message to your personal email list and ask your friends and family to learn more about this vital issue and join us:
Click here to sign the DNC's Minimum Wage Petition (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=24885749&url_num=6&url=http://www.democrats.org/minimumwage)
As Democrats, it's our responsibility to lead on this issue.
If we don't, no one else will. Please be a part of it.
Thank you,
Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

6/30/2006, 03:04 PM
Dear RODNEY,http://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/Feingold%20Picture.JPG (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=23443736&url_num=2&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060523_feingold_OP.jsp)Everywhere I go, I hear the same thing. From Wisconsin to Texas, from California to Alabama, I hear from people who want the Democrats to stand up and speak out.
We hear you loud and clear.
Even though Republicans have total control of the levers of power in Washington, we've had victories preventing some of the worst of this administration's agenda. When they wanted to privatize Social Security, every single Democrat in the Senate stood firm in opposition and we won.
Remember, despite more than 10 attempts to allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Democrats lead the efforts to defeat this short-sighted proposal every single time.
Still, it's not nearly enough.
To achieve the vision for America we all share, we simply must take back the Senate in November. I am more confident than ever that we will do just that. The American people know how badly this administration has mismanaged our country. The latest polls that show our Senate candidates can win prove it.
Make no mistake. It won't be easy. Republican incumbents hold significant fundraising advantages over our Democratic challengers. Each of us has to do our part to help the DSCC make up the difference.
You can help elect Democratic Senators who will stand up and speak out by making a contribution today. If you are frustrated with business as usual in Washington, then we need your help to make a change.
Click here to make a secure online contribution of $50, $75, or more. The DSCC needs your help to take back the Senate in November. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=23443736&url_num=3&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060523_feingold_OP.jsp)
Democrats have always believed in common sense solutions for our nation's most pressing concerns. Our vision for America is simple:

If you want to elect Democratic Senators who will stand up and speak out for these fundamental Democratic values, the DSCC needs your help today.
The DSCC's job is to level the playing field. Poll after poll shows that our candidates can win in all the key states. But every one of our Democratic challengers trails their Republican opponent in campaign fundraising. You and I both know our opponents will use those extra resources to distract from their record of failed leadership and to attack our candidates.
The only way we can compete is if we can count on your support today.
Click here to make a secure online contribution of $50, $75, or more. The DSCC needs your help to take back the Senate in November. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=23443736&url_num=4&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060523_feingold_OP.jsp)
I remember how it felt in the aftermath of the election in 2004. I was lucky that night and won a hard-fought campaign for re-election. But after working so hard to elect John Kerry and John Edwards so we could change the direction of this country, we all took a heck of a blow.
I never want to feel that way again.
That's why I'm so committed to winning in 2006. That's why it's so important for each of us to do our part. The American people know our country has been mismanaged, they are ready to stand up, speak out, and make a change. When we take back the Senate in November, we can make a change in Washington that will last for ten, fifteen, or twenty years.
That's the kind of difference you can make. You can help us achieve the vision for America we all share. Please, don't wait another minute.
Russ Feingold

6/30/2006, 03:05 PM
http://admin.dscc.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/nd_emailhead.gif (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=22473205&url_num=1&url=http://www.dscc.org/)
Pennsylvania: 65,000 Votes
Yesterday, Democrat Bob Casey beat Rick Santorum by nearly 65,000 votes.
Before you get too excited, I should point out that I'm talking about the nominating primaries and that Casey and Santorum weren't actually running against each other. But it's still a crystal clear example of how Pennsylvania voters are ready for a change.
Even the press is starting to notice the dynamics in this race. Congressional Quarterly said yesterday that Santorum - the incumbent - is the one acting like an underdog in this race. I would translate that to say that Santorum is terrified he's going to lose.
However, this race is not a slam dunk. Slick Rick has twice as much campaign money as Casey - $9 million vs. $4.5 million. You know he will use his money advantage to hide his ultra-conservative record and to attack our candidate.
The DSCC will be there to level the playing field. I don't have to remind you how important it is to beat Santorum in November. This is the extreme right-wing's number one field general in Washington.
Montana: Burns on the Defensive
http://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/burnstaxes.jpg Incumbent Republican Sen. Conrad Burns has two new ads flooding Montana's TV airwaves with a pretty bold claim. He says that he's never voted to raise taxes. The problem, of course, is that Conrad Burns voted for higher taxes for Montanans just last week. The tax bill that passed the Senate last week will end a special college tuition tax deduction that saved Montana students more than $20 million a year. The measure also ended a tax credit for Montanans saving for retirement that could have saved them as much as $5 million annually.That hardly sounds like the kind of "tax cutting" we need.
Burns is on the defensive on this issue. I mean, why else would he buy up a bunch of TV ads to tell voters that - honest! - he's never voted to raise taxes. Seems fishy to me.
Florida: Something We Can All Agree On
Sen. Bill Nelson just keeps getting stronger. The latest development out of Florida is that State House Speaker Allan Bense recently ruled out a run against this Democratic incumbent.
That means that in the November election Nelson will almost certainly face Rep. Katherine Harris - famous for her handling of the 2000 election debacle. In the latest polling, Sen. Nelson leads by a whopping 32 points.
This is a race the NRSC thought they could win. Instead, none of their first-choice candidates would enter the race and they're left supporting a candidate whose campaign is in a tailspin. Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida and brother of the President, made it perfectly clear: "I just don't believe she can win."
Katherine Harris, on the other hand, is still confident. According to Ed Rollins, her former campaign strategist, Harris told him that she was certain that "God wanted her to be a senator." After leaving the campaign, Rollins thought, "Maybe God wants Bill Nelson to stay a senator and that's why he's encouraging [Harris] to stay in."
Finally, something Republicans and Democrats can all agree on.

Missouri: McCaskill Proposes Military Bill of Rights
Claire McCaskill knows that we owe our freedom to the brave men and women serving in our armed forces. Her father was one of them.
She believes that we have a commitment to the men and women who protect us and to the families who stand behind them. That's why she's touring around Missouri all this week to meet with veterans and active-duty service members and to discuss her newly unveiled Military Bill of Rights.
This is a brand new proposal that will make sure our troops have the resources they need to complete their missions and the benefits and opportunities they deserve when their service time is up.
McCaskill's plan will keep the promises this administration has broken: more body armor for our troops, a better-funded VA system, and a modernization of the GI Bill that would provide world-class opportunities to our veterans.
You can read more about the Military Bill of Rights at McCaskill's website:
http://www.claireonline.com/issues/militarybillofrights.jsp (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=22473205&url_num=2&url=http://www.claireonline.com/issues/militarybillofrights.jsp)
Funny Bumper Stickers: Your Submissions Wanted
I saw a hysterical bumper sticker in the parking lot at the mall last week:

http://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/bumpersticker.gif (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=22473205&url_num=3&url=http://www.dscc.org/bumperstickers)
Can you top that? The DSCC is collecting the funniest political bumper stickers from around the country. Use the link below to send in your favorites and I'll pick the best ones for a future email. You could see your name in lights! (Well, at least in bytes.)
http://www.dscc.org/bumperstickers (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=22473205&url_num=4&url=http://www.dscc.org/bumperstickers)
Electing a Democratic Senate is hard, serious work. So it's important for us to have some fun from time to time. I'm certain that you can help us find the best bumper stickers to give us all a laugh.
All Hands on Deck
Former President Bill Clinton. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO Gen. Wesley Clark. Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid. Sen. Barak Obama. Former Governor of Virginia Mark Warner.
That's the dream team of Democrats committed to taking back the Senate in November - and that's just this week! These all-stars are doing their part - traveling the campaign trail, hosting fundraisers, organizing policy briefings. Anything our candidates need to compete.
If we're going to win in November, we need literally all hands on deck.
The midterm elections will be our best chance to change the balance of power in Washington and to put our country back on the right path, and our national Democratic leaders know it.
One great way you can join the fight is by making a contribution to the DSCC today. Democrats Bob Casey and Claire McCaskill belong in the Senate. With your help, the DSCC can put them there.
Click here to make a secure online contribution of $50, $75, or more. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=22473205&url_num=5&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060517_lewis_OP.jsp)
As always, thank you for everything you do. I'll be back next time with the latest news from Senate races around the country.
Anne Lewis

6/30/2006, 03:07 PM
btw I am not Democrat and I have no clue why i have 44 of these messages in my inbox :P

6/30/2006, 03:08 PM
http://admin.dscc.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/nd_emailhead.gif (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=20795249&url_num=1&url=http://www.dscc.org/)

It's not every day that I have a reason to thank both you and Senator Elizabeth Dole, Chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. First of all, you exceeded our fundraising goal of $150,000 - helping us build the resources we need over the next six months to take back the Senate. I can't thank you enough for your support.
At the same time you were beating our fundraising goal, Senator Dole sent an email to Republicans across the country begging them for contributions. In it, Senator Dole complimented you by mentioning the "massive amounts of money being raised daily" by the DSCC from grassroots supporters.
Click here to sign the DSCC's special thank you card to Senator Dole. Thank her for noticing how effective your efforts to take back the Senate have been. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=20795249&url_num=2&url=http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/petition.jsp?petition_KEY=11)
With every signature, you'll be letting the Republicans know that Democrats aren't backing down.
Like Senator Dole said in her email: with just 6 months until Election Day the Republicans' "backs are up against the wall." The combination of an incompetent Bush administration and a rubber stamp Congress has led to an utter failure of our government. From skyrocketing gas prices, to Hurricane Katrina, to the lack of body armor for our troops - Republicans have consistently led our country astray.
I would love to take credit for the huge outpouring of support the DSCC has seen these past few months. But the fact is committed Democrats like you deserve the praise. You've provided the resources Democrats need to beat Republicans like Rick Santorum, Conrad Burns, and Katherine Harris. At every step of the way you've answered our calls for support with a resounding "Yes."
Click here to thank Senator Dole for complimenting your hard work. Sign the DSCC's thank you card today. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=20795249&url_num=3&url=http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/petition.jsp?petition_KEY=11)
It's no wonder Republicans are frantically trying to save their majority in the Senate. With just 6 months to go before Election Day:

President Bush and the Republican Congress' approval ratings are at all-time lows.

Democratic candidates are already winning in 5 of the 7 Republican races needed to take back the Senate.
Every single Democratic incumbent is ahead in the polls - most leading by double digits.I signed on to chair the DSCC because I knew that Senate Democrats are the only thing standing between the far right of the Republican Party and absolute control over our country. What I didn't know is how passionate and resolute your support would be. Republicans are afraid of losing their stranglehold on our country - so afraid that they've started paying attention to Democrats' grassroots momentum.
Click here to thank Senator Dole for noticing your support of the DSCC! (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=20795249&url_num=4&url=http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/petition.jsp?petition_KEY=11)
Republicans are afraid of what you've already accomplished. But you and I both know there's still a lot of work to be done. It won't be easy, but with your continued support, the GOP knows we can take back the Senate.
Chuck Schumer

P.S. Republicans aren't just afraid of DSCC supporters - they're afraid of the Democratic momentum building across the country. If you know someone who's helping fight the GOP's power grab, take a minute to forward this email and ask them to sign our thank you card for Senator Dole.

6/30/2006, 03:10 PM
http://admin.dscc.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/nd_emailhead.gif (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=19377620&url_num=1&url=http://www.dscc.org/)

http://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/email_6_v6.GIF (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=19377620&url_num=2&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060505_biden_OP.jsp)The problem is that George Bush doesn't have a plan for keeping us safe. Instead, his administration has offered nothing more than stubborn ideology, rank incompetence, and outright failure.
I still believe the single most important thing we can do in government is to keep our citizens safe. Tough talk isn't enough. It takes bold leadership and careful stewardship, but the American people are thirsting for something more than Republicans in Washington can deliver. It's up to Democrats like you and me to get our country back on track.
May 7 marks just six short months before the mid-term elections and our best opportunity to change direction in America. To build a solid foundation for the home stretch, the DSCC has set a goal to raise $150,000 before this date. If you are committed to electing a Democratic Senate, help put us over the top by making a contribution today.
Click here to make a secure online contribution of $50, $75, or more. There are just six months before Election Day. We need your help before May 7. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=19377620&url_num=3&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060505_biden_OP.jsp)
George Bush says he makes decisions based on his instincts. Too many times, we've seen that his instincts just aren't good enough. The facts bear witness to 5 years of failed leadership.
In Iraq, a dictator is gone, and that's a good thing. But we may be on the verge of trading him for chaos and a haven for terror. Osama bin Laden remains at large, despite tough rhetoric from the White House. The failed response to Hurricane Katrina - a natural disaster we knew was coming - raises serious concerns over how we would deal with another surprise terrorist attack.
The hardest fact of all is this: we do not have a strategy to protect America, or leadership in Washington that can put us back on track.
Democrats have a plan for real security that focuses on two overriding and connected challenges. We must win the struggle between freedom and radical fundamentalism, and we must keep the world's most dangerous weapons away from its most dangerous people. But we can't succeed in either of those tasks when Republicans in Washington are solely focused on exercising our military might and marginalizing diplomacy.
The only way to protect our country is to change the balance of power in Washington. And the best way you can help do just that is to support the DSCC's campaign today. The DSCC is the only organization in Washington solely committed to electing a Democratic Senate that will hold this administration accountable and put an end to its failed agenda.
Click here to make a secure online contribution of $50, $75, or more. There are just six months before Election Day. We need your help before May 7 (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=19377620&url_num=4&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060505_biden_OP.jsp).
The American people are starting to see the administration's policies of military preemption and stubborn ideology are not making us more secure. Only a Democratic Senate can put a stop to these failed strategies.
For too long George Bush has lead solely through the example of our power. It's time to start also leading through the power of our example. With your help today, we can bring change to Washington in November and put our great nation back on the right track.
Joe Biden

6/30/2006, 03:12 PM
http://www.caphilldispatcher.com/mailings/Boren/borenbanner.jpg (http://email.caphilldispatcher.com/c.asp?91eC5/KdoA2EjsH2Li6gyQqRqt2sudE69nEBtjJWpWpQ)
Visit Website (http://email.caphilldispatcher.com/c.asp?PYhuCpUz7YnmxzrHfeb21wqRqt2sudE69nEBtjJWpWpQ ) Unsubscribe (http://email.caphilldispatcher.com/c.asp?dW8sP5nRgM3GLxl9MAmegwqRqt2sudE69nEBtjJWpWpQ ) | Forward to a Friend (http://email.caphilldispatcher.com/c.asp?G4xIjNka+Jx8ZK6atvvSFgqRqt2sudE69nEBtjJWpWpQ ) | Web Version (http://email.caphilldispatcher.com/c.asp?/7Qbx0wGjrKjng5xlmQM+AqRqt2sudE69nEBtjJWpWpQ) Boren Bulletin

Dear Friends and Neighbors,
http://www.caphilldispatcher.com/mailings/Boren/borensignupbutton.jpg (http://email.caphilldispatcher.com/c.asp?8S4xIKbd5y+aMoyuUyohWwqRqt2sudE69nEBtjJWpWpQ )The past month was a challenging time for America as we watched our port security come into question, continued to struggle with a confusing Medicare benefit, and began a long overdue debate about immigration reform.
In the coming weeks, Congress will continue to debate these issues and work to reach an agreement on the federal budget for Fiscal Year 2007. Please feel free to share your thoughts with me as we move forward on these important issues. By the same token, I want to do my best to keep you informed on the important decisions being made in Washington, D.C. that affect Eastern Oklahomans.
These email updates will be a way for me to contact you about current legislation, constituent service information, and other resources. Please feel free to contact me (http://email.caphilldispatcher.com/c.asp?YuxgouOUl6ZHVxpx+vyhrQqRqt2sudE69nEBtjJWpWpQ ) if I can be of assistance.
Below are some highlights of issues I have recently worked on.
http://www.caphilldispatcher.com/mailings/Boren/boren_sig.gif (http://mail.yahoo.com/config/login?/Dan Boren Signature)
Dan Boren
Representative of Oklahoma's 2nd District
http://www.house.gov/boren (http://email.caphilldispatcher.com/c.asp?HnK3DJItog29Hfgm7CaB8QqRqt2sudE69nEBtjJWpWpQ )
News From The Second District:

Protecting Our Borders
With America still fighting a global war on terror, protecting our nation's borders is something Congressman Boren takes very seriously. That's why he believes border security is a matter of national security. Whether it's keeping America's sea ports under American control, or cracking down on illegal immigration -- securing our borders should be a top priority.
http://www.caphilldispatcher.com/mailings/Boren/BorenSecurity.jpgCongressman Boren met with US Coast Guard personnel to discuss port security Our ports of entry are one of our most vulnerable targets for a terrorist attack. That's why Congressman Boren cosponsored bipartisan legislation to give Congress – not the White House – the final say in rejecting the controversial Dubai Ports World deal. This effort helped block an agreement that would have given a foreign government-owned company control of six strategic U.S. seaports. » Read more about port security (http://email.caphilldispatcher.com/c.asp?m4C2qCMsdyXTDL1WCsh4WAqRqt2sudE69nEBtjJWpWpQ ).

Our nation is in urgent need of a new immigration policy that will crack down on illegal immigration and protect our nation from terrorists. That's why Congressman Boren voted last December for The Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act. This legislation would:

Put more border patrol personnel on our borders.
Require employers to check the immigration status of job applicants and stiffen penalties for those who knowingly employ illegal immigrants.
Build a security fence with lights and cameras along areas of the U.S. border where illegal crossings frequently occur.
Increase penalties for aliens re-entering the U.S. illegally.» Read more about immigration reform (http://email.caphilldispatcher.com/c.asp?/dFeF5/2QyCBdC59LIn7kQqRqt2sudE69nEBtjJWpWpQ).

Protecting Our Seniors
The May 15th deadline to sign up for the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit is quickly approaching. Because of the difficulties Oklahomans have faced enrolling in this complex program, Boren supports legislation that would give seniors until the end of this year to sign up without penalty. Though he was not in Congress when the prescription drug law was enacted, Congressman Boren wants to make sure this program is working for Oklahomans, and that they are getting the answers and solutions they need. » Read more about Medicare Part D (http://email.caphilldispatcher.com/c.asp?EHTxTpz6//mGnO1XiTTOzwqRqt2sudE69nEBtjJWpWpQ).
For enrollment information, you can contact the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services at 1-800-MEDICARE or online at www.medicare.gov (http://email.caphilldispatcher.com/c.asp?SPiE3XWdSSf5m9tyz3h7KAqRqt2sudE69nEBtjJWpWpQ ).

Providing Opportunities for Students
Congressman Boren believes an educated workforce is the key to strengthening our economy and attracting quality jobs to Oklahoma. On March 30th, he voted to pass H.R. 609, the College Access and Opportunity Act of 2005.
H.R. 609 increases Pell grants to $6,000 through the year 2013 and allows Pell grants to be used for summer semester classes. It also reauthorized the highly successful GEAR Up and TRiO programs that help low-income Oklahoma students navigate college admissions. These programs provide crucial education and admissions counseling to students who are often the first in their family to attend college.

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Washington, D.C.
216 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-2701Muskogee
431 W. Broadway
Muskogee, OK 74401
(918) 687-2533 Claremore
309 W. 1st Street
Claremore, OK 74017
(918) 341-9336 McAlester
321 South Third, Suite 4
McAlester, OK 74501

6/30/2006, 03:13 PM
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Sen. Barack Obama
I don't know about you, but I think we've all had enough. Enough of the broken promises. Enough of the failed leadership. Enough of the can't-do, won't-do, won't-even-try style of governance.
I've had enough of so-called leaders who don't think government should even try to solve the big, national problems. In their clouded philosophy, government is the problem. I've had enough of the attitude that we'd be better off if we just divvy it up into individual tax breaks and let everyone fend for themselves. I think we've all had enough of being told to buy your own health care, your own retirement security, your own child care, your own schools, your own private security force, your own roads, and your own levees.
This idea of America can never actually work because it so fundamentally ignores our legacy as a people. Our greatness as a nation has always depended on our sense of national community and mutual responsibility. Everybody has a stake in America. We're all in this together and everybody gets a fair shot at opportunity.
As Democrats, we still believe in the idea of America. We're ready to compete in an increasingly interconnected world. We're ready to conduct a smart foreign policy that matches the might of our military with the power of our diplomacy.
In short, we're ready to lead. Electing a Democratic Senate is the first step to rejecting the failed leadership and failed philosophies. It's a step we can accomplish in just a few short months, but only if the DSCC can rely on your support. Please make a contribution today and do your part to help change our country.
Click here to make a secure online contribution of $50, $75, or more. Your donation will help the DSCC elect Democrats in Senate races across the country. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=14903866&url_num=2&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060418_obama_AP4.jsp)
It's the timidity - the smallness - of our politics that's holding America back and making our people uncertain. The idea that some problems are just too big to handle, and if you just ignore them, they'll go away.
You and I have seen what this can't-do attitude has brought us: failure.
We, as Democrats, have a responsibility to change our politics. Now is the time for us to stand up and make our mark on history. It's time for America to learn how to dream again and to do great things in the face of serious challenges.
That's the idea of America our Democratic Senate candidates are fighting for. Today, they need your help. In state after state, our candidates are leading in the public opinion polls. But they still face an uphill battle because our opponents can simply outspend our candidates and drown out Democratic ideas.
Now is the time to take action. With your help, the DSCC can make sure Democratic Senate candidates have the resources they need to compete and win. We can only begin the hard work ahead of us once we have changed the balance of power in Washington. Please make a contribution today.
Click here to make a secure online contribution of $50, $75, or more. Your donation will help the DSCC elect Democrats in Senate races across the country. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=14903866&url_num=3&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060418_obama_AP4.jsp)
Electing a Democratic Senate is the first step in changing our politics and our country. It's a step that we can accomplish in just a few short months. And it's the sole mission of the DSCC. We need your help to succeed.
Please join me today and make an investment in the idea of America Democrats hold dear.
Barack Obama

6/30/2006, 03:18 PM
I am sure there is some Tuba or William Favor Bait in here somewhere ;)

By The Way I totally agree with Barack Obama until he goes into the this is what the democratic party is striving for...if by striving he means whining alot...they yeah he may have a point ;)

7/17/2006, 09:52 AM
http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/nd_emailhead.gif (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=38777393&url_num=1&url=http://www.dscc.org/)

It's about time.
Yesterday, the White House reversed its irresponsible detainee policy when it announced that all prisoners being held at Guantanamo Bay are protected by U.S. law and the Geneva Conventions.
Of course, it took a Supreme Court rebuke of George Bush's illegal military tribunal system to get even this mild concession. The White House would have you believe that their secret tribunals, which allowed evidence obtained by coercion and gave suspects virtually no legal protections, are a vital part of the War on Terror. Here's what they don't want you to know. Nearly five years later, these military tribunals have not resulted in a single trial or a single conviction.
This is the definition of incompetence.
For more than four years, the Bush-Cheney Administration has invited the ire of the world over its treatment of terrorist detainees at Guanatanamo. Our ability to win the hearts and minds of Muslims across the world has been irrevocably damaged. For what? No trials. No convictions. And now we are back to square one.
I am outraged.
This week, the U.S. Senate begins hearings on creating a legal framework for trying terror suspects. I wish I could say I'm confident that Republican senators will support a responsible policy that keeps terrorists behind bars without undermining the rule of law. But a six-year record of rolling over at the behest of George W. Bush suggests otherwise.
You already know how Republicans are going to respond to Democratic efforts to rein in this runaway White House. They'll wrap themselves in the flag and say that we're weak and that we want to coddle terrorists. This, from the same people who have desecrated the meaning of the American flag by countenancing torture, illegal detention and illegally spying on our citizens. The same people who have now disbanded the special task force to hunt down Osama bin Laden.
No one disputes that we are at war with a ruthless and intractable enemy. But this is America. And in America, we don't judge ourselves by the standards of our enemies. Our behavior is governed by a higher standard, and anything short of that is an assault on the core values on which this country was built.
We need competence and accountability in Washington. And that won't happen until Democrats retake the Senate. I've heard about the work that you, the DSCC's online community, have done to help our cause. Believe me, we'd never be able to win without your support.
We cannot afford two more years of an unchecked Bush Administration. Their incompetence and their disregard for the rule of law have done untold damage to this country at home and abroad. The future of America is at stake.
Senator Patrick Leahy
P.S. Electing a Democratic Senate is the only way to stop the Bush Administration's incompetent prosecution of the War on Terror. [/URL]
[URL="http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=38777393&url_num=3&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060712_leahy_CL.jsp"]Please click here to make a secure online contribution of $50, $75 or more today.

http://admin.dscc.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/nd_joindscchead.gifWhen you make a contribution today, the DSCC will put your money to work right away in the campaign to put a stop to George Bush's extreme agenda.

If you received this message from a friend, click this button to join the DSCC.http://www.dscc.org/img/emailbtn_donate.gif (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=38777393&url_num=4&url=https://secure.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/shop/20060712_leahy_CL.jsp)
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7/17/2006, 09:53 AM
http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/organizations/dscc/images/nd_emailhead.gif (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=39795310&url_num=1&url=http://www.dscc.org/)

To all the Republicans who sit in their air-conditioned offices and talk of the courage it takes for them to keep young kids in harm's way - I say enough. Karl Rove talking about "cutting and running" while he sits on his big, fat backside-saying "stay the course." I say enough! That's not a plan! We've got to have a new direction, and it's clear we need more Democrats in Congress to get that done.
No matter how obvious the mistakes in Iraq become, or how many Americans get fed up, Republicans in Congress and the White House will label you a traitor to your country if you stand up and question them. I hope you will join me in my call to sign my petition to House Republicans. We hope to deliver 50,000 names to the Speaker of the House, asking them to cut the traitor talk and start to get a change of direction in Iraq - if you believe this Republican Congress has abdicated its responsibility long enough, please join us.
Tell Republicans to Cut the Traitor Talk and Chart a New Course. We Need a Real Plan for Victory - No More Just Sitting and Watching. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=39795310&url_num=2&url=http://www.dscc.org/murtha)
I'm not naïve enough to think it won't be an issue in the election year but accusing people of being unpatriotic cheats good Americans out of any chance for a real resolution to the mess in Iraq. And while this issue of war is neither a Democratic nor a Republican one, the need for new leadership in the House is clearly an issue.
While the Republicans have been busy name calling, the situation in Iraq has only gotten worse. The insurgency has grown exponentially. IED attacks, where our troops are sitting ducks for an enemy they can't even see, have increased steadily. And the patience of the American people for this flawed policy is running out.
We need to put an end to these outrageous attacks on people who disagree with Bush and his Rubber Stamp Republican Congress's "sit and watch" plan for Iraq.
Tell Republicans to Cut the Traitor Talk and Chart a New Course. We Need a Real Plan for Victory - No More Just Sitting and Watching. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=39795310&url_num=3&url=http://www.dscc.org/murtha)
With a Democratic majority, we would have an honest debate about the war. The American people's concerns and opposition would be recognized.
During the House floor debate a few weeks ago, I hoped the Republicans would have realized that the majority of the American people do not support this war. I hoped that they would have recognized that the American people need more from their government than a Republican Congress that asks no questions and demands no answers. But that didn't happen, and it's clear we need a Democratic majority to chart a new course.
When I offered a concrete plan to get our troops out of harm's way, where they have become the target, I didn't expect every member of Congress or every candidate to agree with my specific proposal in this debate. But I did expect them to acknowledge that there is more to be done than sitting and watching.
Tell Republicans to Cut the Traitor Talk and Chart a New Course. We Need a Real Plan for Victory - No More Just Sitting and Watching. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=39795310&url_num=4&url=http://www.dscc.org/murtha)
Thank you for all your help, it's so important.
Jack Murtha
Member of Congress, Pennsylvania's 12th District
P.S. I'm offering this petition, which will be delivered to Speaker of the House in order to keep our Congress focused where it should have been all along. I hope you'll sign if you agree.
Tell Republicans to Cut the Traitor Talk and Chart a New Course. We Need a Real Plan for Victory - No More Just Sitting and Watching. (http://www.democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?key=39795310&url_num=5&url=http://www.dscc.org/murtha)


7/17/2006, 10:28 AM
they really like you Rodney

i don't see how anyone named Barack Obama could get elected to anything... i'm sure not being white doesn't really help but that sounds WAY too close to Osama and Barack isn't the most common/American sounding name either

i'm not saying that would sway how i voted, but man i just kinda cringe every time i hear/see his name

7/17/2006, 10:31 AM
I am a registered Republican too...So I have no clue why I receive these.

Beano's Fourth Chin
7/17/2006, 10:36 AM
Has there ever been anything more boring ever?

Scott D
7/17/2006, 10:44 AM
Has there ever been anything more boring ever?

this? (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/search.php?searchid=213356)

:D :D :D:eddie:

Beano's Fourth Chin
7/17/2006, 10:48 AM
this? (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/search.php?searchid=213356)

:D :D :D:eddie:

Infinity < Infinity + 1



RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/17/2006, 11:24 AM
Best thread evar.