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6/27/2006, 11:01 AM
when they learned to ride a bike? I'm trying to determine if my kid is retarded.

This is a scientific survey, so none of the usual SO crap. Serious answers only.

6/27/2006, 11:03 AM
With or without training wheels? :D

6/27/2006, 11:03 AM
5. ish.

6/27/2006, 11:03 AM
3 or 4. Put kid on bike, roll him down driveway, eventually he gets tired of crashing. Harsh but after a few trips both got it.

6/27/2006, 11:04 AM
I have never learned. Where I lived, things were either in walking distance or too far away to ride bikes.

6/27/2006, 11:04 AM
With or without training wheels? :D


Thanks for not disappointing me by adhering to my requests. ;)

6/27/2006, 11:04 AM
I was about 6 if I remember correctly, my girls were both about 5 years old when they learned to ride their bikes.

White House Boy
6/27/2006, 11:05 AM

6/27/2006, 11:05 AM
3 or 4. Put kid on bike, roll him down driveway, eventually he gets tired of crashing. Harsh but after a few trips both got it.

I amend my request to include suggested methods for teaching said children to ride said bike. My current method is going to drive me to drink.

6/27/2006, 11:06 AM
Daughter at 7, son at 4. They're three years apart and learned to ride a bike at the same time. Motivation has a LOT to do with it.

proud gonzo
6/27/2006, 11:06 AM
I don't know how to ride a bike and I'm 21. I'm hoping to learn soon...

6/27/2006, 11:07 AM
Daughter, 5. Son, 3. She pwn3s him on her potty training record though. :mad:

6/27/2006, 11:08 AM
I took Jr to a street with a very gentle decline - not enough to be called a hill. We worked on making sure she could use the brake, then I started taking her to the top of the decline and letting her ride down. A few times down and she pretty much had the hang of it.

6/27/2006, 11:08 AM
Daughter at 7, son at 4. They're three years apart and learned to ride a bike at the same time. Motivation has a LOT to do with it.

Mine or theirs? Daughter is six and has the coordination of a ....uhm...somehting with no coordination. So, you're saying she may not be retarded after all. Good to hear.

6/27/2006, 11:08 AM
I amend my request to include suggested methods for teaching said children to ride said bike. My current method is going to drive me to drink.

seriously, put the pads on them and find a slight graded driveway. 30min. and they will have it.

6/27/2006, 11:10 AM
I don't know how to ride a bike and I'm 21. I'm hoping to learn soon...

I'll teach you gonzo. Let me apologize in advance for any hand to bottom contact whilst holding the seat. The bike seat. Not your seat. That will be inadvertent.

Partial Qualifier
6/27/2006, 11:11 AM
5 here too

6/27/2006, 11:11 AM
She was 5. I just took off the training wheels and pushed her along, progressively giving her less support until I wasn't helping at all. We got it done in about 30 minutes as I recall. Turning took a little longer.

6/27/2006, 11:11 AM

6/27/2006, 11:12 AM
First thing you need to do is get her a girl's bike.....

6/27/2006, 11:14 AM
I can't imagine being a kid and not knowing how to ride a bike. Seems like it would be a huge handicap. Much like not knowing how to swim. You miss out on a bunch of fun stuff.

Partial Qualifier
6/27/2006, 11:14 AM
There was a girl riding a little pink kiddie bike around the park the other night, no training wheels, hauling ***, no problems, etc. I asked her mom how old she was: "3 and a half". I was like "dayam! you go, girl"

6/27/2006, 11:15 AM
First thing you need to do is get her a girl's bike.....

This isn't girlie enough?


6/27/2006, 11:16 AM
There was a girl riding a little pink kiddie bike around the park the other night, no training wheels, hauling ***, no problems, etc. I asked her mom how old she was: "3 and a half". I was like "dayam! you go, girl"

There is a 3 y/o boy on our neighborhood that knows how. I am starting to get embarrassed. I think we're spending too much time on reading and character training.

6/27/2006, 11:18 AM
This isn't girlie enough?


We'll need a ruling from BSG on this one.

proud gonzo
6/27/2006, 11:20 AM
I can't imagine being a kid and not knowing how to ride a bike. Seems like it would be a huge handicap. Much like not knowing how to swim. You miss out on a bunch of fun stuff.

I don't think I missed out on anything. what exactly do you do with a bike whe you're a kid? I would have gotten hit by a car--our street was busy. And There were no kids my age in the neighborhood and nothing very close to ride to.

Partial Qualifier
6/27/2006, 11:21 AM
There is a 3 y/o boy on our neighborhood that knows how. I am starting to get embarrassed. I think we're spending too much time on reading and character training.

Naw dude. Just think: someday, she'll be the boss of that bike rider kid down the streeter :)

6/27/2006, 11:21 AM
I'd say I was around 6. It was after I learned to tie my shoes anyway, and that was at the beginning of kindergarden.

6/27/2006, 11:22 AM
Mine or theirs? Daughter is six and has the coordination of a ....uhm...somehting with no coordination. So, you're saying she may not be retarded after all. Good to hear.Theirs. Son wanted to ride a bike SO bad because... well, because he's a guy, and wheels are important to guys. Daughter got motivated out of embarrassment that her little brother was riding before she was.

6/27/2006, 11:25 AM
our street was busy. And There were no kids my age in the neighborhood and nothing very close to ride to.
This is our problem. Son is 6 and still with the training wheels on. It is our goal to change that in the next month or so. Just have very few places for him to ride.

6/27/2006, 11:28 AM
Youngest grandson turned 5 in dec. Took his trainn wheels off himself , promptly crashed . he forgot to put the axel nuts back on :D

6/27/2006, 11:29 AM
We'll need a ruling from BSG on this one.

Pretty girlie...

Mine? Not so much...:mad:

6/27/2006, 11:46 AM
I taught my daughters at 4. But it could be that your kid is fine. Maybe you're retarded. :)

6/27/2006, 12:00 PM

Thanks for not disappointing me by adhering to my requests. ;) You need to make sure they learn before entering the 1st grade since there are alot of stories in their primers about bicycle riding. :)

6/27/2006, 12:10 PM
You need to make sure they learn before entering the 1st grade since there are alot of stories in their primers about bicycle riding. :)

She already reads. That's the problem. Too much reading and not enough bike riding. Upon further review (I went home for lunch (God bless the nooner!!)), my 4 y/o has the barbie. This 6 y/o has this bike:


6/27/2006, 12:12 PM
Naw dude. Just think: someday, she'll be the boss of that bike rider kid down the streeter :)

Definitely. Kid's parents are OSU fans.

6/27/2006, 12:20 PM
For the love of Jeebus H Armstrong people. You do NOT start kids out with training wheels. Training wheels are for lazy-*** parents who don't want to spend the time to teach their kid how to ride.

All my boys could ride a bike by 4. Hell, my youngest was hit by a car when he was 6, and had been riding for years. The neighbor kid was also 6 and still riding his bike with training wheels on. One day I pulled his training wheels off and said "Mitchell, you're gonna learn to ride a bike today." He starts crying and goes "I can't....." I said "get on boy" and pushed him down the sidewalk - where he promptly turned and crashed into the grass. So I just picked him up, put him back on and gave him another shove. After about 10 minutes of him crying going "I wanna go home, I'll never be able to ride" ol' Mitchell went up the street, turned around in the driveway, and rode all the way back. The look on the kid's face was priceless. All of a sudden, Mitchell wasn't a whiney baby anymore. Within a few weeks, he was riding to school with all the kids.

Same goes for swimming. All of my kids could swim - very well - by the time they were 4. Why? Cause I took the time to teach them. When they whined, they got wet.....ter. They catch on really quick when they have to.

6/27/2006, 12:23 PM
Same goes for swimming. All of my kids could swim - very well - by the time they were 4. Why? Cause I threw their *** into the pond and said "I'm going back to the house to get a beer, If you want one, I suggest you swim out"


6/27/2006, 12:24 PM
Yeah, it was pretty much like that.

6/27/2006, 12:24 PM
I have a hilarious picture in my head of Dean just tossing little kids into a swimming pool, yelling "learn to swim, dammit!!"

6/27/2006, 12:31 PM
Actually, I started when they were infants. Did the whole blow into their face and dunk them thing, followed by dropping them in, letting them sink a little and then pulling them out, followed by dropping them in, letting them sink a little further, and then helping them out, followed by having them swim from mom to me (maybe a foot) followed by swimming. I've thrown every one of my kids into deep water before their 4th birthday. They've all been swimming in the ocean/body surfing by their 4th birthday. They've all been on a tube behind the boat by their 4th birthday.

When our family gets together you wanna know what all the kids wanna do? Go to the lake. Jump off the cliffs at Broken Bow, jump off the tower at Murray, wakeboard, ski, and tube. They love it.

Sink or swim really works.

6/27/2006, 12:32 PM
When our family gets together you wanna know what all the kids wanna do? Go to the lake. Jump off the cliffs at Broken Bow, jump off the tower at Murray, wakeboard, ski, and tube.

They're just trying to get away from you. :D

6/27/2006, 12:33 PM
I didn't own a bike until I was nine or so.

I learned to ride before then, but it was a difficult process over disjointed sessions where I was with someone who had one and was willing to help.

My first lessons were of the "I'll hold you all the way" lie variety. I don't know why, but when I'd realize that my holder had let go and I was riding on my own, I'd crash, on purpose. I finally frustrated the teacher enough to where we didn't try anymore.

My older cousin was the one who finally taught me fully. Unfortunately, she was a girl, so I learned on a pink bike with a sweet banana seat. I crashed a lot, but not on purpose this time. I remember crashing into a hobby horse and breaking the front fender, and also crashing into a trash can across the street. Good times.

6/27/2006, 12:40 PM
We had one waiting at the end of the birth canal so he could just come out and start learning to ride the bike. We told him we weren't giving him his shots or any kind of nutrition until he learned.

You'd be surprised how well that works.

6/27/2006, 12:45 PM
3. feast or famine on the harsh streets of philly. you either learn... or don't play.

6/27/2006, 12:53 PM
http://f3c.yahoofs.com/shopping/mcid6_64570/simg_t_t20744150021_207441_hgjpg85?rm_____D7w.f23Y 2 (http://rd.ss.yahoo.com/SIG=1ek7tvnk8/M=510035735.0.0.0/D=shp/P=/S=14489115:GRID/G=.25/I=2/A=1/R=0/J=1151430663366756.e24cf3e91/cid=96365799/lnt=1;_ylt=AoYV4vgJyWMyiaxHmudTS_YbFt0A;_ylu=X3oDM TBuYjFmYmVoBF9zAzIzNTAxMzc5BGx0AzIEc2VjA3Ny/**http%3A%2F%2Fbabycenter.rdr.channelintelligence. com%2Fgo.asp%3FfVhzOGIdAgIIDGZqXB9ZRxlqWHM4YR0FBAQ HI2BbH1lHXWwGenwvHU4CAAdpf19VRkEXfg4XBRRyODtZRkAKF 3AhGwwZFg88RSE9MEhcRFVLcTEADkQDUzFbNicnAlVVUEJwMww XAgVIKkZ7WlU2LSNAV15EGiwlBg0MAH40US40Nl9BHwcEaWFQE AAGHGwPdHBnHBRDU147bzwwLklyFm99d2tlNyFOUV9UXWIxBgo 0T0IyTSYqJ0RWHw4fPCIBAAQXRGMDICg6TllZVR9h%26nAID%3 D1038957)

We made our babies bungi jump, we just pushed them right off the ledge...good times. :)

6/27/2006, 12:55 PM
I didn't (sorta) learn till I was in high school. Mostly the same issues as PG - really busy neighborhood streets plus no kids my age nearby (the kids I went to school with all lived at least a couple of miles away). Oh, and allergies. when I was a little kid sometimes they were so bad that just opening the door to the house would make me break out in hives and give me an asthma attack, so "going outside to play" was a potentially deadly experience for me.

6/27/2006, 12:57 PM

6/27/2006, 12:58 PM
Luckily - much like being turned into a newt - I got better. Only took three years of allergy shots.

6/27/2006, 01:29 PM
We taught our kids to fly when they were infants. Just kept throwing them off the roof until they got tired of bouncing off the ground and just learned to fly, dammit.

6/27/2006, 01:29 PM
My son is five and learned to ride this summer. Took the training wheels off and he'd go two feet without my hand on his back and jump off. Instead of using his hands to balance, he'd lean his body to one side or the other and fall over. I finally figured out that by putting my hands over his on the handle bars that he could balance on his own. Ten minutes and he was off.

Three weeks and many bike rides later with my wife and I, he loses his helmet and Murphy's law takes over. Going down a hill, he lost control and went head over the front and head injury. Mild concussion and several scrapes and bruises.

Now he leaves his new helmet with his bike at all times. Wearing a neck brace in the ER for three hours waiting for a CT scan will sure help you remember where your helmet is!!1:D

6/27/2006, 01:32 PM
[QUOTE=ousoonerfan. I finally figured out that by putting my hands over his on the handle bars that he could balance on his own. Ten minutes and he was off.

You ran alongside him, holding on to both handle bars? I'm trying to picture this. I'm holding her seat and she is leaning her whole body from side to side like you said and it isn't working very well.

6/27/2006, 01:37 PM
You ran alongside him, holding on to both handle bars? I'm trying to picture this. I'm holding her seat and she is leaning her whole body from side to side like you said and it isn't working very well.

Directly behind the bike, a little awkward yes. If you put your hands over hers and show her that her balance comes from moving her arms and not her body, it shouldn't take too long. My son took off and I only ran a few feet. It was like the Messiah at Christmas. [choir singing]HALLELUJAH!![choir singing]

6/27/2006, 01:56 PM
5 for both of my daughters. They thought the training wheels were not cool. My middle kid taught herself how to ride without me running behind her as I was on crutches at the time. She also taught herself how to rollerblade around the same time. My boy just turned four and he is not that intrested in the bike yet.

6/27/2006, 02:17 PM
We taught our kids to fly when they were infants. Just kept throwing them off the roof until they got tired of bouncing off the ground and just learned to fly, dammit.

You liberals are scary.

"I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky....."

Jimminy Crimson
6/27/2006, 02:23 PM
"I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky....."

most listened to song on :dean:'s ipod

6/27/2006, 02:25 PM
most listened to song on :dean:'s ipod

As if.....

I even knew how to use the ****ing ipod Beano let me borrow :O

6/27/2006, 02:29 PM
Dean's so cute sometimes...

6/27/2006, 02:37 PM
I was 8, but it only took a long evening of forced will for me to get it. I just never had the gumption to ride a bike before then. My Uncle asked if I could ride, I told him know, and he wouldn't rest that evening until I got it. It was mild torture...

6/27/2006, 02:48 PM
My Dad taught me - I was 5. Held on the back of the bike like Dean described and gave me a little shove and after I fell a couple of times I was ridin' around with the rest of the boys.

And I learned to swim by getting pushed into the deep end of the pool by my older cousin. She's all 'you know how to swim?' I say 'nuh-uh' so she pushed me in. She had every intention of saving me if I started to die but I didn't know that at the time. But I learned to swim really quick-like.

My Mom was :mad: , though. She got in trouble...'cause I told on her like a little beyonce. Heh.

Hoosier Dynasty
6/27/2006, 03:02 PM
Too long ago and too early in life to remember. 5? I don't know, maybe 7 or 8. All I can remember is that when I was 10-15, I rode my bike ALL THE TIME.

6/27/2006, 03:03 PM
Too long ago and too early in life to remember. 5? I don't know, maybe 7 or 8. All I can remember is that when I was 10-15, I rode my bike ALL THE TIME.

Most helpful thread of all.

6/27/2006, 03:07 PM
Pro'ly about 10, when my parents could afford to get me a bike. But it didn't take long and I rode all over the place soon after. That was back in the days when parents didn't have to worry much about the kids being gone all day riding bikes.

6/27/2006, 03:09 PM
Could either of these two ridden a bike on this night?


6/27/2006, 03:09 PM
You liberals are scary.

"I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky....."I said fly, not flame. Pay attention, Dean.

6/27/2006, 03:14 PM
Pro'ly about 10, when my parents could afford to get me a bike. But it didn't take long and I rode all over the place soon after. That was back in the days when parents didn't have to worry much about the kids being gone all day riding bikes.

No kidding.

My mom would literally lock us out of the house all day if she was doing housework and stuff. We'd be all 'we're thirsty!' and she'd say 'go in the backyard and get a drink from the hose!'.

The more stories I tell about my Mom the meaner she gets...:eddie:

6/27/2006, 03:17 PM
That 'drink from the hose' line almost never works.

6/27/2006, 03:19 PM
No kidding.

My mom would literally lock us out of the house all day if she was doing housework and stuff. We'd be all 'we're thirsty!' and she'd say 'go in the backyard and get a drink from the hose!'.

The more stories I tell about my Mom the meaner she gets...:eddie:

Did she ever make you cut your own switch from the willow tree?

6/27/2006, 03:49 PM
No kidding.

My mom would literally lock us out of the house all day if she was doing housework and stuff. We'd be all 'we're thirsty!' and she'd say 'go in the backyard and get a drink from the hose!'.

The more stories I tell about my Mom the meaner she gets...:eddie:
How many kids did she have? There were five of us and the older I get, the more I understand her. :D Ah, for the freedom of those days.

6/27/2006, 03:54 PM
How many kids did she have? There were five of us and the older I get, the more I understand her. :D Ah, for the freedom of those days.

Just me and my younger brother.

But there were always a gaggle of us wandering around the block. 'Bout 10 or so that all grew up together.

And we were kinda...unruly. :D

6/27/2006, 03:55 PM
when they learned to ride a bike? I'm trying to determine if my kid is retarded.

This is a scientific survey, so none of the usual SO crap. Serious answers only.

Quit fagging up my "when/how to teach a kid to ride a bike" thread.

6/27/2006, 03:56 PM
Quit fagging up my "when/how to teach a kid to ride a bike" thread.

Whaaaa? :mack:

6/27/2006, 03:57 PM
Just me and my younger brother.

But there were always a gaggle of us wandering around the block. 'Bout 10 or so that all grew up together.

And we were kinda...unruly. :D
I was a bit of a tomboy myself....and with five kids, unruly doesn't begin to cover it. Had I been my mom, I would have been a drinker at an early age. Oh, wait.........

6/27/2006, 03:58 PM

6/27/2006, 03:59 PM
Quit fagging up my "when/how to teach a kid to ride a bike" thread.
Well! I never! Or maybe I did, but just once.:O What did you really expect, taking us down memory lane and all?

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
6/27/2006, 04:01 PM
when they learned to ride a bike? I'm trying to determine if my kid is retarded.

This is a scientific survey, so none of the usual SO crap. Serious answers only.I never learned to ride a bike. We didn't live in a neighborhood with sidewalks until I was 7 and our old house was on a really busy street.

I tried with training wheels, then with just one, but I was always too chicken to ride without at least one. So then my dad threatened to put it in the attic and I told him to go ahead, I didn't care.

With me, I may have done better had I learned a lot younger. But I also have a phobia of falling, so I don't know.

6/27/2006, 04:04 PM
Just a simple answer, SBSB. Don't wanna make anyone mad up in herr....

Partial Qualifier
6/27/2006, 04:04 PM
The more stories I tell about my Mom the meaner she gets...:eddie:

Don't be hatin' on your mom, now. She has some very redeeming qualities which you may not appreciate but I sure as hell do.


6/27/2006, 04:05 PM
I think there is a standing offer for lessons. I'd be a little leery though, something about touching bottoms...

6/27/2006, 04:06 PM
I never learned to ride a bike. We didn't live in a neighborhood with sidewalks until I was 7 and our old house was on a really busy street.

I tried with training wheels, then with just one, but I was always too chicken to ride without at least one. So then my dad threatened to put it in the attic and I told him to go ahead, I didn't care.

With me, I may have done better had I learned a lot younger. But I also have a phobia of falling, so I don't know.

Dropping 2-3 feet always scared the heck out of me too. ;)

6/27/2006, 04:07 PM
Don't be hatin' on your mom, now. She has some very redeeming qualities which you may not appreciate but I sure as hell do.



And also - :eddie:.

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
6/27/2006, 04:07 PM
Don't be hatin' on your mom, now. She has some very redeeming qualities which you may not appreciate but I sure as hell do.

<snort>OMG, you dated BSG's mom? :eek:

Partial Qualifier
6/27/2006, 04:13 PM
date...d? ;)

Naw I'm just messin' around with bsg. I love her mom to death, she's the greatest. Ever. and I mean that.

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
6/27/2006, 04:14 PM
date...d? ;)

Naw I'm just messin' around with bsg. I love her mom to death, she's the greatest. Ever. and I mean that.You never met my mom.

6/27/2006, 04:29 PM
my mom can ride a unicycle. so there.

6/27/2006, 04:31 PM
my mom can ride a unicycle. so there.

Really? I heard yermom can ride one without a seat...


6/27/2006, 04:34 PM

Last Christmas, I got her the coolest bike ever to replace her first one. It's a Jeep Commando bike. She just turned 8 and goes on 10-12 mile bike rides with me. She's a triathlete I am sure of it.