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6/25/2006, 11:53 PM
I know I'll get the occasional folk who predict a 14-0, and though it it possible, it is not likely...

I get that OU has some "unresolved" issues with their OL, but we thought much less would stop us in 2005.

I've been one to criticize harshly the weaknesses OUr D had in 2004 and 2005. I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid yet, but I'm very excited to see what OUr young guys have to offer. And the guys like Reggie Smith are only going to make things better with their experience and leadership guiding what is already (I'll go ahead and say it) an OUtstanding rush D. If OU can get back into the rhythm of tackling properly and picking off QB's (OUr 2003 D was an excellent interception machine) we'll be back to the Bob Stoops defenses of old.

Offense is where we wonder... Is Bomar still just a talented kid, or is he up to the level that is expected of champions? The Holiday Bowl performance showed while he still likes his fun, Bomar will be a big name in Sooner history eventually. Will AD stay healthy? Are Juaqin and Malcom ready to take on the full load? How can OU avoid injuries and work around a shaky OL. I say we did a fine job of it in 2000, and Patton seems like a fine hire to aide us in 2006.

The problem with an MNC on say a 13-1 season, is... that ONE TEAM will always question how good you really were. However, if we drop an early loss, and are told in December we're invited to Tempe, AZ... screw that ONE TEAM...

I really don't know how it will pan OUt, but Bob Stoops has been good at B12 South runs and double-digit winning seasons, so I don't think BCS is OUt of the picture in 2006. We could run the table, but I don't know exactly if I trust putting this OU team up against a high-powered offense. A lights-out defense could be trouble for us, too.

Final prediction: 13-1 (an early shocker, but a stong finish)
MNC depends upon other teams records and performances in 2006 season play.

I, DO... think it's possible...

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
6/26/2006, 12:25 AM
I've been one to criticize harshly the weaknesses OUr D had in 2004 and 2005.

a simple question - do you want mike stoops back?

6/26/2006, 12:49 AM
killer defense, questions on OL, that's all

6/26/2006, 12:54 AM
13-1 we lose to the ducks. They are ****ed and it is in the zoo. If we get by the ducks. I only think SEXAT can get to us. Those dumb *** cowboys are gonna be eating AD's dust.

6/26/2006, 01:00 AM
id like to see us blitz a little less - it has really put our coverage in bad positions last year
defense should be really stout though if we can get some solid play from the dt's

i think our oline is gonna be much better than 05's version come game 1
qb play will be better
we wont have the wr experience but since the qb play will be much better and hopefully we'll stay healthy - passing game will be much improved
with better blocking and AD healthy - our offense will run better

so, in summation - strong to really freaking good
not saying we'll win the big 12 but anything less will be a disappointment

we really need a punter for those close games though - special teams could hurt us alot this year

*just watched the spring game again and the oline looks sooo much better than 05's version

6/26/2006, 02:07 AM
It really sucks that a National Championship is close to impossible to win.

6/26/2006, 06:38 AM
It really sucks that a National Championship is close to impossible to win.
Kinda like the lottery. But that is why it pays such sweet rewards. And the Sooners this year have a lot of tickets to play.

6/26/2006, 07:35 AM
We have to stay healthy, a bit of luck from time to time wont hurt either.
I think it will be a fun season but frustrating at the end.
And yes, I would like Mike Stoops back.

6/26/2006, 08:29 AM
If the '06 team suffers three losses or more in the regular season, I'll be disappointed.

6/26/2006, 09:44 AM
I loved the way Mike Stoops coached defense, but he did seem to struggle somewhat getting the right players -- particulary DBs.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- the Stoops brother I want as our DC is Bob. He's paid plenty - no reason he couldn't be a head coach / DC.

There's no such thing as a sure team in college ball -- anybody can lose to just about anybody. That being said, this team has all the ingredients for greatness, with the biggest question mark being how the O-line will perform against live game competition. Spring ball doesn't necessarily give you the full picture on a line, as coaches aren't always using full-on blitzes 'n stuff.

6/26/2006, 10:11 AM
It feels as though I'm in the minority with this, but in addition to O line, I think we have a question mark at QB. Not that Bomar doesn't show some real positives, but rare is the team that wins the NC who doesn't have a leader at QB with a lot of intangibles. Bomar still had some growing up to do, even as of the bowl game. And as of halfway through the season, we were still having problems with the center-qb exchange (albeit with different people at center practically every play).

Just sayin'.

6/26/2006, 10:17 AM
11-1 or 10-2 and we get to go to a nice bowl game.

AD stays next year and we go all the way.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
6/26/2006, 10:30 AM
winning an MNC has an amazing amount of luck involved. yes, there are components you can control, but for the most part the timing of when you have the right pieces, the right scheme, the right opponents has more to do with it than anything. take us in 2000, would we have been able to beat miami in the next year? nope, TE would have killed us. take texas last year, would they have been able to run over that tatupu led-USC team we faced in the OB? very doubtful as he was a playmaking LB, not just a great athlete. which brings me back to our current situation...

we are going to be much improved over a year ago. how that translates to wins is the question of the day. at this point, my thinking is "not well". what we lack is a core of guys who know how to win, who step up and make plays in crunch time, who embody what we as fans call "sooner magic".

the entire OL situation reeks to high heaven, but then again, i'm a conspiracy theorest ;)

Scott D
6/26/2006, 10:32 AM
10-2 at best, 9-3 more likely.

6/26/2006, 10:50 AM
we roll through non-conference killing the ducks in eugene, the streak begins again in dallas, but we lose one conference game to [blank], then a Big XII championship, then I guess we'll have to wait an see ;)

6/26/2006, 10:50 AM
I really can't see OU losing more than a couple of games at most. As far as how they stack up against the rest of the country, given that nobody has played so much as one game and this is no more than pure speculation on anyone's part, I think they have the schedule to win out but they're probably not the #1 team. Ohio State Sucks is, with much dismay in saying this (I went to undergrad in Ohio...buckeyes remind me of a twisted shorthorn/husker crossbreed), #1 with ND and Florida(dark horse pick) close behind. The only huge concern I have with OU is how the o-line will gell. This, and not spotty play at QB, had the most to do with the tcu loss and the snowballing effect that came after...though I think OU would still have been beaten by ucla. Opening with UAB should provide what everyone had hoped for in last year's opener. Unlike tcu, UAB doesn't have Lonta Hobbs. Then again, TCU came into norman last year what was supposed to be the worst D in the NCAA. Washington is a bit of a mystery, but they stank last year and I can't see them being that much better this year. Being a home game, OU should go 2-0 into Oregon with a game that (just call me captain obvious) will make or break the season in all likelyhood. Win big and we know that this is a BCS team. Lose and it's a likely trip to the Gator or Cotton as there's little chance that OU can beat texass if they can't hang with dayglow ducks. There doesn't appear to be any other team on the sched that's worth a dime, aside from A&M and that's iffy at best. If I had to lay down some money on it, I'd say OU goes through some kinks at Oregon but regroups and upsets texass on the way to winning out. The BCS goes screwy again and this time it shuts the door on OU with the ohio state sucks university playing against notre dame for the whole ball of wax and OU taking on Florida in the Orange Bowl

6/26/2006, 10:51 AM
I will say one of two things happen (Not counting bowl game):

Losses to Texas and a late season road game (i.e. A&M)

Losses to Oregon and a late season road game, plus a Big 12 Champ loss to Nebraska.

No worries though....I think next year is "the year".

Jason White's Third Knee
6/26/2006, 11:01 AM
winning an MNC has an amazing amount of luck involved. yes, there are components you can control, but for the most part the timing of when you have the right pieces, the right scheme, the right opponents has more to do with it than anything. take us in 2000, would we have been able to beat miami in the next year? nope, TE would have killed us. take texas last year, would they have been able to run over that tatupu led-USC team we faced in the OB? very doubtful as he was a playmaking LB, not just a great athlete. which brings me back to our current situation...

we are going to be much improved over a year ago. how that translates to wins is the question of the day. at this point, my thinking is "not well". what we lack is a core of guys who know how to win, who step up and make plays in crunch time, who embody what we as fans call "sooner magic".

the entire OL situation reeks to high heaven, but then again, i'm a conspiracy theorest ;)

How will it translate to wins? This IS a new season, but I'll still use last season as an example. The TT game is still a win to me because of the fourth down stop that we made and were screwed out of. That would give us 9-3. That alone is a good season, but look at the number of fumbles in the TCU game. 6 with 3 lost. That sucks. I don't see that happening next year. Better ball handling would given us a 10-2 season. UCLA was just really poor execution. Texas was a whipping.

With our experience we would have better performances against last year's competition. I don't see any big scary opponants on our schedule other than OR and TX. THe Sooners still have to play these games, but on paper I feel pretty good about our chances.

Our D is looking pretty tight. They appear to be able to shut down damned near anyone with the wicked D line rotation. Our O has AD on his 3rd year. That's pretty damned scary. The WR's are exciting. We have a TE now. Bomar has some great skill, quick feet and doesn't seem to be a mental case yet. If our new young O line gets enough work to handle the competition, we can stomp mud holes in people. It's a damned shame that the most important positions on the field get the least press.

Yeah, we could stumble, but me and my crimson brain-goggles say we head for another BCS championship and play tOSU.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
6/26/2006, 11:14 AM
How will it translate to wins? This IS a new season, but I'll still use last season as an example. The TT game is still a win to me because of the fourth down stop that we made and were screwed out of. That would give us 9-3. That alone is a good season, but look at the number of fumbles in the TCU game. 6 with 3 lost. That sucks. I don't see that happening next year. Better ball handling would given us a 10-2 season. UCLA was just really poor execution. Texas was a whipping.

we lost 4 games, yes ttech went against us, but baylor, nebraska, oregon, and aTm went too us. 8 games that were either losses or could have went either way with 20 SENIORS. now, we are going to be better with 8 seniors?

6/26/2006, 11:30 AM
Don't forget about the Tulsa game that went for us too, and was in doubt until AD's great run. That was NOT a good time....I was sitting with a bunch of Ohio State and texas tailgaters in Columbus.

6/26/2006, 11:50 AM
what we lack is a core of guys who know how to win, who step up and make plays in crunch time, who embody what we as fans call "sooner magic".
spot on. this is what concerns me most.

6/26/2006, 12:07 PM
we lost 4 games, yes ttech went against us, but baylor, nebraska, oregon, and aTm went too us. 8 games that were either losses or could have went either way with 20 SENIORS. now, we are going to be better with 8 seniors?
the bulk of those seniors were either injured, or not very talented

lets look at it this way
lets compare opening day 05 to what we guess will be opening day 06
very importantly and i think everyone will agree - qb play will be better - much better
i guarantee oline play will be better - this is obvious from the spring games - in 05 our oline absolutely got dominated and the spring game was super ugly - not so in 06
wr talent/experience is probably a bit less this year overall but when you consider the injuries to twilson and rankins combined with teh predicted better qb play - this point is a wash
rb... if AD doesnt get hurt we should be better here. teh loss of runnells is huge but a healthy ad will make up for it as well as we probably wont run as much I formation and be as predictable - at worst i think this is a wash

so for offense were better at QB and oline for sure while rb and wr are about the same

de - we've got so much proven depth now if healthy we should be better
dt - not gonna be as good as last year - dusty is a gigantic loss imo and i dont think any of those super recruits will be able to replace him yet if ever
so we'll say our dline will be about teh same as last year

lb - we lost ingram but return 2 starters and all those second string frosh from last year are now soph's plus the addition of baker we have more depth
i dont think demarrio will come up with all the ints that ingram did but he might be a litte bit of a more productive tackler
either way - with like 7 of our top 8 back or something like that this unit should not be any worse than 05's

cb - return wolfe who will be better and move reggie smith over
i thought onyenegecha was a good player and got screwed with all the pi's that got called against him
with marcus walker hopefully healthy and lendy holmes moving over this unit should be deeper as i consider both better than bassey so again at worse this unit will be as good as 05's but in reality probably better

safety - this is my big worry. darien williams routinely gets beat in single coverage but ive been impressed with jason carter and nic harris
clayton has some skills too
considering this position was like the "who's gonna start here next week" position if we can get some stability that would be nice
obviously at the end of the year smith was entrenched at teh safety starter spot but there was a few games where we started 2 true frosh at the safeties - this unit will lose talent by losing smith but should be more experienced than last year

overall i think we should be better than last year on offense easily and at least as good on defense
so that leaves the defense in the top 20 and the offense might be able to pass against tulsa....
if we dont fumble at the 1 we probably be oregon pretty solid and if we played against tcu and ucla like we played against oregon.... do we still lose to those 2 teams? think of how many turnovers we lost in both of those games... think if we get the fumble and the int that were called against us vs ucla....
the defense played valiantly against texas but you cant be on the field as much as they were and not give up points
now that we have an offense... big things man!

6/26/2006, 12:11 PM
...rare is the team that wins the NC who doesn't have a leader at QB with a lot of intangibles. Bomar still had some growing up to do...

what we lack is a core of guys who know how to win, who step up and make plays in crunch time, who embody what we as fans call "sooner magic"

agreed on the "It Factor."

At some point in the year, OU will be in a tight position in a hostile environment and we'll need leaders to step up if we're gonna win the game. Not talented pups with a lot of potential....but leaders.

Adrian's a junior now. He's the coverboy for half the preseason college football magazines and is a preseason Heisman favorite. He needs to be as good inside the huddle as he is after it breaks.

Bomar worries me. It's almost like there are two Bomars. One is a very athletic, talented passer, tough SOB, who obviously is a coach's kid. The other is a loose cannon whos way too inconsistent and concerned too much w/ the afterparty. Year II of the Bomar era will tell us a lot.

Not to mention other young returnees like Iglesias, Kelley, and Reggie.

If we gel as a unit in time to win tough games in Eugene and Dallas, we'll roll through the second half of the schedule and into the BCS. If not...we'll be asking these same questions going into '07.

6/26/2006, 12:29 PM
spot on. this is what concerns me most.

This "sooner magik" is key to OU being like they were previously. Texas had tons of talent when OU beat them 5 years in a row, but they did not have that fire that champions need. Sure they would win 10 or 11 games, but not the big ones. OU just knew how to rise to the occasion in big games. Texas finally figured out how to do that in the Michigan Rose Bowl.
If OU can get that mentality back they will be really good..

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
6/26/2006, 12:51 PM
the bulk of those seniors were either injured, or not very talented

lets look at it this way
lets compare opening day 05 to what we guess will be opening day 06
very importantly and i think everyone will agree - qb play will be better - much better
i guarantee oline play will be better - this is obvious from the spring games - in 05 our oline absolutely got dominated and the spring game was super ugly - not so in 06
wr talent/experience is probably a bit less this year overall but when you consider the injuries to twilson and rankins combined with teh predicted better qb play - this point is a wash
rb... if AD doesnt get hurt we should be better here. teh loss of runnells is huge but a healthy ad will make up for it as well as we probably wont run as much I formation and be as predictable - at worst i think this is a wash

so for offense were better at QB and oline for sure while rb and wr are about the same

at this point, you are guessing just like the rest of us are. i just don't see any tangible reasoning to go along with your assumptions. basing expectations off of the spring game is dangerous as crap. with the exception of last year, a good showing by the OL means that our interior D is going to be soft. saying that peterson is magically going to make up for the best blocking fullback we've had in a decade doesn't make sense either.

so we come back to our wildcards from most probable to least probable

peterson from the spread - there are two categories separating peterson from the #1 overall pick - decision making and discipline. to this point, he has made it a habit to reverse his field and take questionable chances with the ball. he also hasn't proven that he is patient enough to set up his blocks and then accelerate through the seams. last year, i doubted he'd improve in this area because he sat out the spring. with a full spring practice before a contract year, we should see these two areas much improved. if they are average, he should be able to get 1500 yards from the spread. if they are great, we'll be talking 2000 yards again.

bomar and the WRs - we have to assume that bomar can be quick and correct in his reads and the WRs won't go into the much discussed "sophomore slump" that our WRs tend to go in (mostly from injuries). honestly, what would you put the odds of this occurring before our first game?

the OL is better -
[rant]this is kind of a loaded question because last year's OL was worse than it should have been. when you look at our collosal coaching blunders last season, the decision to move joseph to tackle is a 1B behind the inability to figure out who should be the starting QB. why we would take a great guard a poor tackle is beyond me, especially when our base offense required a strong interior OL. of course, like we are channeling a fortune 500 company, we get rid of the guy behind 1A and then promote the guy behind 1B. [/endrant]

the biggest issue you have with a young OL is with stunts. we may have better talent, but whether our effectiveness will be higher, especially on the road, is a huge question mark at this point. they will be better by the end of the season, but ending with 4 straight road games would be a tough assignment for a veteran OL.

clapp blocks as good as JD - i'll believe it when i see it

the key to our season is going to be keeping peterson healthy until the OL gels. otherwise, we could be in for a long season...

6/26/2006, 01:07 PM
I'd be happy going 10-2 with a Cotton Bowl bid.

6/26/2006, 01:09 PM
Certainly no expert opinion or more insight than other fans, but with our schedule, the oline situation and no JD, my guess at this time would be:

4 or more losses: 10%
3 or more losses: 45%
2 or more losses: 75%
1 or more losses: 95%
Undefeated: 5%

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
6/26/2006, 01:12 PM
so your scale is

0 losses -> 5%
1 loss -> 20%
2 losses -> 30%
3 losses -> 35%
4 losses -> 10%

they do this every year on huskerpedia and then aggregate all the %'s to get the board expectations. they are almost always high ;)

6/26/2006, 01:15 PM
they are almost always high ;)

the scales, or the users on huskerpedia?? :D

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
6/26/2006, 01:25 PM
the scales, or the users on huskerpedia?? :D

uh huh

6/26/2006, 01:27 PM
I'd be happy going 10-2 with a Cotton Bowl bid.

My sentiments exactly. It really boils down to how well Adrian Peterson can run with the football and gain yardage. If he has plenty of operating room, OU will equal or better a 10-2 finish. Oregon, Texas and texas A&M appear to be the only potential pitfalls on the schedule. Realistically, a Cotton Bowl season is in order. Anything beyond that equates to a dream season.

6/26/2006, 01:33 PM
This "sooner magik" is key to OU being like they were previously. Texas had tons of talent when OU beat them 5 years in a row, but they did not have that fire that champions need. Sure they would win 10 or 11 games, but not the big ones. OU just knew how to rise to the occasion in big games. Texas finally figured out how to do that in the Michigan Rose Bowl.
If OU can get that mentality back they will be really good..

you're confusing Vince w/ Texas again.

Back to OU...the end of the season road games in the BigXII don't worry me as much in '06 as it would have in '01 or '02.

I dont see this WR corps having a sophomore slump in terms of production unless Bomar is constantly pressured and never has the time to make his reads.

And we've been talking exclusively about the O...there's not a defensive unit on our schedule that I'd trade for ours.

6/26/2006, 01:39 PM
And we've been talking exclusively about the O...there's not a defensive unit on our schedule that I'd trade for ours.

Hopefully, our D/ST will put the O in short field positions. I don't think that was near the case last year as in previous seasons.

6/26/2006, 03:38 PM
Are you saying that your defense is better than everyone on your schedules?????????
..OR are you just saying you like them better?

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
6/26/2006, 03:46 PM

Scott D
6/26/2006, 04:40 PM
Are you saying that your defense is better than everyone on your schedules?????????
..OR are you just saying you like them better?



jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
6/26/2006, 04:49 PM
has anyone ever been banned for being unintelligible? cause its about to happen ;)

6/26/2006, 07:36 PM
the scales, or the users on huskerpedia?? :D
nicely played.

The Consumate Showman
6/26/2006, 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
what we lack is a core of guys who know how to win, who step up and make plays in crunch time, who embody what we as fans call "sooner magic".

spot on. this is what concerns me most.

In skimming through this, I notice that you two guys seem to be worried about the fact that OU doesn;t have that killer instinct to put games away and be clutch. IMO, the problem witht this arguement is that in 2000, sis either of you two think that we would have that great sooner magic and pull a couple of wins out of our azzes and put the other teams away to go on to #7 after 1999's 7-5 record?

I'm trying to dog on you guys, but I think that our team's resolve will show itself as the season progresses. We can't sit here in late June and speculate that these guys don't have that "sooner magic" to get the job done and bring home #8. All he can do at this juncture is hope and pray.

I think a lot of people on here are being safe with their predictions so they don't get let down if we take one on the chin from AFLAC or UT, but I feel that if we stay healthy, meaning NO MORE FREAKIN' injuries, we will take the MNC home to Norman in January. This is a tall order, but if it happens... A healthy AD and (fingers crossed) a more seasoned Bomar and OL will make the difference to put us over the hump this year.

6/26/2006, 08:21 PM
I'm wearing crimson shades...UNDEFEATED!!!

6/26/2006, 08:28 PM
I crack up when y'all try and get all scientific and ****. So much can/will happen between now and next January all your prognosticating is pointless.

Until we get beat, we're going 13-0. It's not out of the realm of possible. At all. Chemistry, fire, heart, guts, and luck are what we need. And health, of course. If Peterson stays healthy, and Bomar manages to continue his growth, we will be right there.

6/26/2006, 10:59 PM
As usual Dean hits it again ;)
Who here would have thought we would get thru Red October In 2000 ?
Not to mention going ALL the Way . Its Luck and Health , we have the talent ;) and the Coaches . to geterdone :D

6/27/2006, 01:16 AM
at this point, you are guessing just like the rest of us are. i just don't see any tangible reasoning to go along with your assumptions. basing expectations off of the spring game is dangerous as crap. with the exception of last year, a good showing by the OL means that our interior D is going to be soft. saying that peterson is magically going to make up for the best blocking fullback we've had in a decade doesn't make sense either.
its educated guesses - you assume a team with many returning starters is going to be better than the version it placed on teh field the year before - its usually, but not always correct by itself
lets then combine that with the knowledge we have of the team and see what we can predict

im not really basing expectations off the spring game - im comparing the talent we show from the last 4 spring games - and this oline talent is much better than last years - i have a question for you. have you been to a couple of our spring games lately?

you could say our interior dl is soft but with the recruiting we've had that is not very likely and that still wouldnt explain our de's not being dominant like they are against other teams
ill take peterson from teh spread over runnells/kejuan from the I form

bomar and the WRs - we have to assume that bomar can be quick and correct in his reads and the WRs won't go into the much discussed "sophomore slump" that our WRs tend to go in (mostly from injuries). honestly, what would you put the odds of this occurring before our first game?
i am hoping bomar doesnt pull an eric ainge - but bomar getting suckier just has to be less likely than him getting better if you think about it
i really cant put odds on players getting injured and my opinion of the team is based on us not losing many players - wr is a position were not as deep at with stars and experience as say de and lb
i think thompson, kelly and iglesias can be reasonably succesful with some of the other guys (chaney, johnson, strong) coming in here and there for relief
but i think there is a definite drop off after teh first 3 i mentioned

the OL is better -
the key to our season is going to be keeping peterson healthy until the OL gels. otherwise, we could be in for a long season...

basically, your rant further justifies my belief that the 06 oline will be better than the 05 version other than ive seen it with my own eyes

Jason White's Third Knee
6/27/2006, 08:42 AM
we lost 4 games, yes ttech went against us, but baylor, nebraska, oregon, and aTm went too us. 8 games that were either losses or could have went either way with 20 SENIORS. now, we are going to be better with 8 seniors?

Good point, but I think we are still getting deeper and more experienced in places that were lacking. Dusty is gone, but we are stuffing 3 fat guys in rotation to make up for it.

The first 5 games had 5 different O lines. We went through 3 centers. That is a lot to deal with. If we can be a little more stable, we should be better, even with youngsters. The center qb exchange is it's own challenge.

Bomar should be used to the speed of the game and he should have more mature skills. I am hoping that with a little line continuity and AD coming out of the backfield that Bomar might not have to run for his life this year.

The Oregon game could have been a blow out for us, but ended up being close. aTm hit us with a new qb that was willing them a victory (hate it when that happens). Nebraska was close but never really out of hand. Baylor... well, I guess they are just getting better and surprised us.

Since Stoops became coach, I always think that we will win all of our games until I see us play. So until then.... 14-0 baby!!!!!

Jason White's Third Knee
6/27/2006, 08:56 AM
Certainly no expert opinion or more insight than other fans, but with our schedule, the oline situation and no JD, my guess at this time would be:

4 or more losses: 10%
3 or more losses: 45%
2 or more losses: 75%
1 or more losses: 95%
Undefeated: 5%

I am glad JKM straightened this out cause you got 230% there, vato.

6/27/2006, 09:19 AM
I know I'll get the occasional folk who predict a 14-0, and though it it possible, it is not likely...

I get that OU has some "unresolved" issues with their OL, but we thought much less would stop us in 2005.

I've been one to criticize harshly the weaknesses OUr D had in 2004 and 2005. I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid yet, but I'm very excited to see what OUr young guys have to offer. And the guys like Reggie Smith are only going to make things better with their experience and leadership guiding what is already (I'll go ahead and say it) an OUtstanding rush D. If OU can get back into the rhythm of tackling properly and picking off QB's (OUr 2003 D was an excellent interception machine) we'll be back to the Bob Stoops defenses of old.

Offense is where we wonder... Is Bomar still just a talented kid, or is he up to the level that is expected of champions? The Holiday Bowl performance showed while he still likes his fun, Bomar will be a big name in Sooner history eventually. Will AD stay healthy? Are Juaqin and Malcom ready to take on the full load? How can OU avoid injuries and work around a shaky OL. I say we did a fine job of it in 2000, and Patton seems like a fine hire to aide us in 2006.

The problem with an MNC on say a 13-1 season, is... that ONE TEAM will always question how good you really were. However, if we drop an early loss, and are told in December we're invited to Tempe, AZ... screw that ONE TEAM...

I really don't know how it will pan OUt, but Bob Stoops has been good at B12 South runs and double-digit winning seasons, so I don't think BCS is OUt of the picture in 2006. We could run the table, but I don't know exactly if I trust putting this OU team up against a high-powered offense. A lights-out defense could be trouble for us, too.

Final prediction: 13-1 (an early shocker, but a stong finish)
MNC depends upon other teams records and performances in 2006 season play.

I, DO... think it's possible...

I hear some realism in the post which is unusual for Sooner fans. I hear the optimism of a true fan which is also a good thing.

I am a bit surprised to see that you predict an early shocker because as I've observed Stoops coaching style his teams are set up to bring max intensity from day one and usually have a lull late in the season rather than early. If a "shocker" is all that is to befall OU in '06 I think it will come late rather than early like in years past.

You could get into the BCS with only one loss, but I think two regular season losses is a more realistic expectation.


6/27/2006, 09:45 AM
I am glad JKM straightened this out cause you got 230% there, vato.

I'm glad you can count, not that totaling it has anything to do with my guesses. :D

my initial guess is that there is a 5% chance we go undeafeated, which means there is a 95% chance we lose at least 1 game.

And Dean is right, any use in projecting wins/losses at this point is futile. But it's freaking June for God's sake, what else are we going to do? At least it's not a thread about ut.

6/27/2006, 09:45 AM
Bomar appears to be a spaz. If he grows up, we could win every game. If he doesn't, we may lose 4 again. Thank goodness for Peterson and our D. They will give us a chance in every game.
Hook 'em

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
6/27/2006, 10:35 AM
basically, your rant further justifies my belief that the 06 oline will be better than the 05 version other than ive seen it with my own eyes

except for that nasty "most likely to least likely" part...

i figured that the reason our interior DL would be better would be because of recruiting rankings. it takes you about 5 years before you figure out just how unreliable they can be...

Jason White's Third Knee
6/27/2006, 10:56 AM
I'm glad you can count, not that totaling it has anything to do with my guesses. :D

And Dean is right, any use in projecting wins/losses at this point is futile. But it's freaking June for God's sake, what else are we going to do?

Who says I can count? I got a calculator to do my cipherin'.

And, for the record, Dean couldn't be more wronger. Rampant preseason speculation is just as much a part of the program as 2-a-days. If we, as Sooner fans, don't gather at Soonery places and prognosticate on an undefeated (or on a down year, a near undefeated) season, then we might as well be Rice fans.


Jason White's Third Knee
6/27/2006, 11:00 AM
Bomar appears to be a spaz. If he grows up, we could win every game. If he doesn't, we may lose 4 again. Thank goodness for Peterson and our D. They will give us a chance in every game.
Hook 'em

Oh ye of little faith. Bomar will be fine. He was just out of high school last year. We aren't used to having a QB with a personality. Sure, he could blow up, but I am hoping that we'll keep saying, "That kid has a lot of fire in him.", instead of, "That kid is a mental patient."

6/27/2006, 11:17 AM
Sure, he could blow up, but I am hoping that we'll keep saying, "That kid has a lot of fire in him.", instead of, "That kid is a mental patient."

There's a difference? :D

Jason White's Third Knee
6/27/2006, 11:37 AM
There's a difference? :D

The difference is circumstancial. If we are winning, he's got a lotta fire. If we are losing, he's a mental patient.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
6/27/2006, 11:48 AM
The difference is circumstancial. If we are winning, he's got a lotta fire. If we are losing, he's a mental patient.

its just a brain sprain...

Sonner magic923
6/27/2006, 11:50 AM
there still isnt a qb in the country that i would trade him straight across for not even the great Brady Quinn at this point in their carreers

6/27/2006, 11:54 AM
^^^ That's what you call a homer.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
6/27/2006, 12:00 PM
i thought it was jamse

6/27/2006, 12:10 PM
And, for the record, Dean couldn't be more wronger. Rampant preseason speculation is just as much a part of the program as 2-a-days. If we, as Sooner fans, don't gather at Soonery places and prognosticate on an undefeated (or on a down year, a near undefeated) season, then we might as well be Rice fans.


What were y'all saying at this time last year? Did anybody, ANYBODY predict TCU was gonna wax our asses at home? Did anybody predict we were gonna go out to LA and bend over, spread our cheeks, and invite the surfer dudes to give us the cornholio? Did anybody expect a winless-against-the-Sooners Vinny Wonderlik to throw up some knuckleballs that his receivers could run under and whoop us by like 100? Then have the same knucklehead go on and win an NC?

Pre-season prognostication is for people who like to get hit in the mouth by a tree branch. After last year's start, I refuse to get caught up in it anymore. I'm going into this season with nothing but great expectations - although none specific. We have everything we need on campus to win every game. If the other intangibles come together (luck, officiating, timing, health, etc) we'll be right there.

You girls carry on with your silliness.

6/27/2006, 12:16 PM
Yeah, but AD has a great chance to win the Heisman....

6/27/2006, 12:26 PM
Well, yeah!!

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
6/27/2006, 12:40 PM

why do you hate kelvin sampson?

Jason White's Third Knee
6/27/2006, 01:15 PM
What were y'all saying at this time last year? Did anybody, ANYBODY predict TCU was gonna wax our asses at home? Did anybody predict we were gonna go out to LA and bend over, spread our cheeks, and invite the surfer dudes to give us the cornholio? Did anybody expect a winless-against-the-Sooners Vinny Wonderlik to throw up some knuckleballs that his receivers could run under and whoop us by like 100? Then have the same knucklehead go on and win an NC?

Pre-season prognostication is for people who like to get hit in the mouth by a tree branch. After last year's start, I refuse to get caught up in it anymore. I'm going into this season with nothing but great expectations - although none specific. We have everything we need on campus to win every game. If the other intangibles come together (luck, officiating, timing, health, etc) we'll be right there.

You girls carry on with your silliness.

What was I saying last year? The same thing I am saying this year. National Champions, baby! Woot!

So I was wrong last year. So what? Wasn't the first time. 14-0!

6/27/2006, 01:18 PM
I picked 3 losses last year, I believe. I say we improve to two losses based on a couple of warm up games in the non con sched. We have get the step on the throat mentality back. Get up, stay up, not keep up.

Stoop Dawg
6/27/2006, 01:33 PM
what we lack is a core of guys who know how to win, who step up and make plays in crunch time, who embody what we as fans call "sooner magic".

I respectfully disagree. Although he's probably a little over-hyped, I still think Peterson is that guy. He runs with determination, in spite of injury, and WANTS to win every game. Whether his determination is fueled by self-edification or team spirit doesn't matter to me at all. He has the spirit to take the team on his back and carry it across the goal line. I'm pretty impressed with the guy at this point. I think he's going to be a superstar.

And if Bomar will grow up a little more, I think he can put himself in a similar situation. He definitely wants to win, but he seems a little more pouty than determined. Hopefully that will change this year. He's definitely made some selfless runs out of the pocket. Here's hoping he turns potential into greatness this year.

Stoop Dawg
6/27/2006, 01:38 PM
I crack up when y'all try and get all scientific and ****. So much can/will happen between now and next January all your prognosticating is pointless.

So is deer hunting, but you do it 'cause you like it. Right? ;)

Jason White's Third Knee
6/27/2006, 01:41 PM
I respectfully disagree. Although he's probably a little over-hyped, I still think Peterson is that guy. He runs with determination, in spite of injury, and WANTS to win every game. Whether his determination is fueled by self-edification or team spirit doesn't matter to me at all. He has the spirit to take the team on his back and carry it across the goal line. I'm pretty impressed with the guy at this point. I think he's going to be a superstar.

And if Bomar will grow up a little more, I think he can put himself in a similar situation. He definitely wants to win, but he seems a little more pouty than determined. Hopefully that will change this year. He's definitely made some selfless runs out of the pocket. Here's hoping he turns potential into greatness this year.

I never saw him be pouty. Just looks like a young competetor to me.

In the case of Sooner Magic. I saw 2 instances were it failed in recent years. One was against LSU when Kejuan was willing the team to a touchdown. He was unstoppable and I was blown away. We were coming back... we lost.

Last year when we played TT, AMFD was cranking at the end of that game demanding a win. It was HIS determination that was getting us yards. We lost (sort of).

Anyway, I think that these guys have their eyes set on the prize. Wise, flies, pies. They have everything except that experienced O line. I am fired up. The magic will come.

Stoop Dawg
6/27/2006, 02:32 PM
I never saw him be pouty. Just looks like a young competetor to me.

Pouty is probably the wrong word. I really meant "more likely to give in to despair than AD". And it's just a sense I get. I could be totally wrong. As I said, he made some very selfless runs outside the pocket last year. He's definitely a competitor.

Jason White's Third Knee
6/27/2006, 03:27 PM
Pouty is probably the wrong word. I really meant "more likely to give in to despair than AD". And it's just a sense I get. I could be totally wrong. As I said, he made some very selfless runs outside the pocket last year. He's definitely a competitor.

Yeah, but everyone is more likely to give in than AmfD. I am a little worried about him blowing up, but I was worried about AmfD too. Remember when he was popping off about how he was probably faster than all of the Dallas Cowboys? I was thinking 'head case'. But he stayed out of trouble and has been a puff of smoke ever since.

6/27/2006, 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
what we lack is a core of guys who know how to win, who step up and make plays in crunch time, who embody what we as fans call "sooner magic"

Are you predicting '99 all over again?;)

6/27/2006, 08:42 PM
a simple question - do you want mike stoops back?

I could easily place the blame on him leaving, but that doesn't seem to hit the nail on the head since he doesn't exactly have a fantastic D himself at Arizona. However, something has been missing since 2003. We lost games when Mikey was here, we just didn't flat OUt suck at technique. Being as there are several different players missing OUt on great plays, and each with individual position coaches, maybe we just had a few "less than spectacular" players in 2002 and 2003 recruiting class. I'd like to think it's a phase we'll get OUt of... I'm just not gonna hold my breath waiting for it to end. Sometimes it just seems SO FREAKIN' OBVIOUS when we're letting teams like Baylor and KU hang with us and letting teams back into games in which they were down 21 or so and the coaches say in press conferences... "I think OUr defense was spectacular..." or "I don't see how that happened..." or "they're just very good at [insert excuse]..." When Bobby came into Norman it was flat-out "we can improve on this..." or "they whooped us, we stunk today..." Here's hoping it was just a few duds on the recruiting classes past and we'll sneak through it...

6/27/2006, 09:41 PM
Seriously, folks... JD Runnels was freakin' great. An unspoken of hero. But in case you haven't noticed... OUr OC, Kevin Wilson is not afraid of leaving the fullback OUt of the mix like the rest of the freaking country does already. JD was great, no dispute. He could block, run, and I never once recall hearing of him dropping a pass. But we've lost quality players before and Bob Stoops and Company continue to win, win, win... I'll miss JD's dependability, but we're not going to be the same "run it up the middle, Chuck!" offense. Bomar, if you noticed in the HB and in the spring game went under center for most of the running plays in which AD was doing JUST FINE working with. We have two big guys as options to play at fullback down or two... but I'm not at all devastated with JD's loss like he's a freakin' Heisman winner or something. NFL teams and CFL teams alike, majority of the time, don't even use a fullback. This was evident by the fact that JD the hero was not selected top-priority in the draft. The Bears gave him a chance as a free-agent I think we read, correct?
Once more so there's no confusion, JD was a hard-worker, a great leader, and an ol'-faithful every-down player. I know the only "blocking issue" we'll have is the still, questioned-OL... their abilities will be evident in the first down of the first game of 2006. I can't imagine another TCU-like performance where OUr guys appeared weak, hung over and helpless. And Bomar has the benefit of working with a bad line in 2006. Does anyone remember OUr "thin" OL in pre-2000??? Read the latest Sooners Illustrated to get the 411 on the OL, it's not as Armageddon as you think it is...

The Consumate Showman
6/27/2006, 09:43 PM
What were y'all saying at this time last year? Did anybody, ANYBODY predict TCU was gonna wax our asses at home? Did anybody predict we were gonna go out to LA and bend over, spread our cheeks, and invite the surfer dudes to give us the cornholio? Did anybody expect a winless-against-the-Sooners Vinny Wonderlik to throw up some knuckleballs that his receivers could run under and whoop us by like 100? Then have the same knucklehead go on and win an NC?

Pre-season prognostication is for people who like to get hit in the mouth by a tree branch. After last year's start, I refuse to get caught up in it anymore. I'm going into this season with nothing but great expectations - although none specific. We have everything we need on campus to win every game. If the other intangibles come together (luck, officiating, timing, health, etc) we'll be right there.

You girls carry on with your silliness.

C&C, are you my long-lost brother? AMEN!

6/27/2006, 09:53 PM
there still isnt a qb in the country that i would trade him straight across for not even the great Brady Quinn at this point in their carreers

I kinda like tOSU QB-guy (name escapes me, Troy???) He's mobile, athletic and growing as a passer. Maybe not a VY, but he reminds me of VY in late 2004. If tOSU had a returning defense, they would be the smokin' team in 2006. They'll run up some scores, but -9 D starters!!! OUCH!!! I say at least three teams get 'em (hopefully Hook 'em get's em so we can have a brawl in the Cotton Bowl like 2001, but I'll be happy even if they don't... you understand :D )

I will go OUt on a limb and say that Paul Smith at TU, with a little fine-tuning could be a superhero QB like some of OUr recent QBs. And he's an Okla-homey too. That's the problem with recruiting five-stars instead of local stars. Some of them will come back to bite you, and Paul Smith nearly did. Hell, he out-performed Bomar for a majority of the 2006 season, and they're the same age!!!

As far as Bomar goes, I'm just glad a jammed finger is all he got OUt of a head-on collision course in 2005. I jst knew something was broken in the aTm game...

6/28/2006, 09:24 AM
Oh ye of little faith. Bomar will be fine. He was just out of high school last year. We aren't used to having a QB with a personality. Sure, he could blow up, but I am hoping that we'll keep saying, "That kid has a lot of fire in him.", instead of, "That kid is a mental patient."

I always love your posts...mental patient - LOL. Don't get me wrong, I'm pulling for Bomar to be highly successful. I just have my doubts. It should be a fun year. If we beat Texas and Bomar does not have a Hybl-like 4 interceptions, then I think he will have passed the test. Hopefully, he will not have to pass a breath-a-lizer test.Hook 'em

Jason White's Third Knee
6/28/2006, 10:06 AM
GO8- In response to a couple of your posts:
Statistically, Arizona doesn't have a top tier D, but have you seen those boys play? Damn. They are some hitting mother ****ers and that is no jive. They put their stamp on opponants every play. It's like a bunch of Rufus (Rufusi? Rufuses? Ruffies?), Onteis, and TRRWs out there. Total destruction from a moderately talented bunch of dudes. I think we are less physical since Mike left. I think my "FINISH" wrist band is gonna say "LET'S GET PHYSICAL" this year. That would be really really gay.

As for the JD stuff, I think I may actually agree with you. I've seen a lot of single back sets with AmfD back there and he does fine. He just might wear out. I suspect Wilson will throw enough wrinkles in to take some of the heat off of AmfD. Hell, Wilson made Damien Anderson look like a world beater. Big difference in skill there. AD will set some records this year. Big ones. Like Kiss Double Live big records.

OUmill- Thanks for the props. I think everyone is skeptical of Bomar, because of his out spoken demeanor, the ultra stupid spike at the end of the Holiday Bowl, and his choice in beers, but his play was pretty decent given the crap he had to deal with. Here's my view:
He wasn't the starter, but became the starter DURING the first game.
He had 5 different lines in the first 5 games.
He had 3 different centers and had to get used to their delivery.
His big dog 'bulk of the offense' all-universe RB went up lame.
He was running for his life most of the year.
He was just a freshman and had to get used to competition speed.
He was hungover at every home game AND UCLA.

I have to give the kid the benefit of the doubt. Hell, Hybl was a GREAT QB, but since he followed Heupel and preceded White... uh, most anyone would look ****ty. I liked Hybl. Great attitude. He just lost a couple is all.

Now Bomar has to follow White. He might be better than White eventually. He's got a stonger arm. His wheels are as good as White's when he COULD scramble. He's smart. He's a coach's kid. He's under Heupel's tutelage (like White was). This is a good recipe.

Jason White's Third Knee
6/28/2006, 10:13 AM
Oh ye of little faith. Bomar will be fine. He was just out of high school last year. We aren't used to having a QB with a personality. Sure, he could blow up, but I am hoping that we'll keep saying, "That kid has a lot of fire in him.", instead of, "That kid is a mental patient."

You idiot. Bomar wasn't just out of high school. He was a redshirt.

Stupid *** know nothing poster.

6/28/2006, 11:28 AM
10-2 to 9-3, Oregon will be a tough game, and you may lose to either texas or A&M at Kyle, but OU also has a chance to go undefeated.

Salt City Sooner
6/28/2006, 12:07 PM
He wasn't the starter, but became the starter DURING the first game.
He had 5 different lines in the first 5 games.
He had 3 different centers and had to get used to their delivery.
His big dog 'bulk of the offense' all-universe RB went up lame.
He was running for his life most of the year.
He was just a freshman and had to get used to competition speed.
He was hungover at every home game AND UCLA.
One more to add:

Went against a schedule that went 96-46, toughest in the nation.

Jason White's Third Knee
6/28/2006, 06:27 PM
One more to add:

Went against a schedule that went 96-46, toughest in the nation.

...and there was that. So obviously Bomar is a ticking timebomb.

6/28/2006, 09:09 PM
GO8- In response to a couple of your posts:
Statistically, Arizona doesn't have a top tier D, but have you seen those boys play? Damn. They are some hitting mother ****ers and that is no jive. They put their stamp on opponants every play. It's like a bunch of Rufus (Rufusi? Rufuses? Ruffies?), Onteis, and TRRWs out there. Total destruction from a moderately talented bunch of dudes. I think we are less physical since Mike left. I think my "FINISH" wrist band is gonna say "LET'S GET PHYSICAL" this year. That would be really really gay.

As for the JD stuff, I think I may actually agree with you. I've seen a lot of single back sets with AmfD back there and he does fine. He just might wear out. I suspect Wilson will throw enough wrinkles in to take some of the heat off of AmfD. Hell, Wilson made Damien Anderson look like a world beater. Big difference in skill there. AD will set some records this year. Big ones. Like Kiss Double Live big records.

OUmill- Thanks for the props. I think everyone is skeptical of Bomar, because of his out spoken demeanor, the ultra stupid spike at the end of the Holiday Bowl, and his choice in beers, but his play was pretty decent given the crap he had to deal with. Here's my view:
He wasn't the starter, but became the starter DURING the first game.
He had 5 different lines in the first 5 games.
He had 3 different centers and had to get used to their delivery.
His big dog 'bulk of the offense' all-universe RB went up lame.
He was running for his life most of the year.
He was just a freshman and had to get used to competition speed.
He was hungover at every home game AND UCLA.

I have to give the kid the benefit of the doubt. Hell, Hybl was a GREAT QB, but since he followed Heupel and preceded White... uh, most anyone would look ****ty. I liked Hybl. Great attitude. He just lost a couple is all.

Now Bomar has to follow White. He might be better than White eventually. He's got a stonger arm. His wheels are as good as White's when he COULD scramble. He's smart. He's a coach's kid. He's under Heupel's tutelage (like White was). This is a good recipe.

For the record, I'm not saying we could have done without JD in his time... I was trying to be positive for all of the folks who think the sky will fall without him. But yeah, I can agree witcha! :D

6/28/2006, 09:20 PM
I always love your posts...mental patient - LOL. Don't get me wrong, I'm pulling for Bomar to be highly successful. I just have my doubts. It should be a fun year. If we beat Texas and Bomar does not have a Hybl-like 4 interceptions, then I think he will have passed the test. Hopefully, he will not have to pass a breath-a-lizer test.Hook 'em

You know we're gonna hear it next season that OUr QB, RB, WRs and most of OUr OL is from Texas. :( I'm juist waiting for another whorn to blow off before-hand about "OU players are Texas rejects..." That always makes the Cotton Bowl more fun. :D

Nate Hybl was a great stand-in QB IMHO... The only issue we had with him is that despite him being the perfect backup QB, he was still the backup guy. And when OUr teams heart went into cardiac arrest (JW injuries), he showed flashes of being able to pick up where JW left off, but then not-so-much. Of course J-Dub had a few losses that stick OUt like a sore thumb too... but we're talking Heisman versus lost to OSU twice... I guess the best way to describe them is like putting Kejuan in for AD, both can win, but one was clearly better...

6/28/2006, 09:23 PM
10-2 to 9-3, Oregon will be a tough game, and you may lose to either texas or A&M at Kyle, but OU also has a chance to go undefeated.

Yeah, A&M always scares me :rolleyes:

Jason White's Third Knee
6/29/2006, 12:06 PM
Nate Hybl was a great stand-in QB IMHO... The only issue we had with him is that despite him being the perfect backup QB, he was still the backup guy. And when OUr teams heart went into cardiac arrest (JW injuries), he showed flashes of being able to pick up where JW left off, but then not-so-much. Of course J-Dub had a few losses that stick OUt like a sore thumb too... but we're talking Heisman versus lost to OSU twice... I guess the best way to describe them is like putting Kejuan in for AD, both can win, but one was clearly better...

Actually, Hybl was the starter. Hybl got rocked in 2 games (Texas and Kansas) and White came in and stole his damned job! Wedging Hybl between Heupel and White isn't very fair. Hybl won a ton of games but just didn't come off as "the man". Tough acts to follow.

6/29/2006, 05:01 PM
[QUOTE=goingoneight]Of course J-Dub had a few losses that stick OUt like a sore thumb too... but we're talking Heisman versus lost to OSU twice...QUOTE]

Hold on a second. Hybl takes way too much flak for both those OSU games. '01 is clearly understandable, but I'm not sure you realize OSU scored on their first four possessions. Rashaun Woods used that double move on Woolf and burned him several times. 38-28 isn't so bad. It's more the defense's fault than the offense. Besides, I think Nate threw three TD's in that game.

Salt City Sooner
6/29/2006, 09:59 PM
He should share in the blame of '01, as there were some plays that he missed, but he also takes way too much of it from the fans for that loss as well as far as I'm concerned. OSU was getting heat with a 3 man rush at times (thanks to the total SIEVE of a line he had in front of him), & he had the benefit of a ground game that produced all of ZIPPOLA yards rushing. The QB's who succeed in that scenario are very few & far between.

6/29/2006, 10:41 PM
Let's just say Nate was great and be thankful John Blake wasn't his coach...

Jason White's Third Knee
6/30/2006, 08:31 AM
[quote=goingoneight]Of course J-Dub had a few losses that stick OUt like a sore thumb too... but we're talking Heisman versus lost to OSU twice...QUOTE]

Hold on a second. Hybl takes way too much flak for both those OSU games. '01 is clearly understandable, but I'm not sure you realize OSU scored on their first four possessions. Rashaun Woods used that double move on Woolf and burned him several times. 38-28 isn't so bad. It's more the defense's fault than the offense. Besides, I think Nate threw three TD's in that game.

I am with you on that one, but I still remember that Everage was supposed to be helping out on coverage. I still remember him getting torched one play. He was sitting on his *** one another one. Really missed TRRW then.

Jason White's Third Knee
6/30/2006, 08:36 AM

I am with you on that one, but I still remember that Everage was supposed to be helping out on coverage. I still remember him getting torched one play. He was sitting on his *** one another one. Really missed TRRW then.

...and JT Thatcher for that matter. I have been out on that position since Everage came in. I was disappointed in Pool too. People must be scheming against that area effectively to make me think that way. Ever since that year that we got torched against aTm and osu we've been vulnerable there.

I look for better things this year.

6/30/2006, 09:06 AM
Bomar doesn't get enough credit for winning in a year where we played the toughest schedule in the nation, lost all the receivers from the previous year (at one point), lost our top three runningbacks (at another point), and, oh yeah, was a Freshman.

6/30/2006, 09:18 AM
we win it all ......now everyone take a breath

Jason White's Third Knee
6/30/2006, 12:09 PM
Agreed. We win it all.

6/30/2006, 10:12 PM
Agreed. We win it all.

So it's settled then. And I'll go ahead and call OU dibs for 2007!

Boston Sooner
7/1/2006, 03:30 AM
If Bomar has improved even more in the offseason and our OL can stay healthy (at C with Cooper especially) and get during the fall, then our offense should be pretty good with unreal RB's in AD, Patrick, and Murray/Madu/Brown, and terrific WR's in Kelly, JI, Huggins, Johnson, and new guys Caleb/Tennell/Gresham.

Our defense should be the best in the country IMO. Our DL has enough so many DT's and DE's that we could field at least 2 1st string DL's with them. Our LB...even though we won't have RR or Patterson, both of which are losses that hurt, will still be great with Rufus, Pleasant, Latimer...w/ Lofton, Baker, Robinson, and other backing them up. And our DB's, although young and inexperienced, will be unreal IMO. I think our CB's (Reggie and DJ) will be the best in the country. And at S we are unproven, but have a ton of talent w/ Clayton, Williams, Harris, Carter, and a couple great Freshman in Nelson and Jackson.

So all in all, I think that as long as we can score over 21 points a game, I don't see a team that will score more than that on our schedule, with most scoring much less IMO. Our DL is going to shut down the run and put a ton of pressure on the QB, and also allow our extremely fast and athletic LB's to make plays. Reggie and DJ are going to shut down the outside WR's, and hopefully our safeties can learn and improve on last year. And w/ AD, Bomar, and those WR's...21 points should be no problem. JMO

Jason White's Third Knee
7/1/2006, 10:35 AM
If Bomar has improved even more in the offseason and our OL can stay healthy (at C with Cooper especially) and get during the fall, then our offense should be pretty good with unreal RB's in AD, Patrick, and Murray/Madu/Brown, and terrific WR's in Kelly, JI, Huggins, Johnson, and new guys Caleb/Tennell/Gresham.

Our defense should be the best in the country IMO. Our DL has enough so many DT's and DE's that we could field at least 2 1st string DL's with them. Our LB...even though we won't have RR or Patterson, both of which are losses that hurt, will still be great with Rufus, Pleasant, Latimer...w/ Lofton, Baker, Robinson, and other backing them up. And our DB's, although young and inexperienced, will be unreal IMO. I think our CB's (Reggie and DJ) will be the best in the country. And at S we are unproven, but have a ton of talent w/ Clayton, Williams, Harris, Carter, and a couple great Freshman in Nelson and Jackson.

So all in all, I think that as long as we can score over 21 points a game, I don't see a team that will score more than that on our schedule, with most scoring much less IMO. Our DL is going to shut down the run and put a ton of pressure on the QB, and also allow our extremely fast and athletic LB's to make plays. Reggie and DJ are going to shut down the outside WR's, and hopefully our safeties can learn and improve on last year. And w/ AD, Bomar, and those WR's...21 points should be no problem. JMO

Pfft. Can't you read? We already settled it. We're NC for 2006.

7/1/2006, 03:36 PM
Just hope the O-line comes together quicker than last year. I really think that it's the key to the entire season.

Boston Sooner
7/1/2006, 05:23 PM
Pfft. Can't you read? We already settled it. We're NC for 2006.I hope so, but there are a number of ?'s IMO, as well as areas where we are terrific. And I just wanted to point those out. For example, if we can't find a center who can stay healthy, then our season could go down the tubes right there. And we have 1 guy who can do the job and he's currently still injured.

So IMO, it's important to keep things like that, as well as the lack of experience with our safeties, in mind before declaring a MNC. JMO though.