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Beano's Fourth Chin
6/23/2006, 11:06 AM
- Both Superman's Krypton father and Superman have the same last name - El, the Hebrew name for God. On the Superman: The Movie Special Edition DVD, the writer of the film confirmed that the parallel in the name was intentional.
-The new movie's trailer makes a clear connection between Superman's and Jesus' mission in the world. According to the trailer, Superman's father sent his one and only son into the world to show humans "the light."
- The name of Superman's arch enemy, Lex Luthor, sounds like "Lucifer," the "arch enemy" of Jesus and Christians. He is the "evil one."
- In the Smallville pilot television show, which chronicles Superman as a youth, the episode followed much of the Passion narrative. In the climax, Clark Kent hangs on a scarecrow cross with kryptonite (a metaphor for sin according to Skelton) around his neck. And again, the parallel is no coincidence. "I thought there were a lot of metaphors between Clark [Kent] and Jesus actually. And I tried to throw in as many of them as I could," the episode's director said on the DVD version of the show.
- Superman also performs a variety of miraculous deeds that recall miracles Jesus performed in the Bible. Some of these include "raising" Lois Lane from the dead in Superman: The Movie (like Jesus' raising of Lazarus) and rescuing the U.S. president's plane during a storm (like Jesus' rescue of the disciples during a storm).

6/23/2006, 11:12 AM
We should boycott this. If impressionable young people see it, they may think the fiction is real and be led astray.

Beano's Fourth Chin
6/23/2006, 11:14 AM
No no no no no...

Your line is:

It's fictional

Although you were close. I guess we can give partial credit. I'll take back one of the nos.

6/23/2006, 11:16 AM
I thought the Hebrew name for God was Yahweh? I never thought that long and hard about Superman.

If I were Superman I'd set the all time NCAA rushing record in 3 years while winning 3 Heismans at OU, then shatter the pro records in 8-10 years, retire and become the heavyweight boxing champion.

6/23/2006, 11:18 AM
Ok, so where does the Clark & Lois hookup work into it? Is that an ancient secret protected by shadowy sub-sects of DC comics?

Beano's Fourth Chin
6/23/2006, 11:24 AM
Upcoming Superman movie offers pastors unique opportunity to share the Gospel (http://www.pastors.com/article.asp?ArtID=9501)
From Rick Warren's Ministry Toolbox

OKC Sooner
6/23/2006, 11:25 AM
Ok, so where does the Clark & Lois hookup work into it? Is that an ancient secret protected by shadowy sub-sects of DC comics?

Lois and Clark had a daughter. Their descendants live among us today.

6/23/2006, 11:27 AM
Jesus didn't wear a cape.

6/23/2006, 11:28 AM
How do you know?

6/23/2006, 11:35 AM
Jesus was an alien? I hope he wasn't illegal....

White House Boy
6/23/2006, 11:39 AM
Jesus didn't wear a cape.

Or blue spandex, for that matter.

6/23/2006, 12:00 PM
Did he wear a big J on his chest? Cuz that would be pretty cool.

6/23/2006, 12:45 PM
Jesus didn't wear a cape.
You're right, He dressed more like a Jedi.