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Big John
6/20/2006, 06:44 PM
Haven't seen this posted yet

Players can no longer wear tinted eye sheilds.
Explanation:They didn't say explain why except for that there are other ways to protect your eyes, and I don't see much of a point to the rule.

There's a limit on height of the tee to make the ball closer to the ground.
Explanation:To make the kickoffs shorter to allow more returns.

Clock now starts on free-kicks when kicker's foot touches the ball, and the halftimes will only last 20 minutes.
Explanation:To make the games shorter.

It also has a bunch of stuff about the instant replays.

Link (http://www.soonersports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=300&ATCLID=299426)

6/20/2006, 06:55 PM
Wait, so on kickoffs the time starts at the kick and not at the catch now? That's gonna suck for anyone trying to make a comeback with 45 seconds on the clock.

6/20/2006, 10:31 PM
man, i'm gonna miss ad's black visor. i hate the ncaa:mad:

6/20/2006, 11:08 PM
NCAA=National Communists Against Athletes

Remember when we were put on probation because the King bought one of his players a plane ticket home for his fathers funeral when the kid didn't have any money to pay for it (because athletes can't work during the season- another great NCAA rule).

6/20/2006, 11:59 PM
The games will not be shorter in broadcast time, there will just be more commercials. That's my theory, and I'm stickin' to it! ;)
As usual, the athletes will perform for their pittance of food, while the networks and their cronies stuff their pockets with profits. :(
Yessir, the NCAA remains squarely on it's historical track!

6/21/2006, 05:58 AM
They've obviously never been to the ladies room at halftime.

6/21/2006, 06:42 AM
They've obviously never been to the ladies room at halftime.

the line at the west upper deck at halftime for you ladies is un-friggin-believeable. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long.

i feel sorry for you all.

6/21/2006, 08:22 AM
Wait, so on kickoffs the time starts at the kick and not at the catch now? That's gonna suck for anyone trying to make a comeback with 45 seconds on the clock.

It only applies to "free kicks" which are the kicks after a safety. The other kick-offs remain the same and expensive.

6/21/2006, 08:26 AM
The opportunity to score rule: I know the announcers made a big deal about this during the TT game. Since they were ahead by 2 points, did they not realize if OU had blocked the PAT and returned it back, it would have been a tie game? So, they had to do the play. I just hope some dumb official realizes that in similiar situation.

Big John
6/21/2006, 08:50 AM
Examples of equipment not allowed for players to use during college football games:

Not allowed:http://www.icaro2000.com/Products/Helmets/4fight/LT%20Integral/Integral%20Velvet%20black%20L.jpg

Also not allowed:http://www.mwctoys.com/images/u2_Tinted_visor.jpg

Not allowed as well:http://www.anythinghondaonline.com/ProductImages/ridgeline/MoonRoofVisor.jpg

Not allowed:http://www.partykits.com/images/56-0022%20Tinted%20Visor.jpg

Not allowed:http://www.10alpha.freeserve.co.uk/sph4cg6.jpg

Not allowed:http://www.natick.army.mil/about/pao/pubs/warrior/03/julyaug/fwsideaim1.jpg

Not allowed:http://www.abdcards.com/photos/hockey-photos/pf0095k.jpg

Not allowed:http://custommadegolfclubs.homestead.com/silver_Flash.jpg

Not allowed:http://www.motorradconcepts.com/sprortintimage.jpg

6/21/2006, 09:42 AM
The replay rule is better. You still have to take a timeout, but if the play is overturned, you get the timeout back. However it's RETARDED that they only get one challenge per game. The refs get unlimited challenges, but come on....

It should be based on your timeouts. Potentially unlimited challenges if you get them overturned, and a limit of 3 if you are the suck at challenging (or the refs are the suck at overturning; ala Lubbock 05).

6/21/2006, 10:44 AM
The games will not be shorter in broadcast time, there will just be more commercials. That's my theory, and I'm stickin' to it! ;)
As usual, the athletes will perform for their pittance of food, while the networks and their cronies stuff their pockets with profits. :(
Yessir, the NCAA remains squarely on it's historical track!

I think you're 100% correct. The broadcasts will still last 4 hours. It's just that now there will be 1:20 in commercials instead of just 1 hour. Networks rule as long as they write the checks.

6/21/2006, 10:49 AM
be happy we don't go back to the Wide World of Sports were there is only two games at the most on Saturday. As long as there are games on ESPN ABC NBC FSN I think I can stand another 20 minutes in commercials.

6/21/2006, 11:49 AM
I thought I read where the halftimes were shortened to 15 minutes from 20.

How the hades are coaches supposed to implement halftime adjustments in that time frame!?!? I'm sure Bob will make that a point of emphasis for the staff this year... getting those halftime adjustments communicated as efficiently as possible, that is.

6/21/2006, 01:21 PM
I thought I read where the halftimes were shortened to 15 minutes from 20.

How the hades are coaches supposed to implement halftime adjustments in that time frame!?!? I'm sure Bob will make that a point of emphasis for the staff this year... getting those halftime adjustments communicated as efficiently as possible, that is.

Oh, in a great way, no doubt....

6/21/2006, 01:30 PM
I thought I read where the halftimes were shortened to 15 minutes from 20.

Not automatically, from what I've read. If I remember right, the halftime CAN be shortened upon agreement of both schools to 15 minutes.

6/21/2006, 02:48 PM
I thought I read where the halftimes were shortened to 15 minutes from 20.

How the hades are coaches supposed to implement halftime adjustments in that time frame!?!? I'm sure Bob will make that a point of emphasis for the staff this year... getting those halftime adjustments communicated as efficiently as possible, that is.

It expect that little provision to be very flexible depending on the projected market coverage of a particular game. Halftimes in big market games could last 45 minutes if enough prime commercial minutes are sucked up by sponsors. OTOH, small regional games will probably get cut to the wire.

sooner n houston
6/23/2006, 08:27 AM
Funny thing, down here in Texas, high schoolers can wear the clear football visors but middle-school kid's can't! Does that make sense to anyone?

My son works at the Oakley store in woodland hills mall. He bought his younger brother a pair of each, clear and shaded, last year. Coaches told him he could not wear them till high-school! :mad:

6/23/2006, 02:13 PM
The replay rule is better. You still have to take a timeout, but if the play is overturned, you get the timeout back. However it's RETARDED that they only get one challenge per game. The refs get unlimited challenges, but come on....

It should be based on your timeouts. Potentially unlimited challenges if you get them overturned, and a limit of 3 if you are the suck at challenging (or the refs are the suck at overturning; ala Lubbock 05).
