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View Full Version : it figures my parents would shut off the cable during the World Cup...

proud gonzo
6/18/2006, 08:16 PM
my parents are having our cable and internet shut off tomorrow at this house and it won't be turned on in the new house (we're in the midst of moving) until wednesday at the earliest or by the end of the week hopefully. :mad:

That makes me a sad panda.

6/18/2006, 08:25 PM
If it was still on, you would be watching instead of helping them move.

They are smart, little Panda.

6/18/2006, 08:27 PM
well, if you were self supporting you would have control of this now wouldn't you? ;)

proud gonzo
6/18/2006, 08:27 PM
no, they just don't care about the world cup. :( I don't care about ALL the games, but there were a few i was going to Tivo (like the US vs. Ghana game thursday that'll happen partly while i'm getting 2 wisdom teeth pulled)

6/18/2006, 08:28 PM
And why isn't GHP up there helping with the move?

6/18/2006, 08:45 PM

Why just two wisdoms?

Four is so much memorable? ;)

6/18/2006, 09:03 PM
PG already had two out, she's getting the remaining two out.

My mom is actually glad I'm not there helping, because if I was there my dad wouldn't have hired movers and would be trying to move everything on our own. which mean that with his bad back he wouldn't have been able to walk again for weeks. Me staying down here means he had to hire movers for the heavy stuff and won't injure himself.

I'll probably go up there in a week or so to help them re-do the floors in the old house before they sell it. I'm all about ripping the old carpet out - I hate that stuff.

6/18/2006, 09:09 PM
my parents are having our cable and internet shut off tomorrow at this house and it won't be turned on in the new house (we're in the midst of moving) until wednesday at the earliest or by the end of the week hopefully. :mad:

That makes me a sad panda.
Surely there is a saloon somewhere in Norman that opens at 8AM so you could hang out and drink all day? Think Irish. ;)

6/18/2006, 09:13 PM
PG, just come on down to the slickhouse, watch all the soccer you an stand while you help paint. :D

6/18/2006, 09:34 PM
PG - you know in normal circumstance, my condolences would be with you, but on this one, I gotta say "Cry me a river". In 10 or 15 years, you will feel much the same way, guaranteed. :D

6/18/2006, 11:14 PM
Moving sucks.

6/19/2006, 12:15 AM

proud gonzo
6/19/2006, 12:29 AM
World Cup was going to be my distraction for when i'm keeping out of the way. Honestly, I have to take care of moving my stuff and everything else my parents can take care of. I've quit making suggestions or sharing opinions because they don't like mine.

as it is, I'll have a room with a mattress on the floor and a bunch of boxes and bags of stuff with nowhere to unpack any of it because I don't get any furniture. I'll get furniture eventually but it's not very high on their list of priorities.

6/19/2006, 12:35 AM
You can watch every game on open-air Univision (local channel 11 near OKC) All you need to know is GOLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!

6/19/2006, 08:12 AM
World Cup was going to be my distraction for when i'm keeping out of the way. Honestly, I have to take care of moving my stuff and everything else my parents can take care of. I've quit making suggestions or sharing opinions because they don't like mine.

as it is, I'll have a room with a mattress on the floor and a bunch of boxes and bags of stuff with nowhere to unpack any of it because I don't get any furniture. I'll get furniture eventually but it's not very high on their list of priorities.

File this one under the heading of "Character building". :D

proud gonzo
6/24/2006, 01:11 PM
cable's up and working... computer's up and working...internet, not so much. I'm using my dad's laptop right now but things aren't working like they're supposed to. something about modem not working and have to plug straight into something... i don't know. Dad didn't really explain what's wrong, i just know my computer has no internet right now.

but there's soccer... and moving stuff. so i guess i can do without internet :O

Scott D
6/24/2006, 02:26 PM
I bet next year you stay in Norman ;)