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View Full Version : How long has it been...

6/14/2006, 08:01 PM
Since you heard these words?


Too damn long I tell ya. I picked up a Spectator at the Tulsa Caravan last night... Good one for those of you who don't have it. I find myself in almost total agreeance with the Guerin Emig article about Bomar... Caravan was cool as usual. :cool: Stoops gave a confident hint to us that he hasn't forgotten what we expect "around here..." Nice to hear from Capel and Sherri also. Sunny can make you laugh about as easy as the King...

6/14/2006, 08:12 PM
it's summer time. yeah i cant wait till the season starts either but enjoy the summer while it lasts. it makes it go by quicker

6/14/2006, 08:13 PM
I don't want summer to go by quicker. It means the school year starts sooner.

6/14/2006, 09:41 PM
I don't want summer to go by quicker. It means the school year starts sooner.

6/14/2006, 09:58 PM
7 Months . And Im ****ed that non subscribers can get the Mag befor Us ( we who pay a premium for postage ) :mad:

6/15/2006, 11:28 AM
7 Months . And Im ****ed that non subscribers can get the Mag befor Us ( we who pay a premium for postage ) :mad:
that does suck.

6/15/2006, 06:49 PM
well, if ya must know... I paid for caravan tickets. :(