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6/14/2006, 09:57 AM
I hate them. I was at our main office yesterday helping out one of the Big Boys. Why is it that all main or corporate offices are the succ? The people are weird they act weird and heaven forbid you get caught talking to someone.

I was using one of the big bosses offices as he was out. He had a lifesized, I assume, painting of his wife wearing a jumpsuit and some other weird office decorations. I'm happy to stay in the project trailers for another 10 years thankyouverymuch.

Tear Down This Wall
6/14/2006, 10:24 AM
Dude, I get that feeling all the time when I visit other companies. It's like a freaking museum or library at some of the places. You laugh or try to make small talk and people look at you like you fell from the sky. And, everything's too neat at those places. At our office, people work and have papers strewn here, there, and yonder. At these corporate places, you wonder what they're really doing because you walk in and can see their entire desktop!

6/14/2006, 10:55 AM
We shoot nerf guns at each other. And talk about computer games all day. What the hell is wrong with your office?

6/14/2006, 10:59 AM
We shoot nerf guns at each other. And talk about computer games all day. What the hell is wrong with your office?
We had someone bring in a small water gun one day and shot it at the ceiling over someone's cube. The water then dripped from the ceiling onto the guys head. He thought there was some kind of leak so he tells his supervisor and they call the maintenance guys up to our floor to check it out. They look up in the ceiling and there are no wet spots, not even any water pipes over his desk...So they leave and the people start shooting the water gun at the ceiling again. This went on for a while before they finally let him know it was them. Yes, this is in the Corporate Building for our company.

6/14/2006, 11:00 AM
Maybe it's just construction companies.

6/14/2006, 11:18 AM
No, all companies are that way. I find a lot of the old staff avoid talking to me, used to be I was one of the guys but for the last ten years I've been the enemy. I guess that's why I take comfort in posting here.....

6/14/2006, 11:34 AM
You should visit my corporate office in Dallas (if you could get in). It is library quiet, no one hangs in the hallways and desks are very tidy and clear of papers. Sometimes, I wonder if anyone works there, it always seems empty.

6/14/2006, 11:50 AM
It must be nice to be a suit.

6/14/2006, 12:05 PM
You should hear what us corporate office types say about the field people when they aren't around.

6/14/2006, 12:09 PM
what do the REMFs call us?

6/14/2006, 12:11 PM
Hmmm... I get half of that... but I don't know what the RE stands for. :confused:

6/14/2006, 12:13 PM
I remember when I worked at Reda Pump for a summer that I learned the folks in the factory had nicknames for all of the engineers. One of the women was simply 'tits'. She was pretty popular.

6/14/2006, 12:13 PM
Rear Echelon. military thingy.

what does the overhead say about the guys in the field?

6/14/2006, 12:15 PM
Actually, we don't have any people 'in the field' - whole company is corporate types.

But if we did, we'd say y'all are just jealous. ;)

6/14/2006, 12:15 PM