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Sooner in Tampa
7/12/2006, 07:09 PM
Dye your hair, grow a beard, and move to Messico.Messico South right? Because the crime was committed in Messico North. :D

7/12/2006, 07:14 PM
I think he should look on the bright side of life. Now, he'll never be able to have a career in politics.:D

jk the sooner fan
7/12/2006, 07:15 PM
I think he should look on the bright side of life. Now, he'll never be able to have a career in politics.:D

thats a plus for us ;)

7/12/2006, 08:33 PM
I'm going to feel better about this in a little while. I'm sitting here drinking jack on the rocks. A couple more and I'll be just fine.

7/12/2006, 08:36 PM
i thought the gay guy was guilty for this. why are you still being questioned?

wait a minute...

7/12/2006, 08:43 PM
i thought the gay guy was guilty for this. why are you still being questioned?

wait a minute...

See, that's the REALLY weird thing. She called up Baylor to get this guy's records and track him down. She tells me Baylor has NO record of him at all. That freaked me the hell out. I mean, I just don't get how they couldn't have his records. I even doublechecked to make sure I got his name right.

But, I had classes with this guy..I knew his roommates...I just don't get it!

7/12/2006, 08:46 PM
even the school knows when not to talk.

7/12/2006, 08:47 PM
your name doesn't happen to be Tyler Durden does it?

7/12/2006, 08:52 PM
See, that's the REALLY weird thing. She called up Baylor to get this guy's records and track him down. She tells me Baylor has NO record of him at all. That freaked me the hell out. I mean, I just don't get how they couldn't have his records. I even doublechecked to make sure I got his name right.

But, I had classes with this guy..I knew his roommates...I just don't get it!
Perhaps you have multiple personalities, and you are imagining one of your other personalities as a real person?

7/12/2006, 08:55 PM
Are you sure you're not being PUNKED? I mean, seriously, no record of the dude at Baylor and you had legitimate classes with him, knew his roomie, etc. That is WAY weird!

7/12/2006, 08:56 PM
so tell me, do you have any beef against major economic centers of the US? how about political centers of the US?

7/12/2006, 08:56 PM
your name doesn't happen to be Tyler Durden does it?
lol no, who is he?

7/12/2006, 08:58 PM
He's probably turned Fed Witness evidence, new name, new location, all record of his past deleted.................oh, and implicated SicEm.

Im gonna go buy a new hard drive.

7/12/2006, 08:59 PM
If you see black helicopters in your area, you're screwed.

7/12/2006, 08:59 PM
He's probably turned Fed Witness evidence, new name, new location, all record of his past deleted.................oh, and implicated SicEm.

Im gonna go buy a new hard drive.

AHA......yep, that's it! I didn't that about that angle :texan:

7/12/2006, 09:00 PM

7/12/2006, 09:00 PM
How come all the interesting stuff happens to SicEm?

I mean, he gets teen-lesbians showing up to his door. Now he's involved in this scandal.

Some guys get all the luck. :)

7/12/2006, 09:06 PM
How come all the interesting stuff happens to SicEm?

I mean, he gets teen-lesbians showing up to his door. Now he's involved in this scandal.

Some guys get all the luck. :)

It's the teen-lez part that you're really jealous of, right?

7/12/2006, 09:08 PM
It's the teen-lez part that you're really jealous of, right?

Lets just say I'd be willing to pay the $1k over the computer thing, to get the teen-lez thing.

Just sayin'. :D

Al Gore
7/12/2006, 09:17 PM
I shouldn't need to though. It can't lead to my computer (because I didn't do it), and I don't have anything on my comp that's incriminating.

By the way, my lawyer advised me to be cooperative and pay the 1,100 as long as I have it in writing that this will all go away if I do so.Get a new lawyer. If you didn't do it...don't pay it!!!! Your lawyer should have been on the phone ripping her a new!!!!!

Al Gore
7/12/2006, 09:39 PM
Get a new lawyer. If you didn't do it...don't pay it!!!! Your lawyer should have been on the phone ripping her a new A55HOLE!!!! She is just fishing and doesn't have a case. A good lawyer will tell her to go f$$$ herself...........

7/12/2006, 09:43 PM
Get a new lawyer. If you didn't do it...don't pay it!!!! Your lawyer should have been on the phone ripping her a new!!!!!
Yeah, that's what I wish he'd done. I want someone who will put the fear of God into even the most vile of sadistic creatures.

7/12/2006, 09:47 PM
go take a polygraph..
you know when you pass one they say its flawed but if you fail it you are are guilty..
course they aren't allowed as evidence in court but you could at least prove your innocence..


Al Gore
7/12/2006, 09:54 PM
Yeah, that's what I wish he'd done. I want someone who will put the fear of God into even the most vile of sadistic creatures.It's a small crime and they have no proof. They just keep working you and probably some others hoping on getting some evidence. Again....get a laywer that will tell them to put up or shut up and leave you the f$$k alone!!!!!

7/12/2006, 10:02 PM
Perhaps you have multiple personalities, and you are imagining one of your other personalities as a real person?

this is about the most realistic thing in this thread so far.

call out of the blue for a case you were involved in that you were never involved in... fishy

sayin' your scared out of your knickers and yet you continue to ramble on... fishy

you say, "i've never stole a thing in my life. i was drinkin' lots during that time." of course, drinking never caused anyone to do anything they wouldn't normally do. never. ever. promise. um... fishy.

police says, "hey no biggie. pay 1100 buck's and we never called you."... fishy

attourney says, "yeah, that's a good idea. pay 1100 bucks and they never knew you"... fishy

your guy doesn't exist. at all... fishy

i'm not sayin' your scammin' here, i'm just pointing out how much of it doesn't seem realistic compared to the possibility you have multiple personalities. :D

jk the sooner fan
7/12/2006, 10:04 PM
go take a polygraph..
you know when you pass one they say its flawed but if you fail it you are are guilty..
course they aren't allowed as evidence in court but you could at least prove your innocence..


bad advice

7/12/2006, 10:05 PM
so, not only are you calling him a drunken thief but a liar too? ;)

7/12/2006, 10:06 PM
do i give any other type of advice?

7/12/2006, 10:06 PM
so, not only are you calling him a drunken thief but a liar too?

and probably a puppy kicker

jk the sooner fan
7/12/2006, 10:07 PM
no clue

just wondered if you know what the poly is actually used for and what its not.....

7/12/2006, 10:09 PM

jk the sooner fan
7/12/2006, 10:10 PM

dude, i swear the same thought came to mind, but i've actually met sic'em at a tailgate...

7/12/2006, 10:10 PM
to tell you if your lyin' or not. or its suppose too.

7/12/2006, 10:10 PM
and he knows things about Ft. Gibson Soonerwill never could

7/12/2006, 10:11 PM
i can vouch for this too :)

7/12/2006, 10:11 PM
or did you. how hard would it be for someone to randomily use another username?

jk the sooner fan
7/12/2006, 10:13 PM
to tell you if your lyin' or not. or its suppose too.

well, thats an over simplification of it

for the most part, its an "interview tool".....leverage during an interogation

i've seen them used for exculpatory purposes......never for prosecution

7/12/2006, 10:22 PM
dude, i swear the same thought came to mind, but i've actually met sic'em at a tailgate...

He looked a lot like this.



jk the sooner fan
7/12/2006, 10:24 PM
heh.....yes he did!

7/12/2006, 11:21 PM
See, I'd be doomed in prison.

7/12/2006, 11:22 PM
well, thats an over simplification of it

for the most part, its an "interview tool".....leverage during an interogation

i've seen them used for exculpatory purposes......never for prosecution

Then you can attest to the fact I drank real beer and not Zima. ;)

jk the sooner fan
7/12/2006, 11:24 PM
i dont remember that you were drinking, but i wont argue it either way

Scott D
7/13/2006, 02:19 AM
imo paying up would be an admission of guilt. lawyer up with a real lawyer not one who tells you to pay up, and fight this.

Frozen Sooner
7/13/2006, 02:31 AM
Watch your cornhole.

7/13/2006, 05:31 AM
Well, I sincerely hope that is not the case as I'm quite literally incapable of doing anything else. If politics is ruled out then I may have a future of permanent unemployment as a welfare King.

I could possibly make a career out of coaching swimming.
Short of that though, I'm screwed.

You can always get a job. Felons too.

7/13/2006, 05:36 AM
She's waiting for you SicEm



The police are using sheepdogs now?


7/13/2006, 06:13 AM
You can always get a job. Felons too.

Or this:
http://img60.imageshack.us/img60/3600/logosmbk1wh.gif (http://imageshack.us)

7/13/2006, 06:15 AM
I hear ferriers get paid pretty well, too. IIRC, there's a school just south of Norman on I-35.

7/13/2006, 07:54 AM
Okay, I thought about this on my run this morning. I've decided Sic'em made all this up as a desperate plea for attention.

I will remain of that opinion unless/until we see a jpg of a court document.

jk the sooner fan
7/13/2006, 07:58 AM
he's going for that bad boy image, so the chicks will want him ;)

"yeah i had a brush with johnny law"

7/13/2006, 08:33 AM
On the run from Johnny law. Ain't no trip to Cleveland.

7/13/2006, 08:55 AM
he's going for that bad boy image, so the chicks will want him ;)

"yeah i had a brush with johnny law"

Thought he and melo were a couple already?

7/13/2006, 08:56 AM
The police are using sheepdogs now?


Don't pick on my dogs! :mad: They are wonderful.


jk the sooner fan
7/13/2006, 08:56 AM
well after the picture of the rocker she posted, the guy she's got the hots for, i would suspect if sic'em wanted a chance with melo, he'd have to toughen his image........get a little crazy, steal some politico money......go LOCO....

7/13/2006, 09:00 AM
well after the picture of the rocker she posted, the guy she's got the hots for, i would suspect if sic'em wanted a chance with melo, he'd have to toughen his image........get a little crazy, steal some politico money......go LOCO....

Good point. I just hope he doesn't "switch sides" while in prison, ya know?

7/13/2006, 09:07 AM
IF he is guilty, it's already too late.

7/13/2006, 09:09 AM
Sweet Blue Jebus on a bicycle.

Actually.. I was in the Highland Park Police Department Investigative Dept. yesterday assisting in their on-going investigation into some internet scam involving persons believed to have tapped into other person's accounts. They're about to indict 10 people for conspiracy, money laundering, RICO and various violations of the FTC. :D

Oh.. and no. definitely not a divorce lawyer nor bankruptcy... general civil litigation representing mostly corporations.

Sic.. when asked if you wanna be the husband or the wife?.. well.. it really isn't going to matter. ;)

7/13/2006, 09:31 AM
this thread is interesting.

7/13/2006, 10:02 AM
Good point. I just hope he doesn't "switch sides" while in prison, ya know?

it's like Tony Soprano says, it doesn't count while you are in prison, you get a pass

7/13/2006, 10:05 AM
and this whole thing sounds like extortion to me

have you actually seen anything in writing? a real person with a badge? did i miss that part?

i'd definitely be getting another real legal opinion though

(and make sure your computer/home network wasn't pwn3d)

7/13/2006, 10:13 AM
Okay, I thought about this on my run this morning. I've decided Sic'em made all this up as a desperate plea for attention.

I will remain of that opinion unless/until we see a jpg of a court document.

Most sensical statement made in this thread thus far.

Frozen Sooner
7/13/2006, 10:32 AM
Sweet Blue Jebus on a bicycle.

Actually.. I was in the Highland Park Police Department Investigative Dept. yesterday assisting in their on-going investigation into some internet scam involving persons believed to have tapped into other person's accounts. They're about to indict 10 people for conspiracy, money laundering, RICO and various violations of the FTC. :D

Oh.. and no. definitely not a divorce lawyer nor bankruptcy... general civil litigation representing mostly corporations.

Sic.. when asked if you wanna be the husband or the wife?.. well.. it really isn't going to matter. ;)

"Well, all right then, boy. Get on down here and suck your wife's dick."

7/13/2006, 10:36 AM
Let us know when visiting hours are, ok?

jk the sooner fan
7/13/2006, 10:37 AM
when you get the soonerwill label attached to you.......its a hard stigma to break

good luck with that......

7/13/2006, 11:42 AM
Thought he and melo were a couple already?

Melo is another one that makes me nervous about posting here.

jk the sooner fan
7/13/2006, 12:20 PM
Melo is another one that makes me nervous about posting here.

"younnnnnng girrrrrlllllllllll, get out of his minddddddd......."

7/13/2006, 12:23 PM
"younnnnnng girrrrrlllllllllll, get out of his minddddddd......."

Read post 11, she's one of those narcs posing as an internet chick, I tell you.


7/13/2006, 01:46 PM
I'm not making this up. I wish to God I were. I'd give you all the name of the investigating officer with the HPPD, but that probably isn't a good idea.

And no, I haven't actually seen anyone with a badge or seen/read anything official. It can't be a scam though because I looked up and called the Highland Park PD and asked to be connected with the officer in question.

7/13/2006, 01:58 PM
*cough* bullshiat *cough*


7/13/2006, 02:19 PM
*cough* bullshiat *cough*


don't be spreading that around the SO.
turn off your computer, take this for two days, come back when you feel better.


7/13/2006, 02:28 PM

7/13/2006, 04:03 PM
$20 says the IP trace comes back to SicEm.

The boards first felon.....bout damn time. :)

I know someone that was pretty close!

7/13/2006, 04:09 PM

7/13/2006, 04:11 PM
Body Cavity Search.

7/13/2006, 04:38 PM
Let me also say that the police have had trouble tracking down the guy who I think, most likely, did commit this crime. Hubler was nice enough to do a bit of research for me and after only a few minutes we found the guy. I have turned the info over to the authorities.

Scott D
7/13/2006, 05:04 PM
I'm thinking the IP information would be useless if this was stuff that was being done 'in' this said office.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
7/13/2006, 05:18 PM
the IP address only works for morons not going through multiple proxy layers which an intelligent electronic criminal would do. it is also limited to the IP being issued by an ISP that has an account for a residential address.

this becomes a simple DHCP lookup to see the account (with its billing info), node (the exact circuit for DSL or node for cable), and the MAC address of the network card in question. the MAC address is the key as it pinpoints the computer that was used in the chain of custody and, no, you can't clear the machine by changing NICs. hard drives apparently have ghosts of old data on them that forensics labs can trace regardless of how many times they are zeroed out.

if you are semi-intelligent you would use an open ISP (starbucks, panera) etc. however, most of these companies have routers that store the last 100 MAC addresses. MAC addresses have the ability to be traced because someone sold them (Dell, etc.)

an intelligent criminal would tunnel through proxies and trojan controlled PCs to kill the IP trail.

7/13/2006, 05:21 PM
an intelligent criminal would tunnel through proxies and trojan controlled PCs to kill the IP trail.

What a criminal who is, say, unclear about the concept of changing a flat tire?


7/13/2006, 09:53 PM
This didnt' happen in any office. I'm not totally sure where it first happened at, but I believe it was done at this guy's apartment by previously mentioned guy. Trust me, this guy does not have enough sense to cover his tracks with all of that electronic mombojumbo.

See, I figured there was only one incident until the investigation was reopened. The guy has been withdrawing funds until March of this year. The even crazier thing is that the guy having his money stolen has allowed this to happen from his bank account for 3 years. Why the hell didn't he close the account in the first place?

7/13/2006, 09:55 PM
This didnt' happen in any office. I'm not totally sure where it first happened at, but I believe it was done at this guy's apartment by previously mentioned guy. Trust me, this guy does not have enough sense to cover his tracks with all of that electronic mombojumbo.

See, I figured there was only one incident until the investigation was reopened. The guy has been withdrawing funds until March of this year. The even crazier thing is that the guy having his money stolen has allowed this to happen from his bank account for 3 years. Why the hell didn't he close the account in the first place?
If it is a busy account with lots of cash flowing through it, 1100 over three years would blend in fairly well.

7/13/2006, 10:23 PM
This didnt' happen in any office. I'm not totally sure where it first happened at, but I believe it was done at this guy's apartment by previously mentioned guy. Trust me, this guy does not have enough sense to cover his tracks with all of that electronic mombojumbo.

See, I figured there was only one incident until the investigation was reopened. The guy has been withdrawing funds until March of this year. The even crazier thing is that the guy having his money stolen has allowed this to happen from his bank account for 3 years. Why the hell didn't he close the account in the first place?

and you know all of this because... HE IS YOU AND YOU DON"T REALIZE IT YET!!!!!111!!!1!!!11!!!

7/13/2006, 10:25 PM
have you been sleeping longer?

7/13/2006, 10:26 PM
where has dolemite been recently?

7/13/2006, 10:31 PM
i don't know, he was asking something about the best way to spend $1000 last time i saw him

7/14/2006, 05:14 PM
Like I said, Hubler helped me find this guy. Here's a video segment that he did as a broadcast journalism major on "male prostitution."

7/14/2006, 05:16 PM
so how did you and Hubler find him?

7/14/2006, 05:40 PM
so how did you and Hubler find him?Mormons have records on everyone. They have an incredible data base of geneology.

7/14/2006, 05:50 PM
All this from a guy who claims to have never used a public restroom?

7/14/2006, 05:58 PM
All this from a guy who claims to have never used a public restroom?

You try to lead a sheltered life and then one day you find yourself in pound-me-in-the-*** prison. God loves irony. :D

7/14/2006, 06:28 PM
Mormons have records on everyone. They have an incredible data base of geneology.

My m-i-l has been to Salt Lake City on genealogy trips. They are awesome. You can even look up some stuff at your local LDS office - they will borrow it for you to use there.

And props to Hubler. I'd give him a green dot if it was worth anything. Bring back the old days.

7/14/2006, 08:05 PM

7/14/2006, 09:28 PM
and the MAC address of the network card in question. the MAC address is the key as it pinpoints the computer that was used in the chain of custody and, no, you can't clear the machine by changing NICs.

Even this isn't all that important when you're dealing with an intelligent criminal as you suggest. It's not terribly difficult to pack your own ethernet frames and send them out with a totally different MAC address.

We used to do this all the time at work playing pranks on each other. Toss out ARP responses sending the victim's traffic to random ethernet cards, or push a few ethernet frames with their MAC address up the switches to the router to send their traffic down the wrong ports. The best part is that the ARP and MAC entries on the routers and switches expire in a few minutes, so the evidence dissapears by the time they can look. Ah, so much fun.

Stupid people will be tracked down by their MAC addresses, but not the smart ones.

8/9/2006, 05:05 AM
Well, I guess it's time for an update.
I believe I am in the clear. I haven't heard a thing from the investigating officer in about a month. I sent her an e-mail a couple of weeks ago asking what the current status of the investigation was, but I never recieved a reply.

I assume they got the ID from the IP addresses and have moved on to whoever had their name pop-up. I'm pretty curious though who it was, so I'm thinking of giving the officer a call tomorrow.

8/9/2006, 06:41 AM
ever hear the term " let a sleeping dog lie " ? I know I didnt spell that right But you know what I mean !
Leave it alone Idiot ( or bomar ) your choice !

8/9/2006, 08:00 AM
OH! I got it!

The chick you were supposed to go to Branson with was actually an undercover HP police officer. She was planted by HP to try to discover what you ACTUALLY knew about the incident. When she got all the information she could, including evidence that cleared you... she turned it in and went on to her next assignment. Is it a coincidence that you haven't heard from HP or her in about the same time frame? I DON'T THINK SO!

THERE!!! Two situations resolved in one fell swoop.


Sorry Sic.. I had to.

8/9/2006, 08:04 AM
This here Texas Lawyer dude is a smart one!

8/9/2006, 08:54 AM
Even this isn't all that important when you're dealing with an intelligent criminal as you suggest. It's not terribly difficult to pack your own ethernet frames and send them out with a totally different MAC address.

We used to do this all the time at work playing pranks on each other. Toss out ARP responses sending the victim's traffic to random ethernet cards, or push a few ethernet frames with their MAC address up the switches to the router to send their traffic down the wrong ports. The best part is that the ARP and MAC entries on the routers and switches expire in a few minutes, so the evidence dissapears by the time they can look. Ah, so much fun.

HA-HA! You wacky dorks!

8/9/2006, 08:59 AM
This here Texas Lawyer dude is a smart one!

A tough, smart one. :D