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View Full Version : So do the people in Valtrex ads actually have herpes?

6/6/2006, 08:41 PM
When they cast the commercials do they only use people with herpes. If so how do they verify it? Would they have to show lesions for proof or would a note from Doctor suffice? If you didn't have herpes would you want to work in the ads, if people recognized you from the commerical I would think there would be complications in certain situations.

6/6/2006, 08:45 PM
No, they are actors

6/6/2006, 08:47 PM
No, they are actors
I'm sure there are plenty of actors with herpes. Showbusiness being Godless and all.

6/6/2006, 10:24 PM
I always laugh when they do the side effects part. Don't use this if you just had a bone marrow transplant or advanced HIV. If I had either of those, a rash on my pecker would be the last thing I'd worry about.

proud gonzo
6/6/2006, 11:14 PM
Did Friends make you think of this?

"What Mario isn't telling you..."

6/6/2006, 11:33 PM
That's just what I was thinking! :D

6/7/2006, 04:43 AM

6/7/2006, 07:52 AM
"have you got luggage??? well we can help!!!"

6/7/2006, 08:41 AM
if you can get your hands on a free sample bottle of Valtrex or really any VD medicine, they're fun to put into your friends' medicine cabinets.

6/7/2006, 10:15 AM
For all you young'uns still out there dating, it is a wise person who asks to use their date's bathroom before leaving. The medicine cabinet peek is a MUST. And it doesn't have to be just medicina del herpes to cause alarm.

6/7/2006, 10:21 AM
always keep a usc in your wallet.

6/7/2006, 11:24 AM
always keep a usc in your wallet

yeah cuz nothing will make your d*c* go limp quicker than 55-19!

White House Boy
6/7/2006, 11:29 AM
yeah cuz nothing will make your d*c* go limp quicker than 55-19!

White House Boy
6/7/2006, 11:30 AM