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View Full Version : What kind of advatage do you think Heupel brings as a QBC?

6/5/2006, 10:49 PM
Some say the youth and relations department. I mean, I hear HS guys all of the time (and I'm only 23) saying things-- I don't know what the hell they mean. He always related and communicated well with Jason White (whom I realize is older than me). He was kinda like Chuck Long's translator. :D

Technique? He was a lefty who had a pretty questionable technique, yet always seemed to get the job done accordingly. How does one explain his Left QB technique to a right-handed Bomar/Halzle? Especially if his doesn't exactly work for everybody.

Scheming? Maybe he'll bring the "scheme" back into OU's offense. Kevin (a.k.a. "Chuck") Wilson was one of the reasons Heupel came back so early, as KW said he was "a perfect fit," and the job was his. Heupel didn't run for 30 yards on 3rd Down like Dunce did, but he could always pull off an emergency option, screen or shovel pass that was just as effective. He was always good at thinking on his feet, so how does this help in a box or on the sidelines?

Motivational Leader? We all remember the "You got my boy's trophy!" Those guys looked to Heupel in the way a true team looks to their coaches and on-the-field leaders. I've read a few Heupel interviews and I can tell you, much like Stoops, he always knows what to say, clearly and thoroghly. That makes for great communication and players understanding you when you tell them "finish." They'll go out there and run a perfect play, rather than doing something stupid and saying "we're finished."

Maybe he brings someting else you all might have noticed. I just remember the way he played and led the team. I always knew that unless he pulled a Doug Flutie, his NFL career would cease to a great coaching career.

Jello Biafra
6/5/2006, 11:13 PM
i think its the knowledge he brings to the position. he is wise beyond his years at that position and he is already a proven coach. it took a second destroyed knee to turn a mobile QB into a true drop back passer and good mind to turn that drop back passer into a heisman winner.

i witnessed first hand the effect that josh has on the kids this past week at the football camp. he interacts well with the youngsters and they respond. not just because he's josh huepel. matter of fact, my son was running sprints and "coach Josh" is talking to him about how to line up his feet. when he leaves, i asked my (9 year old) son
who that was and he said "some guy named coach josh" i laughed and said "yeh, hes pretty cool eh?" he agreed.

he will know how to interact with the younger generations for a long time to come but because of his resume and experience, he will know how to make a game plan and execute. I think the X- Factor will be his resume to this point. his coach was a heisman runner up, he was a heisman runner-up, his FIRST protoge IS a heisman winner etc etc etc....

6/5/2006, 11:19 PM
I would think that the biggest advantage would be that he (not that chuck long couldn't) had/has a brilliant eye for reading a D. Coaching Bomar and Sam Bradford in terms of checking off at the line, paying attention to what the safety's are doing, seeing at whether or not the corner to wr ratio is bluffing zone, et al. That's the sort of thing that separates a Heupel from a Hybl. Speeking of Hybl, in covering a lot of PC North games for a local newspaper Bradford's throwing motion and technique looked a whole lot like Hybl's. He needs to work a little on reading the lb's, but he didn't have all the time in the world to get the ball off at times even though he did have one stud on the line (the rest of the line wasn't bad, but they had some stout competition.).

6/5/2006, 11:31 PM
I think Heupel will teach Bomar how to slow the game down and be smart about things, and that is the biggest asset he can bring

6/5/2006, 11:46 PM
he needs to teach bomar how to drink w/o being busted!

6/6/2006, 12:15 AM
Heupel brings the fact that he led a team of decent to good athletes to a title. Brady Quinn was dealt the same hand as Heupel, the only problem for Quinn is that Heupel was actually good.

6/6/2006, 12:18 AM
Heupel brings the fact that he led a team of decent to good athletes to a title. Brady Quinn was dealt the same hand as Heupel, the only problem for Quinn is that Heupel was actually good.

Quinn is really good. Respect he's earned. Problem is his team doesn't know that scoring touchdowns isn't the only piece of the puzzle Weiss is missing.

6/6/2006, 01:51 AM
I dont get all this Quinn is overrated crap??? Yea he plays for the domers and their Defense sucks, but Quinn is one hell of a qb

6/6/2006, 06:42 AM
Heupel is one of the most cerebral QBs we have had. Perhaps he can impart some of that to his proteges.

6/6/2006, 08:19 AM
Brady Quinn isn't overrated. Not by a longshot. He sure wasn't given the same scenario as Heupel. OU's 2000 defense was nothing short of awe inspiring. ND's defense from last year was ulcer inspiring. Give ND a defense and then you can rip on Quinn when HE manages to lose a game. I know it's ND and everyone hates them because they're ND, but don't start picking on one guy just because he goes to a school you don't like (but, of course, this rules does not apply to texas. sometimes double standards are great). Despite the reputation, most ND fans (the ones that actually follow the team when it sucks as well as in better times) are of the same mindset as the 'Bama and OU crowds. The student section is rowdy, really loud, and (I don't know how the hell this could make sense, but I've seen it with my own eyes) repsectfull at the same time. Yeah, '57 ****es me off too, but don't take it out on some guy that wasn't even close to being born.

6/6/2006, 11:46 AM
I dont get all this Quinn is overrated crap??? Yea he plays for the domers and their Defense sucks, but Quinn is one hell of a qb

Answered your own question, Collier.

292 - 450 3919 Yards
YPA 8.71
TD 32 Int7
158.40 Rating

He's a helluva QB and is going to give AD a run for the Heisman.

6/6/2006, 12:57 PM
that shark kid didn't hurt things last year either

he's got some good receivers

6/6/2006, 01:56 PM
Heupel = winner

6/6/2006, 01:57 PM
unless Brady Quinn pays a congecal visit to 3/4 of the Heisman voters, AD wins.

6/6/2006, 02:09 PM
Being both an OU fan and an ND fan, though much more an OU fan in that I have a degree from OU and it's second to only God and friends/family, I can honestly say that AD is much more the better player. Both are phenomenal, but AD's got the same uncategorizable quality that Sanders, little Joe, Gayle Sayers, Rocket, et al had. Quinn is a great player, but as of this moment I don't think he's got that aura about him when he plays. Every time AD touches the ball, like a Sanders/Ismail/Sayers, you hold your breath and almost expect to see a jaw dropping play. Quinn is just a damn good qb, but I only found myself holding my breath during the last moments of the ND USC game. For the OU games, it's almost every time the guy touches the ball.

6/6/2006, 02:12 PM
How to play with maturity beyond one's age would be a good place to start. I don't know if it can be taught, but if it can, I would put my money on Heupel being able to teach it.

6/6/2006, 02:50 PM
It also helped that Quinn could throw the ball up to receivers that were 8" taller than the corners covering them.

6/6/2006, 02:53 PM
wow we are being extra biased today guys, you dont think it helps Bomar to have AD or a 6'4'' kelly to throw to? Every qb has built in advantages on his team

6/6/2006, 03:12 PM
Well, considering AD was out most of the season, and when he WAS in he was pretty banged up... And Kelly was a true freshman... and we didn't have half the OL that ND did... And our schedule was 100x harder than theirs...

How is saying that Quinn had it pretty easy being biased? He DID.

6/6/2006, 03:29 PM
he is a winner

6/6/2006, 03:46 PM
Well, considering AD was out most of the season, and when he WAS in he was pretty banged up... And Kelly was a true freshman... and we didn't have half the OL that ND did... And our schedule was 100x harder than theirs...

How is saying that Quinn had it pretty easy being biased? He DID.

This is D1 football, and quinn played against tough teams just as OU did, so I dont buy that he had it easy...they played against the no. 20 schedule in the nation which isnt exactly 100 times worse than Ours. Kelly was a freshman, what does that matter, Smardjia or how ever it is spelled was a first year starter so whats your point. You are being biased cus you are an OU fan and arent able to look at other talents with open eyes as I am. My only point is that Quinn IS a great qb which you arent able to admit. Im not comparing him and AD or him and Bomar, I just dont see why we as OU fans have to put down every other good talent as overrated cus they arent at OU

6/6/2006, 04:01 PM
there is talent outside of OU?

6/6/2006, 04:08 PM
ha ha, good point

6/6/2006, 04:15 PM
from what I hear from the unbiased James Hale, all the talent in the universe is controlled by Bob Stoops.

6/6/2006, 04:16 PM
Another good point, Hale is probably the one guy that would know ;)

6/6/2006, 04:18 PM
I've found that by only listening to James Hale and Jim Traber I learn everything there is to know about sports. All pad and no fact, just the way I like it, and that's why I voted for GWB.

6/6/2006, 04:22 PM
hey now, lets leave GW alone

Partial Qualifier
6/6/2006, 04:23 PM
Not sure if it was mentioned yet but I think having a cool-headed QB coach on the sideline would've helped Jason White tremendously in the Sugar Bowl and also in The Game We Shall Never Mention.

I think it'll help Bomar tremendously. You've got an expert opinion and a cool head there to get you settled in & keep you focused.

6/6/2006, 04:25 PM
This is a good point, the sugar bowl and the game that we dont speak of had long stretches of JW losing his bearings and I dont think our coaches did a good job of settling him in. Hell we all know as bad as he was against LSU, if he coulda put together one good series with a little help from the O-Line, we probably win that game

6/6/2006, 04:26 PM

6/6/2006, 04:43 PM
all excellent points, no one can help a growing QB better than a great QB.