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View Full Version : an idea to abolish the horsepigs

6/3/2006, 04:06 PM
Why, when the university has obviously got to know by now that most every fan isn't all that pumped about the disneyfied horror of horse-pig-men on the sidelines, isn't Mex the Dog brought back? I've always thought that Mex was the best mascot that OU ever brought in (despite the fact that I was a long ways away from even being a fetus when Mex roamed the sidelines) and in addition to that he was also the original. Hell, everyone except TFRW likes dogs. There are dog people, there are cat people, but I have never run across a horsepig lover. I propose some sort of petition, and texas sucks.

6/3/2006, 04:11 PM
LULAC would get all bent out of shape. Remember AIM and Little Red?

6/3/2006, 04:26 PM
LULAC would probably dump bricks over it, but just because the dog's name is "Mex"? If that would indeed be the case, then that orginization isn't worth paying attention to in the first place. In any event, something must be done with the horsepigs. Since Little Red isn't possible, I still say Mex is the answer to every self respecting fan's prayers. I don't think the name "Mex" is offensive, nor would I presume that hispanics/Mexicans would either. I do think a horsepig is offensive to all of the senses.

6/3/2006, 04:35 PM
I bet high powered sniper rifles would work too.

King Crimson
6/3/2006, 07:11 PM
gasoline, some aquanet hairspray, and a zippo lighter.

6/3/2006, 07:37 PM
I'm more a fan of the high powered sniper rifle idea. Gasoline, hairspray, and a lighter sounds great but we need to leave some physical substance of the horsepigs for the glue factory. The OU art dept could use the glue as they're underfunded.

6/3/2006, 08:03 PM
Boy you guys are harsh! Wouldn't a simple concussion grenade be sufficient?

6/3/2006, 10:04 PM
glue factory.

6/3/2006, 10:51 PM



6/3/2006, 10:53 PM
did i hear something related to burning? YES!!!!!!!!!

6/3/2006, 10:53 PM
did i hear something related to burning? YES!!!!!!!!!:)

6/3/2006, 10:54 PM
Rhino post from about a month ago. (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=68911)

6/4/2006, 11:11 AM
We need antoher great mascot/fan like Cecil Samara!

6/4/2006, 12:59 PM
Cecil Samara! Brilliant idea. I have the hat (found it at a garage sale, complete with red and white fether) and a red sport coat, now I just need to grab a hold of some red pants. A risk of this sort, involving the possibility of looking like a jack-*** (not everyone can pull off the Cecil look, the man was a beyond any sort of cool), should easily stock up enough karma to see OU dominate texas as well as to have suc go through a complete implosion.

6/4/2006, 03:33 PM
Horsepigs must be returned to Never,Never Land.

Pride Baritone
6/4/2006, 04:08 PM