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View Full Version : Yay Mayor Ray...

6/2/2006, 07:29 AM
In the past I've been very critical of his Chocolateness, the mayor of NOLA, but at least he's saying the right stuff. Note: I still have nothing positive to say about Guvnah Kathleen Blanco.

(Of course, none of this will amount to anything if the tax base doesn't return.)

Mayor tells New Orleans get off rears and rebuildThu Jun 1, 2006 8:13pm ET

NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin told citizens of "The Big Easy" city to stand up and take destiny in their own hands as hurricane season opened on Thursday and he started his second term in office.

Nagin began the day in the high spirits typical of the jazz city, sweeping through the historic narrow streets of the French Quarter in a white horse-drawn carriage surrounded by brass bands and costumed Mardi Gras dancers on his way to be inaugurated for a second term.

The timing of the swearing-in was symbolic for many -- June 1 is the beginning of the hurricane season. One forecaster said New Orleans, still full of wastelands of houses twisted and destroyed by Hurricane Katrina last year, is the most likely major U.S. city to suffer a direct hit by a storm.

But in his inaugural speech, Nagin cast the battle for the city's future as a challenge for individuals rather than a question of government support or a waiting game with nature and exhorted the city of 'survivors' to rebuild.

"This is The Big Easy, and sometimes we lay back a little too much," he said.

"Get off your duffs," he said to shocked but welcoming laughter from a crowd that frequently broke into applause. "Control your own destiny ... We can do this," he added as members of the audience shouted back, "Yes!"

He urged the press to find the good things after Katrina.

Nagin also listed a litany of complaints, from damaged schools and lack of housing to a post-storm increase in crime, but he challenged residents to do for themselves rather than rely on federal, state or city leaders.

6/2/2006, 07:59 AM
Does it matter that the city is sinking faster than originally thought?

6/2/2006, 08:17 AM
business incentives anywhere?

6/2/2006, 08:32 AM
Now he likes white choclate

6/2/2006, 08:39 AM
Does it matter that the city is sinking faster than originally thought?

and that there is no way that ANY levee can stop a cat 4 or 5 storm?

ALL of the land should be returned to wetlands. Rebuilding is a bad idea.

6/2/2006, 08:46 AM
Nagin = good

Blanco = BAD

6/2/2006, 08:47 AM
and that there is no way that ANY levee can stop a cat 4 or 5 storm?

ALL of the land should be returned to wetlands. Rebuilding is a bad idea.

That's what slickwife and I think. Buy 'em all out, let the gators and nutria
have it all.

6/2/2006, 08:48 AM
That's what slickwife and I think. Buy 'em all out, let the gators and nutria
have it all.

and the land value has to be VERY low right now, so this would be the time.

How can an insurance company justify covering any property in NO?

6/2/2006, 09:34 AM
However, we need to the port of New Orleans badly. No matter what you do, Cargill, ADM, ConAgra, et al. will rebuild the port and space for the port workers to live.