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View Full Version : Sooner Caravan - Houston

5/31/2006, 08:49 AM
Last night was the Houston stop for the Sooner Caravan. It was very well attended and always a crowd pleaser.

I won't go into the program because it would be impossible to capture the enthusiasm, class, leadership, sense of responsibility and appreciation for the fans that was displayed by the speakers. Our student athletes are in excellent hands.

Spencer Tilman was the MC and the speakers included: Joe Castiglione, Mark Williams, Sherri Coale, Jeff Capel and Bob Stoops.

If there is a stop in your town, I encourage you to go. Our athletic program is doing much more than just winning on the field.

Fired Up!

5/31/2006, 10:44 AM
Hope you don't mind me cut and paste the following.
I posted on Soonertimes earlier.

Will try to keep this brief.
The Caravan was in Houston last night with a full house.
We were late arriving so we did not get to speak directly with the coaches.
The attendees were Spencer Tillman (MC), Joe C., Sherri Coale, Bob Stoops, Jeff Capel and Mark Williams. Former players: Billy Sims, Steve Owens, Jason White and Darryl Hunt.
Joe C. spoke again about the progression of the athletic Dept since he arrived 8 years ago. Very impressive when you stop and think about where we now compared to where we were in 1998 as far as facilities, coaches, etc.
Mark Williams was next. Mark had a difficult task of discussing his passion (gymnastics) with a crowd of people who on the whole didn't really care. He did a great job under the circumstances. Mark's job this year was almost beyond possible. He won the national championship last year and then lost 7 seniors and 2 or 3 staff, then repeated as National Champions. Congratulations to the Sooner gymnastic team.
Sherri was her usual self. There are a handful of people in the Houston who are originally from Healdton. She always recognizes them in fron of the crowd. She talked about Courtney a lot, saying that she had never seen a talent like her at age 18. She said she didn't think she ever would. She said she would have to be careful about comapring new players to Courtney in the future, because no one would ever compare to her. She talked about the new kids comng in. I did not realize it, but apparently Abi Olajuwon is big. I knew she was tall, I just never realized that she is 230lbs?? Sherri said that right now she could pretty much have any guard she wanted. Her words "What guard with a clue wouldn't want to come to Oklahoma?" But she said she admired Abi for accepting the challenge of coming to OU and playing behind maybe the greatest post player in NCAA history.
She also talked about Amanda Thompson and put some pressure on her. She said the she has no doubt that Amanda will be an All-American before her career is over.
Jeff Capel said all the right things, but was not as dynamic as Sherri, Bob or even Mark. Jeff was really the speaker I most wanted to hear. The only thing he talked about was that the players still on the team were working their rears off and would give their all. He said he had completed his staff, adding two former head coaches. obviously he could not talk about potential recruits, he even made a comment during his speech that he had to be very careful in what he said. Think Joe C. and the compliance coordinator have had a conversation or two with him? He said he felt very fortunate to have this opportunity and his asst coaches felt the same way. He did not discuss his philosophy or style of play. Did not discuss his expectations. I guess for me, I was expecting more from him. At this point I am still open-minded and hope he is successful.
Bob was his usual cocky self. Each coach received a standing ovation when they were introduced. After Bob was introduced and the crowd had settled down, Bob commented that he wasn't we would stand after 4 losses.
He commented that the staff knew where their problems were going to be before the season started. He specifically named the QB, Receivers and Defensive Backs. He then commented that Defensive backfields are where big plays happen and quarterbacks and wide receivers are the ones that make the big plays in the backfield. So they knew we would struggle. They are more excited about the upcoming season. He talked about the kicking game more than anything else. Said we should be better all around. Hartley has been very good from long distance, but needs to be more consistent from middle distances. That is what he is working on this summer.
We took pictures with Billy, Steve, Jason and Darryl. We got coaches pictures last year.

One story that Bob told I would like to share with you.
Bob said he was out jogging yesterday morning and was trying to determine what he would talk about. He said he is not like a lot of people with a canned speech. He likes to let a speech flow. While he was thinking he said he was trying to remember if he had been here 7 or 8 years. So he started counting off bowl games. He said that bowl games were his calendar. So he thinks, Indy Bowl, Orange Bowl, Cotton Bowl, Sugar Bowl, Orange Bowl, Holiday Bowl. He said he went over them a couple of times and then thought Maybe I have only been here 6 years. Then he said I knew better because we are 5-2 against Texas. That brought the expected round of applause. He then commented that he had forgotten the Rose Bowl.
He said that just shows the level of where the program is, that we can forget about a BCS bowl game.