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View Full Version : Raw - 5.28.2006

5/29/2006, 10:39 PM
I taped it while I was watching X3...watching it now.

Wow, Fake Diesel just got chokeslammed by Fake Kane. Or is that Fake Sting? THIS angle just keeps getting suckier by the moment.

Time to fast-forward through some commercials! :D

Scott D
5/29/2006, 10:44 PM
save yourself some time..watch the commercials and fast forward through the show.

5/29/2006, 10:47 PM
What? And miss Umaga and Big Vis? :D

Actually, the Trips/Mr. McMahon office bit was pretty good. I *heart* DX face HHH! :D

"So, you're making it a lumberjack match?"
"No, I'm making it a....spiritjack match!"

Scott D
5/29/2006, 10:48 PM
go ahead and fast forward to the end....trust me.

5/29/2006, 10:51 PM
Dude, I gotta get caught up. Besides, I want to see this Beth Phoenix chick...I love me some cookie-cutter Diva action. ;)

Early line of the night: "You might get on puppy overload, Captian Cialis!" - JR to Lawler. :D

5/29/2006, 10:55 PM
See, if I would have listened to you, I would have missed Torrie giving Victoria a stinkface.

Somehow, it was never that entertaining when Rikishi did it...but then again, I always prefered Torrie's Bronco Buster to X-Pac's. :D


5/29/2006, 11:02 PM
Oh man, a debate between RVD and Jerry "Puppies" Lawler. That's like watching doleo and, well...doleo argue.

Oh, and on top of that, it's MN...no N. :D

Scott D
5/29/2006, 11:13 PM
ok that match was about it until the end.

5/29/2006, 11:15 PM
Angle's going to the new EC Dub?

The f*ck?!

Scott D
5/29/2006, 11:16 PM

5/29/2006, 11:17 PM
That's pretty intriguing...

stoops the eternal pimp
5/29/2006, 11:19 PM
i missed it...

FYI, if they didnt mention it, ECW is going to be on the sci fi channel

Scott D
5/29/2006, 11:20 PM
That's pretty intriguing...

about as intriguing as a lobodomy being performed on Rainman. :D

5/29/2006, 11:21 PM
Yeah, Heyman got two draft picks...one from Raw and one from SD. He took RVD from Raw (which seems silly...since he'd be going to ECW of his on volition anyways) and Kurt from SD...which really weakens the World Heavyweight Title scene over on the B-show.

The constant pimping of See No Evil makes me wonder...was Kane in kayfabe while he made that movie? :D

5/29/2006, 11:23 PM
about as intriguing as a lobodomy being performed on Rainman. :D

I think it could work...after all, ECW has always had some GREAT technical performers. They just got overshadowed by all the plunder, blood, and spot monkeys. ;)

Scott D
5/29/2006, 11:26 PM
yeah but it's ridiculous by the aspect of Angle always being so 'anti-ECW'. Besides....Smackdown is going to be all about Bobby Lashley :D

5/29/2006, 11:26 PM
Vince took away Sledgy?!? That EVIL BASTARD!!!

5/29/2006, 11:28 PM
yeah but it's ridiculous by the aspect of Angle always being so 'anti-ECW'.

True, but Angle's first appearance in a squared circle WAS on the old ECW on TNN...

Scott D
5/29/2006, 11:31 PM

5/29/2006, 11:36 PM
Oh man, I've missed JR. No one gets p*ssed off at heel shenanigans quite like him. :D

5/29/2006, 11:46 PM
You know, every time Vince trots out that tired old "Mr. McMahon Kiss My *ss Club" crap, it kinda makes me wish the federal goverment would have won that steriod case back in the 80's. :D

Scott D
5/29/2006, 11:53 PM
you mean they didn't? :D

5/29/2006, 11:59 PM
No, not really.

Barry Bonds

Scott D
5/30/2006, 12:00 AM
Rich people over the government for a change..... ;)

5/30/2006, 06:42 AM
The whole "McMahon ego trip" angle has done the unthinkable: Not like Shane-O-Mac.

F*ck you, Vince. :D

5/30/2006, 08:06 AM
i grew up on wrestling ... and last night was the first time i've watched Raw from start to finished in prob a good year or so. The Memorial Day Tribute was very good and very touching ... the Diva fight was def. the highlight of the night ... BRI don't forget the fake Undertaker ... and you know they're hurting when the Spirit whatever takes up a good 30 mins of the show

5/30/2006, 09:35 AM
Well, I can understand the Spirit Squad taking up so much of the show, since they're integral to the whole McMahons/Trips/HBK storyline. Part of why I hate Vince getting so involved in the show is that whatever storyline he's in takes over...squashing any heat for the WWE Title picture and the return of ECW. Jesus just needs to heal Shawn's knee hella fast, 'cause I can't take much more buildup...I need DX NOW! :D

5/30/2006, 09:40 AM
i'm telling you ... DX wont come back ... and if it does it wont be the same unless Bad *** Billy Gunn ... Road Dogg and yes even X-Pac comes back (maybe can leave out the he/she)

5/30/2006, 09:42 AM
Oh, they'll reunite Shawn and Hunter either right before or at Vengance for the nostalga pop...then one will turn on the other. Probably Shawn, to get even for the LAST DX reformation that lasted all of, oh, two minutes.

That, BTW, was the biggest mark-out moment and biggest "NO! YOU F*CKIN' BASTARDS!!!" moment of my rasslin'-watching life...all within the span of a second. :D

5/30/2006, 09:49 AM
Was Hacksaw Duggan there? Eric The Red? Kamala The Ugandan Warrior? Junkyard Dog? Any of the Von Erichs? Freebirds? Mr. Wrestling I or II? Paul Orndorff? Sgt. Slaughter? Jimmy Snuka?

5/30/2006, 09:52 AM
Hacksaw Jim Duggan was on a few weeks ago, and makes occasional appearances for comedy bits. Sgt. Slaughter is a road agent (basically, a coach) and still wrestles on Raw once or twice a year, usually around July 4th and any time there's an "evil furriner" character. He always loses. :D

5/30/2006, 09:53 AM
haha i remember that too ... you think they would realize when they bring back the old stuff ... what make them BILLIONS ... the fans come back ... people want to love/hate guys like DX ... people don't want to love/hate cheerleaders

5/30/2006, 09:58 AM
Hacksaw Jim Duggan was on a few weeks ago, and makes occasional appearances for comedy bits. Sgt. Slaughter is a road agent (basically, a coach) and still wrestles on Raw once or twice a year, usually around July 4th and any time there's an "evil furriner" character. He always loses. :D

Man, I figured all those guys were dead by now.

I remember the match that changed Slaughter from a heel to a face... that Iranian dude whose name I can't remember was sitting in the ring refusing to leave after his own match and Slaughter was scheduled for the next match. After the crowd started booing the Iranian for sitting there, Slaughter carried his American flag to the ring and then kicked the guy's ***. Everyone loved him then. :D

5/30/2006, 10:02 AM
some of those guys you named are actually dead soooo

5/30/2006, 10:19 AM
Man, I figured all those guys were dead by now.

I remember the match that changed Slaughter from a heel to a face... that Iranian dude whose name I can't remember was sitting in the ring refusing to leave after his own match and Slaughter was scheduled for the next match. After the crowd started booing the Iranian for sitting there, Slaughter carried his American flag to the ring and then kicked the guy's ***. Everyone loved him then. :D

Iron Sheik?


5/30/2006, 12:28 PM
Iron Sheik?


That's what I was thinking... but for some reason I had it in my head that there was some other Middle Eastern bad guy back in the day. Eh... I'm lucky to remember last week.

5/30/2006, 12:36 PM
The "other" Middle Eastern bad guy from the 80's was Skandor Akbar. He was most famous for being a heel manager in the southern territories, including Bill Watts' Mid-South/UWF fed. I grew up hating that guy and his assortment of bad guys: Kamala, One Man Gang...um, that other guy...:D

5/30/2006, 12:37 PM
Skandar Akbar?


5/30/2006, 12:41 PM
Skandar! That was the guy that Slaughter fought to change sides.

stoops the eternal pimp
5/31/2006, 03:31 PM
I wish Kamala would kill Umaga

5/31/2006, 03:50 PM
I wish fatty foods would kill Umaga, but they're taking too damn long. :mad:

3/25/2008, 12:07 AM
yeah but it's ridiculous by the aspect of Angle always being so 'anti-ECW'. Besides....Smackdown is going to be all about Bobby Lashley :D

Heh. Not so much. :D

Scott D
3/25/2008, 04:10 PM
Heh. Not so much. :D

christ, when the hell did I post that? ;)

3/25/2008, 04:14 PM
bri dredged up some old school POS wrasslin' thread. Oh goody...

3/25/2008, 04:16 PM
christ, when the hell did I post that? ;)

I think it was post "elevated enzyme count", but well before Krystal "black Sable" Marshall told him to quit. :D

Scott D
3/25/2008, 04:19 PM
Ahh, about 2 years ago. Oh well, Vince has shown he can only handle giving one brotha a push at a time anyway. And since it's apparently MVP's turn it's not a surprise ;)

3/25/2008, 04:27 PM
Well, since MVP is a kamillion times more charasmatic than young Robert, that's an upgrade. :D

Scott D
3/25/2008, 04:30 PM
I really should tune in on a Friday night at some point....hell I barely tune in on Monday nights. :D

3/25/2008, 04:33 PM
Meh, I just read the Smackdown recaps. I was watching Raw regularly, but since Fox moved New Amsterdam to Mondays at 8, I basically just flip back and forth on commercials and then just read the recap.

The thing that made me chuckle reading all these old rasslin' threads was how anti-TNA I was at the time. I mean, I still think they suck it hard, but at least I'm watching Impact now. STING'S COMING BACK THIS THURSDAY NIGHT!! OH MY GOD!!!!


Scott D
3/25/2008, 04:43 PM
I saw like 20 minutes of it a couple of weeks ago. Oh noes....it's Wolfpac version 217 with Nash, Christian, and Samoa Joe v. Kurt Angle, AJ Styles and some bald guy...damn didn't know we were still running the 90s ;)

3/25/2008, 04:54 PM
There's a reason I kept calling it the new Thursday Night Thunder.

Now they're hyping the upcoming Samoa Joe/Kurt Angle cage match at the next PPV as a "MMA-style match". Great, a worked MMA match; just what everyone in that sport wants to be associated with. :D

Scott D
3/25/2008, 04:57 PM
I wonder who will change first..the octagon or the hexagon ;)

3/25/2008, 05:07 PM

Here's a rundown of the current angles in TNA. See if you can tell that Vince Russo has the book:

-Kurt Angle is currently "separated" from his wife so he can focus on his match with Joe. In a wacky bit of "oopsie", his wife Karen is apparently also married to A.J. Styles, who is one half of the tag champs with Tyson Tomko (the big bald guy you saw).
-The three most popular guys on the undercard are X Division champ "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal (doing a Randy Savage impression), Stone Cold Shark Boy (a scrawny jobber in a shark mask doing a Steve Austin impression), and Curry Man (Christopher Daniels pretending to be a popular Japanese commercial character. Kind of like The Great Muta wrestling as the Pilsbury Doughboy. :D)
-The Voodoo Kin Mafia (V.K.M. - get it?)-slash-James Gang-slash-New Age Outlaws have split up, and to build interest in a feud no one cares about, they're doing "real life" interview pieces with both guys where they basically talk about the good old days in WWE.
-Kevin Nash contiunes to wrestle.

The next PPV is called "Lockdown"; it's a card comprised entirely of cage matches. I guess that's cool?

Scott D
3/25/2008, 09:42 PM
That is so outstandingly early 90s.

3/25/2008, 09:47 PM

Curry Man is all kinds of awesome, tho. :D

Scott D
3/25/2008, 09:58 PM
The most amusing part is Sting feeling that he'd be a sellout if he ever appeared for Vincent McMahon after his brief tag team career with the Dingo Warrior :D

3/25/2008, 10:58 PM
Yeah, the IWC is having kittens 'cause Vince "wouldn't spend the money to bring in Sting" for Flair's last match at 'Mania. Idiots.

3/26/2008, 01:23 AM
I was just watching the WWECW and they actually allowed Shelton Benjamin and Carlito to have a real match!!!

John Kochtoston
3/31/2008, 11:30 PM
Tonight was the first time I've watched a Raw from start to finish in along time. If they could start booking like that, instead of the dreck we've seen for about two years now, that would be fantastic. Two tag matches, setting up new feuds, just awesome from top to bottom. I know Flair can't retire every night, but the show was great even before that.