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5/26/2006, 10:20 PM
There is no doubt Im gonna be one of the richest men in the world!
Just two days ago I posted of my good fortune to be chosen by one of China's most prestigeous banks to participate in a relocation of millions of dollars to my own personal bank account.

Obviously, my enthusiasm was well received and word has spread amongst the power brokers of the world as today I received yet another offer from Russia! Yippie! Im a gonna be in the foreign oil business!

Add this to all the offers I mentioned coming to me regularly from Africa regarding all those deceased relatives I never knew I had with millions and millions of dollars with my name on them and I will soon own a huge chunk of the world!

Baja! Pack your bags! Oh, heck, just go buy new ones, lots of them!

Seriously :D

Hello Friend

I am Dr.Borris Olga. and I represent Mr. Mikhail
Khordokovsky the former C.E.O of Yukos Oil Company in Russia. I have a
very sensitive and confidential brief from this top (oligarch) to ask
for your partnership in re-profiling funds US$42.3 Million. I will give
the details, but in summary, the funds are coming via Bank Menatep.
This is a legitimate transaction.You will be paid 10% for your
"Management Fees".

If you are interested, please write back by mail:
[email protected] and provide me with your confidential
telephone number,fax number and email address and I will provide
further details and instructions. Please keep this confidential; we
can't afford more political problems. Finally, please note that this
must be concluded within two weeks.

Please advice me on your position
by email immediately via mail: [email protected] as i look
forward to your mail.


5/26/2006, 10:22 PM
You da man!

5/26/2006, 10:33 PM
Hey, can I have your place up in Lakeland?

5/26/2006, 10:36 PM
You lucky bastard.

5/26/2006, 10:42 PM
Im thinking I might become an SF.com "elite" sponsor.
just as soon as the first of my many offers come available.

5/26/2006, 10:51 PM
Hey! I think our problems may just be solved. Ed McMahon. Think I just won a million bucks. Yeah, Irwin M. Fletcher you choose. Woo-wee! Oh, boy, I lost. Yeah. Sorry.

5/27/2006, 03:04 AM
Im thinking I might become an SF.com "elite" sponsor.
just as soon as the first of my many offers come available.

Wahoo! Now we can all be Elite Sponsors and get Donor tickets thanks to my honey!
Party house in Norman....
Bigger fishin' boat....

5/27/2006, 03:16 AM
Ah but you've made the mistake of posting the guy's e-mail address. Now, I'm soo going to beat you to the punch.

E-mail SENT!

5/27/2006, 03:44 AM
Ah but you've made the mistake of posting the guy's e-mail address. Now, I'm soo going to beat you to the punch.

E-mail SENT!
I saw that and since you beat me to it . I sent em an email saying Id do it for 8% :P

5/27/2006, 03:53 AM
The Ruskies have AOL.

5/27/2006, 04:32 AM
Holy **** send some money laundering my way....heh

5/27/2006, 11:42 AM
Dear Phil (HMFIC)
As soon as the proceeds from my profitable China and Russian ventures, and the African inheritances I expect any day actually hit my bank account, I would like to get a rate for purchasing an "elite" sponsorship for all my buds on SF.com.

However, I would like to exclude SicEm and olevet as I consider them opportunistc lowlifes, not to be trusted with sensitive information. Unlike all my other pals they seem to be more concerned with themselves than their fellow Sooner fans good fortune.

Baja and I would also like for you to investigate the possiblity of buying out several sections of box seats for at least one and possibly more Sooner games in the near future. We will be having a huge party before, during and after the game.

Again, I must insist that Sic and ole be excluded. Their selfish inititive will probably land them a mere pittance of income as they will learn that scallywags do not always profit in loyal friendships but in meaningless monetary amounts.

Anxiously awaiting millions of dollars in "earned & deserved" income - OUinFLA

5/27/2006, 12:10 PM
And HB to my soon-to-be-rich Honey! :)

I think we need to consider a name change for the stadium. After all, you are going to be so rich, you can afford to replace the "Gaylord" on the stadium with "OUinFLA" Memorial Stadium. It has a much better ring to it.

5/27/2006, 12:19 PM
Hey i have some real estate i am willing to sell to you. :)

5/27/2006, 12:35 PM
However, I would like to exclude SicEm and olevet as I consider them opportunistc lowlifes, not to be trusted with sensitive information. Unlike all my other pals they seem to be more concerned with themselves than their fellow Sooner fans good fortune.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

5/27/2006, 12:42 PM

Hell, now I'm going to have to wait for my "big break" with a Nigerian businessman but I'll be damned if I'm going to tell you hillbillies about it!

So screw you guys, I'm going home to invest in some airlines and the latest .dot come fad.

5/27/2006, 12:52 PM
But OUinFla I was just trying to salvage the deal after that despicable baptist tried to "steal " from you .

See I can flop like a Kerry :)

5/27/2006, 12:53 PM
You two are funny.

5/27/2006, 01:44 PM
Do i need to grovel more ? what do I need to do to get back in your good graces ?
In my defence I was sob re . Had i been on the drunkytown express I wouldn't have succumbed to the temptation of all those Millions :O

5/27/2006, 01:49 PM

He is the debil.

5/27/2006, 01:54 PM

So screw you guys, I'm going home to invest in some airlines and the latest .dot come fad.
Is that a pr0n site?

5/27/2006, 01:55 PM

He is the debil.
Your so cruel
How about if if I promise to always post drunk ?

5/27/2006, 01:58 PM
Your so cruel
How about if if I promise to always post drunk ?You do anyway. So what's the deal?:D

Wind coming up here, its a Wester.

5/27/2006, 02:00 PM
You do anyway. So what's the deal?:D

Wind coming up here, its a Wester.
Gotta point , But I was sobre when I made that post :O

5/27/2006, 02:00 PM
I dunno Flag, olevet and I go back a long ways. I think Im more hurt by his actions than the money issue. After all, Im gonna have soooo much. Besides olevet and I share boating memories................ Im thinkin he is showing some remorse and obvious embarassment by comparing himself to Kerry.........it's up in the air.

The Baptist on the other hand is just showing defiance, SicEm, you better retain my good friend TUSooner if you think there is ever gonna be a chance for you.

Flag, I was also thinkin Baja will want to have a bunch of pocket change to carry around for incidentals, perhaps you'd like to help us out and carry it for her? Get a wheelbarrow, anything that spills over, you can keep. But, watch out for Sic hangin around..........he's sneaky that way. And while your at it, bring Tailwind to keep you company. We'll just buy a few hotels along the way so you can feel right at home.

I have further communication from the Nigerian Barrister handling one of my late family's estate. It's so sad that both parents and all 6 children met their demise based on the random action of a water buffalo.

5/27/2006, 02:04 PM
See Flag
OUin Fla aint as cruel as you :P
And my groveling seems to be helping ;)
I just wanta get in on those Monster parties hes planning ,

5/27/2006, 02:05 PM
I think we need to consider a name change for the stadium. After all, you are going to be so rich, you can afford to replace the "Gaylord" on the stadium with "OUinFLA" Memorial Stadium. It has a much better ring to it.

I dunno Baja how would you feel about:

Oklahoma Memorial Stadium at Owen Field?

It has such a nice ring to it.

Seriously :D

5/27/2006, 02:09 PM
I dunno Baja how would you feel about:

Oklahoma Memorial Stadium at Owen Field?

It has such a nice ring to it.

Seriously :D
Anything you say Boss . I got my mind right now .

5/27/2006, 02:10 PM
I dunno Baja how would you feel about:

Oklahoma Memorial Stadium at Owen Field?

It has such a nice ring to it.

Seriously :DI like it.

Now about those http://freetravel.cc/images/pf/virtualzoo/Water_Buffalo-Kenya/4.jpg

I think Sic is dating one.

5/27/2006, 02:22 PM
You see olevet, what I think you failed to realize is that Dr. Olga is a man of great integrity, honesty, and commitment. His natural desire to maintain his good name and standing in the international banking community far outweighs the tendency to go for the quick buck.

Suggesting you would cut the offered rate by 2% probably didnt sit well with him, and I seriously doubt that you can look forward to Dr. Olga offering to bring you in on many of the future ventures Im sure he will be involved in.

Dr. Olga is certainly a man who is not in it for just the money, but is making an international effort to spread the opportunities around to those who wont try to take advantage of his generous nature.

But, I still consider you one of my best friends on this board, and you will be welcome to come visit again anytime you wish. Please schedule your visits through Flagstaff, as Im sure he will be accepting the highly overpaid postion of our personal social scheduler. He is a true and loyal friend who would never back-stab me. And just to make sure, Baja suggested I buy him a third world country to develop. One with plenty of oil reserves and air conditioning in every palace room. Suitable for a dictator, so to speak.

YWIA Flag.

5/27/2006, 02:30 PM
Please schedule your visits through Flagstaff, as Im sure he will be accepting the highly overpaid postion of our personal social scheduler. Big, big fat chicks for you guys.

5/27/2006, 02:53 PM
Terms accepted . I just didn't realise how scrupulous he was My bad
Now Flag Fat chicks will be OK for awhile but then the punishment has to end :eek:
Oh and when OUinFLA gets you your country, Can I be your Minister Of defence or something ??????

Scott D
5/27/2006, 03:04 PM
damn your homies don't treat you well olevet :)

5/27/2006, 08:01 PM
damn your homies don't treat you well olevet :)
Not much different from when I came home . :eek:

5/28/2006, 08:41 AM
damn your homies don't treat you well olevet :)
They be MY home Boys ;)
Ill always have their back . Do you have anyone who has your Back ? In the strictest spirit of the word ;)

5/28/2006, 08:50 AM
Not much different from when I came home . :eek:Not here Vet.

5/28/2006, 08:52 AM
Not here Vet.
See my next post ;)

5/28/2006, 09:52 AM
Fla, honey, exactly my choice for the stadium name.
And I don't want Vet's back to hurt, so I'm thinking he can carry all of the credit cards for me.
I am so sorry about the water buffalo incident.

You stay away from the gators, you hear?!?

5/28/2006, 10:07 AM
Fla, honey, exactly my choice for the stadium name.
And I don't want Vet's back to hurt, so I'm thinking he can carry all of the credit cards for me.
I am so sorry about the water buffalo incident.

You stay away from the gators, you hear?!?
Thanks Baja
I was gettin sick of this groveling stuff:D
But it will be CASH No cards for My fla friend .
And Yea Bill whats up with all those Gators eating people ?

5/28/2006, 09:35 PM
The gators dont eat rich people.
quit worrying.
Ok, olevet, Im tired of your groveling too.
I know you dont really mean it, but Baja's wish is as good as gold.
Besides, I was just going through my unopened mail from various banks and lending institutions. I have found that I am prequailfied for instant loans from 5k To 200k.. !!! I actually added up a whole weeks worth of offers and half a mil is not a problem. Im thinkin Baja may really need help managing the credit cards.
olevet, your back in, and Baja suggested we might buy you Texas, but I told her you would rather have control of something less troublesome. You gotta promise me you wont go to war with Flag though.

5/28/2006, 09:41 PM
I was taking a shower awhile ago and heard the doorbell.

By the time I got to the front door, I saw the PCH van pulling away.

5/28/2006, 09:43 PM
Hey, I was thinking about you ST.
We're gonna need someone with airline experience to buy and fly our airplanes. You're the only one I know with airline experience.
You in?

5/28/2006, 09:45 PM
I'm planning on winning the next HGTV Dream Home as a Winter Party House for the SO group. And if you don't ski, you can lounge around the fireplace.

We'll use some of Fla's money to buy some extra ski equipment for all you flatlanders.

5/28/2006, 09:46 PM
I dont ski, but I do lounge pretty well.

5/29/2006, 01:49 PM
The gators dont eat rich people.
quit worrying.
Ok, olevet, Im tired of your groveling too.
I know you dont really mean it, but Baja's wish is as good as gold.
Besides, I was just going through my unopened mail from various banks and lending institutions. I have found that I am prequailfied for instant loans from 5k To 200k.. !!! I actually added up a whole weeks worth of offers and half a mil is not a problem. Im thinkin Baja may really need help managing the credit cards.
olevet, your back in, and Baja suggested we might buy you Texas, but I told her you would rather have control of something less troublesome. You gotta promise me you wont go to war with Flag though.

If ya got me saxet Id just try to burn it for the insurance :D
Flag and I wont go to war with each other we will ream up and ivade canada or something ;)