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5/26/2006, 07:07 PM
This concludes GHP's week-and-a-half west coast audition tour. I was a finalist for the job in Oregon (one of the last four standing) and got axed in San Diego without even making it through the entire music list for the first round. I actually think I sounded even better in San Diego than I did in Oregon, but the level (and amount) of competition in San Diego was outrageous. I mean, 76 guys in the first round and of the three that made it to the finals one guy didn't even get enough yes votes to qualify for the job.

The guy that won San Diego was already principal trombone in Buffalo, NY. (A job I auditioned for back in March 2005, btw.) Oh well. The San Diego Zoo was pretty sweet, so the trip wasn't a total loss. ;)

5/26/2006, 07:11 PM
Have you given any thought to the possibility that you're just not very good at your chosen profession? ;)

5/26/2006, 07:13 PM
You should play the Tulsa State Fair this year, you know, to get some exposure.

5/26/2006, 07:17 PM
Have you given any thought to the possibility that you're just not very good at your chosen profession? ;)

Heh. It had crossed my mind. ;)

Seriously, the problem with the big jobs is my resume. I have no professional orchestral experience to list. Which means that in a place like San Diego I suditioned on Tuesday. The people they take seriously didn't play their first round unil Wednesday - so basically I not only have to be better than everyone on Tuesday, but I have to be better than all the ringers coming in on Wednesday that they already know. And that's pretty freaking hard.

Basically, a music audition works exactly like American Idol, but it's like that for every single job that comes open - they're not just being nasty because it's on tv. ;)

5/26/2006, 07:26 PM

5/26/2006, 07:28 PM
Basically, a music audition works exactly like American Idol, but it's like that for every single job that comes open - they're not just being nasty because it's on tv. ;)

No, they're being nasty because you guys apparently suck.


5/26/2006, 07:29 PM
Did you offer sexual favors to your potential employers? If your value proposition was that you were a full service trombonist, I don't think it would hurt.

5/26/2006, 07:32 PM
Every audition should have a happy ending...:D

5/26/2006, 07:37 PM
And now GHP will perform Mozart's Fellatio in G Minor... :eek:

5/26/2006, 07:38 PM
At least he didn't perform it in A minor...

5/26/2006, 07:52 PM
76 trombones?

Too bad it's not the San Diego parade. :D

5/26/2006, 09:15 PM
I didn't even notice the irony of there being 76 trombonists there until just now. :D I was just quoting stats in the follow-up email they sent us.

5/26/2006, 09:18 PM
I didn't even notice the irony of there being 76 trombonists there until just now.

Well, there's your trouble.

Right here, in River City.

5/26/2006, 09:23 PM
A black sheriff?!?!?!

Wait, wrong movie.

5/26/2006, 09:37 PM
didn't even get enough yes votes to qualify for the job.

Im sorry GHP, I must have missed the memo that you needed votes.
I was kinda busy this week, but I would have taken the time
to dial 1-800-vot-eGHP.

Im sure Im the reason you didnt make the cut. Please accept my appoligy by the extension of my offer to let you fly to Florida at your own expense and play your trombone by my swimming pool on Monday where I will be entertaining friends.
I will sign your resume.

5/26/2006, 09:48 PM
Heh. You missed your chance when I was in Jacksonville at the end of April. ;)

Seriously, though, I guess enough of the committee members have to agree for them to offer the job to you. So sometimes they have auditions and refuse to offer the job to anyone - they'll use an interim for a year and have another audition. (Seattle did that two years in a row a while back.)