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5/5/2006, 03:03 PM
Ok, so some people are moving around in my department, and this one girl that is moving to the area I am currently in is checking to make sure her vacation days don't interfere with anyone that is already over here. Well, it turns out that new girl to the area had scheduled the day after Thanksgiving, as did one of the women that was already over here. Older woman only takes the day after thanksgiving when said Friday is her mother's Birthday (her mother is around 100 years old, so they don't really know how much longer she has left). Well, new girl complains that she didn't get the day after Thanksgiving last year and that she should be able to get it this year. Than she says "Well I guess I won't be going to the after Thanksgiving sales this year...I didn't get to go last year either"...The older woman's sister just died last week, and as I said, her mother may not be too far behind, but all this girl can do is complain about not getting the day after Thanksgiving off because the other woman wants to spend her mother's birthday with her.

5/5/2006, 03:07 PM
You mean everyone doesn't get that day off automatically?


5/5/2006, 03:09 PM
Yeah, but is she hawt?


5/5/2006, 03:09 PM
You mean everyone doesn't get that day off automatically?


No kidding.

Those sales are pretty good though. ;)

5/5/2006, 03:10 PM
i haven't worked on the day after Thanksgiving EVAR... at least not in like 9 years

but who gives a **** if she misses sales? that's the lamest thing i have ever heard

5/5/2006, 03:10 PM
i'd go up to her, very frankly, and explain exactly the situation you just explained to us. kill her with kindness (something i'm no good at). if she doesn't feel like crap, she's a heartless b**ch.

5/5/2006, 03:11 PM
oh, as mentioned above... is she hawt???? because if she is, she's be a hot heartless b**ch.

5/5/2006, 03:11 PM
I know. I work for a smaller company where we have to work that day. Fortunately, I'm in sales so the rules don't apply. ;)

You ought to say something to that chick. If she's not aware of the older lady, it might help if she knew. If she does know and is still a jerkhead, perhaps a right cross is in order.

5/5/2006, 03:12 PM
That is one reason I can stand my job, I could leave right now and it would be cool.

Scott D
5/5/2006, 03:13 PM
I haven't worked the day after Thanksgiving for 6+ years now.

5/5/2006, 03:17 PM
This is why I would hate to have to work around women.
I've got an Aunt who works in an all-female billing department in OKC and you should hear the petty *** crap that goes down every day. I'd fire the lot.

What kind of petty selfish self centered individual is more concerned with post-Thanksgiving shopping over a co-worker who has that one chance to see her mother of 100. People amaze me.

5/5/2006, 03:19 PM
I know. I work for a smaller company where we have to work that day. Fortunately, I'm in sales so the rules don't apply. ;)

You ought to say something to that chick. If she's not aware of the older lady, it might help if she knew. If she does know and is still a jerkhead, perhaps a right cross is in order.
Well, 1) no, she's not hawt
2) yes, she does know the situation with the death of woman's sister last week and the age of her mother.

She's just one of those people that only cares about herself...Too bad for her other woman doesn't care and she's not giving up that day. I had already tried to talk her into giving me that day until she told me it was her mom's birthday...

Scott D
5/5/2006, 03:21 PM
Well, 1) no, she's not hawt
2) yes, she does know the situation with the death of woman's sister last week and the age of her mother.

She's just one of those people that only cares about herself...Too bad for her other woman doesn't care and she's not giving up that day. I had already tried to talk her into giving me that day until she told me it was her mom's birthday...

generally speaking, we call those people 'women'...ywia.

5/5/2006, 03:22 PM
This is why I would hate to have to work around women.
I've got an Aunt who works in an all-female billing department in OKC and you should hear the petty *** crap that goes down every day. I'd fire the lot.

You should have heard the shouting match at my former job. 2 women about to throw fists over an arguement about American Idol and whether or not Fantasia would win. The black woman wanted Fantasia to win, and she had to play the race card and say America wouldn't let a black person win 2 years in a row, and the other woman just thought Fantasia sucked...It was very funny, but very pathetic, especially in the workplace...

5/5/2006, 03:43 PM
how many of you have to be there the day after Thanksgiving?

you work at Dillard's or something?

5/5/2006, 03:46 PM
how many of you have to be there the day after Thanksgiving?

you work at Dillard's or something?
There's only 3 people that work in the area I am currently in, if she isn't here and the other woman isn't here, that leaves 1 person to do all of the work, and doing this girls job on top of our jobs would be asking a lot, and running a big risk at stuff not being posted on time - which would mean investments would be lost, which would mean the company can be fined...

5/5/2006, 03:48 PM
fwiw, I don't think very many banks are closed the day after Thanksgiving.

5/5/2006, 03:49 PM
As long as she doesn't get the day, then all is well. Let her stew on it for another 7 months. You ought to tell the older chick to bring in something the following Monday that she got on sale... then beat her over the head with it. ;)

5/5/2006, 03:50 PM
No, but banks are closed every other minor holiday, so it evens out. ;) We're getting complaints about bankers hours!!!

5/5/2006, 03:50 PM
Tehh the beyonce that she can quit her job and be off work after thanksgiving.

5/5/2006, 03:53 PM
No, but banks are closed every other minor holiday, so it evens out. ;) We're getting complaints about bankers hours!!!
We don't get as many of the minor holidays here (Columbus day and such) but they do give us 3 extra vacation days in place of the holidays that other banks get that we don't.

5/5/2006, 05:59 PM
Go to work with her and help her get off on the day after Thanksgiving!! Geeeze!

5/5/2006, 07:16 PM
Call in sick. It's not like they're gonna fire her.

5/5/2006, 07:41 PM
The way our society is with debit cards and direct deposits I don't really understand why a bank would feel the need to allow only one person off, unless they are running a skeleton crew anyway.

If she had the day off where she was and she was transferred to your area by the company and not by request...she should get some consideration IMO.

I don't care much though for folks who blab about stuff like she did. I think she should take it up with her Boss in private and learn to live with the decision. If it's not in her favor...she should STFU.

5/5/2006, 08:04 PM
I like our female patients better than the male ones. They get a little toothache and with all the moaning and complaining you'd think they were giving birth.

Oh...and about that one girl. Shes rude. I'd tell her so.

5/5/2006, 08:11 PM
Well, 1) no, she's not hawt
2) yes, she does know the situation with the death of woman's sister last week and the age of her mother.

She's just one of those people that only cares about herself...Too bad for her other woman doesn't care and she's not giving up that day. I had already tried to talk her into giving me that day until she told me it was her mom's birthday...

just keep askin her if she ever got the day off in a kinda d1ck, smarta$$ sorta way. if she aint hawt, and she's a b1tch then she deserves to be made fun of.