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5/4/2006, 01:38 AM

Dear Chucky,

I’m sorry it has come to this, but you need to realize that you are just simply not smart enough to complete the necesarry work to finish this class with a passing grade. Please don’t be dishearted by this. (Oh, sorry, I mean “bummed out.”) Not everyone is capable of thinking on a college level; this does not make you a bad person, nor me a bad teacher– it just makes you a bad student. The good news is that many, many forms of work do not require college, and I’d be glad to write you a recommendation (if one is needed) for one of those types of jobs. I think you will find whatever that is to be a very satisfying living.

Also, please do not try to take this letter as a form of inspiration to suddenly “get your act together” or try to “prove me wrong.” This is not my attempt to “light a fire under you” or give you “bulletin board material.” It’s April, dude. I simply have too many papers to grade, and I frankly always need a cigarette break after reading yours. And I’m trying to quit. Thank you for understanding, and for skipping class the day we did teacher evals (which was yesterday).

Josh Lederman, formerly the teacher who refused to give up

5/4/2006, 08:02 AM
That's how I feel this time of year.

5/4/2006, 08:19 AM
See, there is a reason okie state exists.