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View Full Version : I'm surprised

5/3/2006, 11:07 AM
In the political world of college football today, with your image being almost everything...why haven't Texas/Dodds made the same announcement that OU/Castiglione have, namely "We'll keep the game in Dallas, as long as Dallas does this laundy list of repairs and promises this amount of money to the schools..."

In my opinion, if they DO back out of the game, there's no longer any way to spin it to be anyone's fault but UT's...Dallas says "we'll make the changes if you give us an extension." OU says "OK, as long as the changes are substantial." Texas says "We'll tell you by the end of April." May 1 comes and goes. Then Texas says "We'll tell you within a month." It's just starting to look like Texas is TRYING to back out of the deal, and looking for a way to put a positive spin on it. The way I see it, there isn't a way anymore...all the talking heads at ESPN, all the writers for major sports sections will say "it's Texas' fault, the ruin of one of the greatest remaining traditions in football."

...and you can BET OU will be on the recruiting trail when it happens, saying "See? Texas is afraid to play us on a neutral field, and they ruined the game..."

5/3/2006, 11:28 AM
I'm frustrated that they can't come to terms. I mean this is years of tradition being squandered by bad management.

5/3/2006, 11:35 AM
It all boils down to one thing- Uterus is just that.

5/3/2006, 11:54 AM
I will be very sad when the game is not in Dallas anymore...

5/3/2006, 12:01 PM
don't be too worried that the game will be moved to a home -v- home scenario. I suspect that if the Cotton bowl goes away, it will be replaced by the Jerry bowl i.e. jerry jones and the new stadium in Arlington. State of the art facilities for the best rivalry in the nation.

5/3/2006, 12:16 PM
Good cop...bad cop.

5/3/2006, 12:25 PM
Or, UT thinks it is a recruiting advantage for us but playing every other year in Austin wouldn't be as much of an advantage. In terms of putting on the other person's moccasins think "
Gee maybe OU beats us all the time because of all those kids from Dallas. If we quit playing them in Dallas every year those good old Texas kids will be more likely to come to Austin.

5/3/2006, 12:35 PM
Texas is going for the money. Tradition may be tradition, but as long as both teams are among the Nation's best, the game will be big, regardless of where they play.

I think Sooners are upset because it affects them more than it does Horns anyway. The game is already in Texas. OU will lose it's in-state platform for live exposure. Even when they play in Austin, it will be hard for Sooner Fans to get seats since Royal is sold out every weekend...

Not sure how it will be in Norman, but Texas doesnt recruit in Oklahoma so...
I dont know. We will see.

5/3/2006, 01:18 PM
I can't understand why Dodds is playing so coy this issue. If he wants to play OU in Austin every other year so they can boost ticket revenue to pay for the stadium expansions, etc. then say so and let's all move on down the road.

Big Red Ron
5/3/2006, 01:20 PM
Texas is going for the money. Tradition may be tradition, but as long as both teams are among the Nation's best, the game will be big, regardless of where they play.

I think Sooners are upset because it affects them more than it does Horns anyway. The game is already in Texas. OU will lose it's in-state platform for live exposure. Even when they play in Austin, it will be hard for Sooner Fans to get seats since Royal is sold out every weekend...

Not sure how it will be in Norman, but Texas doesnt recruit in Oklahoma so...
I dont know. We will see.You're delusion. This game is the only reason anyone cared about Texas through the 70's, 80's and for most of the 90's and 00's, c'mon.

Also, we have agreed to play another team from Texas at the fair each year. aTm would surf on their swords to have that opportunity. It's the game at the fair, on a neutral filed that makes it special, not Texas.

Oh, and there won't be many tickets in Norman either, ******.

5/3/2006, 01:23 PM
One thing to keep in mind... saxeT sucks, so there's no telling what they're going to do to screw this up. I'd be happy with moving it to Arlington... I just don't want a home/home game. That would be suck.

5/3/2006, 01:24 PM
Oh, and there won't be many tickets in Norman either, ******.

That's what I was thinking... There would be more OU people in Austin than there would be Hook 'em in Norman, by a long shot.

Big Red Ron
5/3/2006, 01:25 PM
One thing to keep in mind... saxeT sucks, so there's no telling what they're going to do to screw this up. I'd be happy with moving it to Arlington... I just don't want a home/home game. That would be suck.I think ut will be replaced in the cotton bowl before we go to Arlington. It's the fair that keeps the national media interested, in addition to the teams. Stick aTm in there and it'll still be a huge game.

5/3/2006, 01:29 PM
Originally, I was against any change to the tradition. But at this point, I'm perfectly happy to replace the Whorn$ with Aggie South. So long as it's there at the fair, and we split the stadium 50/50, I'm sure it'll be a great pageant and exciting game.

Big Red Ron
5/3/2006, 01:29 PM
Oh an f*ck texass.

Woo' kum

5/3/2006, 01:36 PM
**** TEXAS. This game MUST STAY in the Cotton Bowl. It is one of the greatest events in sports. Pretty lame on UT's part right now..

Big Red Ron
5/3/2006, 07:34 PM
**** TEXAS. This game MUST STAY in the Cotton Bowl. It is one of the greatest events in sports. Pretty lame on UT's part right now..They're scared. :texan:

Jello Biafra
5/3/2006, 07:55 PM
Texas is going for the money.

I call it being chicket **** but whatever.

Tradition may be tradition, but as long as both teams are among the Nation's best, the game will be big, regardless of where they play.

we're among the best. you guys just happen to be riding in our wake.....

I think Sooners are upset because it affects them more than it does Horns anyway.

i think the fans are upset because your school is being a cows vagina.....you're scared we're gonna spend the next 5 years having stoops' assistants hold mack down while bob gives ole mack a face full of beef stew
The game is already in Texas. OU will lose it's in-state platform for live
we don't need that dump. we invented exposure you derelict.

Even when they play in Austin, it will be hard for Sooner Fans to get seats since Royal is sold out every weekend...

AND??? quite frankly i look forward to our team going inot DKR and stealing your teams cornbread.......

Not sure how it will be in Norman, but Texas doesnt recruit in Oklahoma so...
I dont know. We will see.
yeh. whatever we'll still get ours and yours in texas. regardless of the venue

schlong horns lickem and schtickem