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View Full Version : I have cholesterol in the blood vessels in my eyes

5/2/2006, 10:41 AM
So says my optometrist. Wonder if I should get a cholesterol check?

5/2/2006, 10:44 AM

5/2/2006, 10:55 AM
I was told I have "visual drusen" on my optical nerves. It's some kind of "deposits" on the nerves. It isn't serious if it stays like it is, but can cause macular degeneration later in life. So they dialate my eyes EVERY freakin year to make sure it hasn't gotten any worse, and every 2 or 3 years I have to take a "visual field test".

Could it be the same thing perhaps???

and my avvie suggests I'm already treating for the future :D

5/2/2006, 11:04 AM
No, the Opto said my nerves were fine. This has to do with the blood vessels. It's not something that affects vision, she just asked if I'd had my cholesterol checked recently. I had blood work done last month for life insurance, and they put me in the highest (i.e., cheapest) preferred category, so I figure I must be okay, even though I did not see the test results.

And BTW, macular degen is nothing to mess with. My wife's grandmother has it. Once your eyes start to go there's nothing that can be done (it's kinda like glaucoma in that way), the damage is permanent. Better to have the tests done regularly.

5/2/2006, 11:43 AM
Better to have the tests done regularly.

I go every year.