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View Full Version : To beat a dead horse from last week

5/1/2006, 05:11 PM
A reverse dowry...heh (http://money.cnn.com/2006/05/01/pf/college/reverse_dowry/index.htm?cnn=yes)

...A 22-year old student graduating this year who consolidates their $40,000 loan at 6.125 percent will need to pay $243 a month...until they're 52. By that time, they will have paid $47,494 in interest alone.

I don't know what to do about this problem, but it's going to continue to be a problem.

The wife and I are lucky...we're hopefully going to be in jobs that can eventually pay for our massive student loan debt, but that's still 7 years off, at least.

The average indebtedness of OU medical students is around $100K, and that I'm betting will rise, as loans continue to increase to cover cost of living. I'm thinking medical costs are going to stay high for a looooong time to come...and we're the lucky ones.

Advanced education is going to become prohibitvely expensive...THERE'S a great way to train the future's thinkers that are going to get us through the next energy crises. Only let the families that can afford it go to school. :mad:

5/1/2006, 05:30 PM
I blame the NCAA

5/1/2006, 05:31 PM
education is big business...

5/1/2006, 05:47 PM
It looks like we are going get all three through school without owing any money.

But we've also told them that there may not be much left to inherit either.

5/1/2006, 06:01 PM
For future collegians and their parental units:

Kid changes his/her/it's name to Eusebio/Eusebia/Eusebioia, claims to be an illegal immigrant, moves to Mexifornia, gets free ride through college at taxpayers' expense AND preferential treatment on admissions. Works so far.

Sick of 'em in San Antonio

5/1/2006, 09:02 PM
For future collegians and their parental units:

Kid changes his/her/it's name to Eusebio/Eusebia/Eusebioia, claims to be an illegal immigrant, moves to Mexifornia, gets free ride through college at taxpayers' expense AND preferential treatment on admissions. Works so far.

Sick of 'em in San Antonio
india skip college get a motel