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View Full Version : Oklahoma Bears vs. Texass Lions

4/30/2006, 03:04 PM
With all the whorns on Detroit...and with all the Sooners on da Bearss, can we set up a trade to send Teddy to da Bearss in exchange for Vasher?

Are Stockar McDougle and Frank Romero still with the Whorns of the north? If so, send em to Chicago!

Oh crap...Chicago has Cedric Benson...trade him too!

4/30/2006, 03:07 PM
i guess there are some Big 12 South fans up there somewhere :D

Jello Biafra
4/30/2006, 03:11 PM
With all the whorns on Detroit...and with all the Sooners on da Bearss, can we set up a trade to send Teddy to da Bearss in exchange for Vasher?

Are Stockar McDougle and Frank Romero still with the Whorns of the north? If so, send em to Chicago!

Oh crap...Chicago has Cedric Benson...trade him too!

mcdoulge is with jacksonville. romero may be in NFLE

4/30/2006, 04:05 PM
The only way that I want to see Cedric Benson leave Chicago is if the famous Adrian Peterson is drafted there, and I dont see that happening.

4/30/2006, 04:42 PM
Baltimore has their fair share of Sooners also...

Scott D
4/30/2006, 04:47 PM
the Lions let McDougal go as a free agent before last year when he signed for Miami and stunk as bad there as he did in Detroit..he's getting a 3rd chance now in Jacksonville. Romero was never on the active roster with them.

4/30/2006, 05:12 PM
there are alot of sooner with the Ravens too. They are all over the league now. Its not like it was 5 years ago

4/30/2006, 05:18 PM
Yeah, we're, like, good and sh*t...

King Crimson
4/30/2006, 05:46 PM
Lehman plays for the Lions, yeah?

4/30/2006, 05:56 PM
Harriss,Bradley,Dusty & JD will get me watching my hometown team again. I'll keep Vasher here (helps remembering his flubs against OU), but Benson hasn't shown anything - (didn't really see him do anything for the Horns either). Jones is the best running back on the Bears and all they give him is disrespect.
Maybe Chi will be needing AD next year...

4/30/2006, 07:07 PM
With the Packers trying to become aTm North, we might as well relocate the Big 12 South to the NFC North.

Duke o Brewery
4/30/2006, 08:01 PM
Don't forget the Baltimore Ravens who have 5 Sooners and 1 Golden Hurricaine.

Dan Cody, Kelly Gregg, Mark Clayton, Corey Ivy, and Chris Chester. Apparently they traded Trent Smith to SanFran...

...and WR Romby Bryant from TU (product of my humble alma mater, Western Heights HS, in OKC.)

*Sorry, I just noticed that this was posted on another thread, but I'm just damn proud of these guys.*

4/30/2006, 08:22 PM
The only way that I want to see Cedric Benson leave Chicago is if the famous Adrian Peterson is drafted there, and I dont see that happening.
Well, the Bears already have an Adrian Peterson at running back, so that sort of continues the Oklahoma-Bears connection.

4/30/2006, 09:33 PM
Well, the Bears already have an Adrian Peterson at running back, so that sort of continues the Oklahoma-Bears connection.

thats why i said the famous Adrian Peterson... because no one knows about the one in the nfl now... Benson, I think will be productive... He didnt show anything because he wasnt in camp after he was drafted and lovie smith is all about doing what you are told when you are told. I think that Benson could out do Thomas Jones easy...

4/30/2006, 09:47 PM
I saw Trent playing in the Cologne-Frankfurt game this morning. He plays for the Cologne Centurions right now.

Jello Biafra
4/30/2006, 09:50 PM
I saw Trent playing in the Cologne-Frankfurt game this morning. He plays for the Cologne Centurions right now.

my buddy (in chicago) says there are rumors that we are going to try and trade one of our 72 qbs for a TE in NFL europe.......hopefully smith is who their looking at.