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View Full Version : What's going on Monday?

4/29/2006, 08:30 PM
May 1 is international commie love-fest day, and also happens to be the day when supposedly millions of immigrants are going to protest - organised by ANSWER, a group with ties to communism (and probably funded by the likes of Goerge Soros and Michael Moore) Are they just going to hold signs and yell chants? Anyone think there will there be rioting?

4/29/2006, 08:54 PM
so that means i won't be able to get anyone to clean my house for cheap?

4/29/2006, 09:23 PM
Michael moore hates messican's exspecally the republican messicans

Jimminy Crimson
4/29/2006, 10:21 PM
so that means i won't be able to get anyone to clean my house for cheap?

or any yardword done.

or your plates cleared off the table at restaurants.


4/29/2006, 10:28 PM
No refill on the chips and salsa......

Jimminy Crimson
4/29/2006, 10:33 PM
I'm boycotting workplaces that are closing to let employees off.


Mrs. Norm
4/30/2006, 08:13 AM
Our bilingual assistants, hispanic secretary, and ELL teachers are taking the day off. I have many students that are staying home. Monday is going to be a very easy day, actually. I will probably have 8 students in my room.

Jimminy Crimson
4/30/2006, 09:23 AM
Fire 'em all! :D

If I were a teacher, I would have made a mandatory test or pop quiz or something that couldn't be made up.

King Crimson
4/30/2006, 09:31 AM
go whitey.

Scott D
4/30/2006, 09:51 AM
Michael moore hates anyone who messes with his feed supply


4/30/2006, 12:19 PM
I have always thought it curious that May Day, the acknowledged day of celebration for Communists world wide is the day the American Bar Association chose to celebrate Law Day. Just sayin'.

4/30/2006, 06:35 PM
It's an organized protest. I work at a restaurant. I would avoid eating out that day if I were you guys.

Also, I respect them for doing this and flexing their political muscle. They're not going shopping, not going to work, they're not going to send their kids to school that day, etc, etc, etc...

...but like I said, don't go out to eat. Some places (like mine) are going to make it work. We'll be fine, in fact. (I'm helping in the kitchen with the white cooks and the only two people of Hispanic origin that are working that night. (Usually it's about 10. They can't afford to not work because they're saving for a new house...) Other places, like Westside Louie's, are just giving up under the guise of "Spring Cleaning."


Anyway, I support this. I think it'll help in the long run.


4/30/2006, 06:39 PM
**** them all we should go and shoot all the ****ing protesters

4/30/2006, 06:42 PM
Anyway, I support this. I think it'll help in the long run.

It will be a big deal down here, but I wonder how you think it will help in the long run?

4/30/2006, 06:53 PM
It will be a big deal down here, but I wonder how you think it will help in the long run?

Same here. What will it help exactly?

Will it force the Federal government to give in and ignore immigration laws by granting citizenship to all illegals?

Jimminy Crimson
4/30/2006, 06:55 PM
If I ran the gubment, I'd get a sizeable force of INS and police from each major city staging one of these protests, set up a perimeter and check for illegals.

Problem solved! :texan:

4/30/2006, 06:56 PM
If I ran the gubment, I'd get a sizeable force of INS and police from each major city staging one of these protests, set up a perimeter and check for illegals.

Problem solved! :texan:

That would make too much sense.

King Crimson
4/30/2006, 07:03 PM
why does the economy need illegal labor? ever ask yourself that?

Jimminy Crimson
4/30/2006, 07:07 PM
why does the economy need illegal labor? ever ask yourself that?

It doesn't.

Cut the welfare program except for 100% disabilities. Everyone who wants a handout, get out and work.

The end!

Too easy, huh?

King Crimson
4/30/2006, 07:19 PM
It doesn't.

Cut the welfare program except for 100% disabilities. Everyone who wants a handout, get out and work.

The end!

Too easy, huh?

what illegal labor (mostly in high end leisure industries) has to do with welfare is nonsensical. you don't know that the hell you are talking about.

just by saying: "too easy!" doesn't make you right.

Jimminy Crimson
4/30/2006, 07:22 PM
what illegal labor (mostly in high end leisure industries) has to do with welfare is nonsensical. you don't know that the hell you are talking about.

just by saying: "too easy!" doesn't make you right.

If you meant that we couldn't survive without illegal labor, I offered that those on welfare could easily go work the jobs that were vacated by illegals.

proud gonzo
4/30/2006, 07:44 PM
the question is, why would anyone have a problem with the immigration laws being relaxed? if these people were citizens they'd get paid more and we'd be happier too because they'd also be paying taxes.

besides, what makes the rest of us so superior? most of our ancestors were immigrants too.

Jimminy Crimson
4/30/2006, 08:53 PM
most of our ancestors were immigrants too.

yes. legal immigrants. ;)

4/30/2006, 10:27 PM
yes. legal immigrants.

Can I see your grandparents or great grandparents documentation?

Damn, immigrants. It's hard enough being a white man in America.

4/30/2006, 10:32 PM
Mexicans are in America also.

Just say'n

5/1/2006, 01:32 PM
Illegals working in this country? Gasp.

The reason that so many illegals are able to get work in this country is because they're willing to work. Disability is one thing. Disinterest is another thing entirely. Instead of pewling and moaning about how long it's been since minimum wage was raised like many (most) Americans do, Mexican illegals are able to come here and work for next to nothing because people 1) want to pay their employees next to nothing to increase their profits, and they know that they can get away with this with illegals because who are THEY going to tell, and 2) a large number of Americans feel like they're somehow "above" manual labor, especially for reduced wages, even when it means the difference between their providing for their families or allowing the work sweat of others via the government to do so.

Also, even the tiny wages the illegals are receiving here in America, as illegals, are worth the risk to them. These are people who are literally risking their lives in order to come to a country that despises them, to work for an employer that will never respect them, to provide for a family back home that they may never see again.

In the meantime, we have people sitting on their collective *sses, whose only jobs are to watch daytime television and check the mail for that govt'ment cheese and / or cheddar.

I don't care if you agree with our immigration laws / enforcement or not. What these illegals is doing is a Hell of a lot more honorable than what our people are doing.

But, I agree... the complete disbanding of welfare WOULD severly reduce the number of illegals finding work in this country...

...which would then increase crime, as more and more people would be out of work with no source of income. And it would make already dangerous working conditions even worse as the employers, with even MORE people to choose from for their laborers, were able to offer less and less money, and spend less and less on employee benefits, etc...

Welfare isn't the problem. Welfare ABUSE is. I suggest that, until we fix the problems within our own system, we don't worry about what the illegals are doing. Without them, we'd be in a lot worse shape than we are now. They're coming here and putting money into our economy. They're building our schools and our roads. They're WILLING TO WORK, unlike our own people, who are upset that the illegals are taking our jobs, to be sure, but not so upset that they're willing to get off of their aforementioned collective *sses to do something about it; to go to work themselves.
