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View Full Version : ESPN saying Texans will "for sure" draft Williams over Bush

4/28/2006, 07:20 PM
In a small tidbit during the NBA playoff game, ESPN is claiming Houston reached an agreement with Mario Williams.

Bizarre :confused:

4/28/2006, 07:30 PM
If it were your choice, who would you prefer? I am unsure of who I would pick. I don’t really know that much about Williams, so I guess I would take Travis Wilson to help out David Carr. :)

4/28/2006, 07:40 PM

I guess everyone can flush their mock drafts.

I'm torn, our D-line has stunk the last two years and with the change to the 4-3, we really needed a DE. But #1? :confused:

4/28/2006, 07:43 PM
It's a tough question. I really think Houston needs the most help on their O-Line. Mario Williams looks alot like Julius Peppers out of college right now and at 295 could play in any scheme.

4/28/2006, 07:48 PM
It looks like they can get a good tackle prospect at #33. They also needs some DBs.

4/28/2006, 07:57 PM
that's just crazy. sorry folks but Bush is going to win some games for somebody.

4/28/2006, 08:18 PM
I hear he has a good chance of losing usc some games ;)

4/28/2006, 08:21 PM
sounds like they are showthing their hand a little early or something... i would think that they could trade him for a LOT

4/28/2006, 08:45 PM
Report: Texans May Use Top Pick On Some Nobody From NC State
HOUSTON--Southern Cal running back Reggie Bush has been the consensus choice for the top pick in this year’s NFL draft since the season ended in January. However, the Houston Texans, who own the top pick, are balking at Bush’s asking price. Reports out of Houston indicate that they may do the unthinkable, and use their prized pick on some nobody defensive end from North Carolina State.

“We are looking at Mario Williams of NC State as a possible alternative to Reggie Bush,” said GM Charlie Casserly. “Williams was a very productive player in college and we believe he is the top defender in the country. He can be a real difference maker. Right now Reggie Bush is being unreasonable in his contract demands, so we think this is a viable alternative.”

Despite the fact that Williams is a nobody and the Texans will be the laughingstock of the NFL if they draft him, Casserly actually seems serious.

“Mario’s nothing to scoff at. He’s a very good, impact player,” Casserly said. “Do you know how many sacks he had last year? 13. That’s a lot. This guy could be the next Lawrence Taylor. You may not have heard of him but that’s only because he didn’t play for a big program like USC or Texas. He also didn’t lateral away the goddamn Rose Bowl, for what that’s worth.”

The fact that Matt Leinart and Vince Young will both be available should they decide against Bush has not changed the Texans mind. However, many scouts believe their interest in Williams is a negotiating ploy, and the Texans will still end up with Reggie Bush.

“They’ve been having problems with Reggie and his agent, and I think this is just a way for them to show that they have a little leverage,” said one NFC scout. “I mean, it has to be. There’s no way they can be considering some defensive end from East Butt**** State University. Not with actual difference makers available like Leinart and Young. No, this is just a big ploy. On draft day, Marvin Williamson will be left out in the cold no matter how many sacks he had.”

Some GM’s around the league are hoping the Texans follow through on their threat to draft the obscure nobody from NC State. The New Orleans Saints and the Tennessee Titans own the second and third picks respectively and would love a shot at Reggie Bush should he drop down.

“Oh my God if we got Reggie Bush it would be a miracle,” said a member of the New Orleans Saints front office. “We’ll pay him whatever he wants. Who cares? He’s Reggie frigging Bush. What’s the name of that guy the Texans are talking about right now? Mario Williams? Uh-huh. Sure, whatever you say, Charlie. ‘Mario Williams’ is going to be an impact player in the NFL. I think it’s more likely that he’ll be an impact player for UPS. I hear they need somebody with a great motor to deliver their packages.”

Williams was a virtual unknown until the Texans plucked him out of obscurity. Even if he is a great defender, experts say that drafting an anonymous, nothing stranger like Williams would infuriate the fans.

“Drafting Mario Williams would be akin to packing the franchise in a bus and shipping it to Bolivia,” John Madden said on Sportscenter. “Nobody knows who this kid is and nobody cares. He comes from a university in North Carolina that’s neither Duke nor UNC. It’s not even Wake Forest. NC State? Yea I go there if I want a degree in wood shop. For professional football, I’d go to, oh I don’t know, USC? Texas? Anywhere else in the country?”

He added: “At this point the only thing Williams has going for him is that he didn’t lateral away the goddamn Rose Bowl, for what that’s worth.”



4/28/2006, 08:55 PM
So the question now is where does Bush go?
I'm going to say the Jets get him, with them and the Saints swapping top picks. Saints will get Ferguson.

4/28/2006, 08:59 PM
I'm officially disconnecting myself from my city of birth. The front office in Houston, mainly our fabulous GM Charlie, have done some really stupid things in a very short period of time but I thought there was no way they could screw this up. Williams may end up being really really good, but I promise you Bush is going to be great (and after being passed up I can imagine motivation must be through the roof now)

4/28/2006, 09:02 PM
Rumors are strognly saying now that Vince is a Titan.

4/28/2006, 09:03 PM
They are idiots for not taking Bush. Now it looks like someone will trade the Saints for Reggie Bush. The Saints already have a really good running back in McAlister. He was hurt all of last year but he's still one of the top running backs in the league. So who is going to try and trade for Bush?

4/28/2006, 09:06 PM
Meltdown in progress:



4/28/2006, 09:06 PM
Now we know why the Texans bypassed on Bush. Scroll down to the bottom of the first page of this thread:

Sooner Among The Pack
4/28/2006, 09:16 PM
w00t! Score one for me over Mel Kiper! ;) haha! I had posted this thread a few days ago:


I thought it was a WAY LONG SHOT and Williams was being used for leverage.I didn't actually think Houston would do it, but it's BIG for the NC State community and gives us some postive PR. Two more of our DL are first round projections.

What an AWFUL week for USC! :) :)

Saints are sittin pretty...and I bet the WHOLE draft is changing as we speak.

Sooner Among The Pack
4/28/2006, 09:22 PM
ESPN story: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/draft06/news/story?id=2426003

Interesting sidenote...

NEW YORK -- At 9:01 p.m., the crowd in a packed room at the 40/40 Club in Manhattan swiveled collectively towards the door as Reggie Bush walked through.

The party to announce the running back as the cover athlete for EA Sports' "NCAA Football '07" was supposed to be a celebration. Although Bush held his smile as his diamond earrings sparkled, it was hard to believe everything was OK.

The guy who was, just days ago, the only lock in the draft was not going to be the No. 1 pick after all.

It was a fact that partygoers and media members found out just moments before as the breaking news box on the bottom-right corner of the flat-screen television monitors tuned to ESPNEWS had revealed. Word circulated like a game of quiet telephone. The Texans had signed defensive end Mario Williams.

As Bush stepped near the microphone, a man introduced him.

"The Heisman Trophy winner and potential first ... "

You could tell the man was editing, realizing this was no longer possible.

He continued. "Uh, second-round draft pick."

Well, it was doubtful that Bush would fall that far.

4/28/2006, 09:23 PM
I don't know if it's as much good pub for NCST as it is bad pub for SC. I'm just sayin'.

Sooner Among The Pack
4/28/2006, 09:31 PM
I don't know if it's as much good pub for NCST as it is bad pub for SC. I'm just sayin'.

Well, it is bad for SC, but as AWFUL as our men's basketball coaching search has been (I mean, Steve Lavin turned us down), ANYTHING is good! :texan:

4/28/2006, 10:34 PM

AllAboutThe'O' is right. There is method to the madness. Someone has figured out the Texan's thinking.

"I think Ive figured it out.

Casserly is a genius.

hes going to take Williams. Get a nice DE but do absolutely nothing to help the Offensive line. This will allow us to once again get the #1 pick and get Texas born Adrian Peterson in the 2007 draft."

4/29/2006, 04:43 AM

AllAboutThe'O' is right. There is method to the madness. Someone has figured out the Texan's thinking.

"I think Ive figured it out.

Casserly is a genius.

hes going to take Williams. Get a nice DE but do absolutely nothing to help the Offensive line. This will allow us to once again get the #1 pick and get Texas born Adrian Peterson in the 2007 draft."
at least its a plan