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View Full Version : Roll Tide and Boomer Sooner

4/26/2006, 07:00 PM
Hello Guys and girls,

I just thought I would stop in and see how things were going over here in Soonerville. This is that time of year when we have to scrimp and scrape for anything pertaining to our beloved programs. I'm so ready to get the season started.

I still wish we could get you guys on a home and home thing with us. My trip to Norman a few years back has to go down as my best ever experience at an away game. The Sooner fans at that game were the best I have ever encountered away from Tuscaloosa and I'm a fairly well traveled Crimson Tide fan. Two teams that are steeped in tradition, Two fan bases that get along well together (even if it is against all odds) and Two universities that generate tons of money with big name matchups. It seems like a no brainer to me.

I hope that you guys have a great season. That #6 preseason ranking sure does look better than my Tide's #22. I never was one to put a whole lot of stock in preseason polls, but with this BCS crap...they mean alot. That bodes well for you guys. Bama has a lot of star impact players to replace, but are finally getting some depth back after the NCAA sanctions. John Parker Wilson (Croyle's replacement) looked really strong all spring. He has a strong enough arm and is much more mobile that Brodie was. He made lots of big plays in the spring, but he also made a lot of big mistakes. Let's just hope he learned from them. Anyway guys....good luck.

Roll TIDE Roll
Boomer Sooner


4/26/2006, 07:11 PM
Good luck this year, I think we should be around 9-11 in the rankings. Please, no sunshine pumpers pile on me to get all crazy and ask me who I think should be ranked ahead of us! I'm not real sure, but that is about the end of season ranking of a two loss team.

4/26/2006, 07:14 PM
Thanks for stopping by.

4/26/2006, 07:14 PM
Hello Guys and girls,

Nice to see he included a "Hello" to Nick by including "girls" in the greeting

Flying Scotsman
4/26/2006, 07:42 PM
Boomer Sooner and Roll Tide!

Thanks and good luck!

4/26/2006, 07:49 PM
What's up with all the orange aggys all of a sudden?

4/26/2006, 07:50 PM
04 hates you.

4/26/2006, 08:25 PM
Beat LSU!

4/26/2006, 08:37 PM
I vote we replace taxass with Bama. 50/50 in the Cotton Bowl. Maybe even have it somewhere else.They'll go anywhere for a good ballgame. Might be a little hard to tell which side is who til the ball starts bouncing though.