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4/18/2006, 12:54 PM
On TODAY this morning, They had the director and two family members being interviewed by the perky one.

To the director:
She tried to imply that the director was trying to exploit the tragedy.
She implyed that it was too early because it happened so recently.

He replied that
1. that 10% of the revenue from the first weekend was going to the victims survivor fund.
2. That every family had been talked to and given consent and that it was factually correct in every way.

One family member said that the media and alot of folks in the US HAD forgotten the terrible events of that day and " those guys who want us dead are still out there".

She then tried to spin that statement as if he was saying that our military was not getting the job done.

He reponded that there are alot of these types out there and that it is gonna take along time to weed them out. They don;t wear uniforms.One father added that if our enemy had their way they would kill her and she just didn't get it.

Her face was priceless.

4/18/2006, 01:11 PM
On TODAY this morning, They had the director and two family members being interviewed by the perky one.

To the director:
She tried to imply that the director was trying to exploit the tragedy.
She implyed that it was too early because it happened so recently.

He replied that
1. that 10% of the revenue from the first weekend was going to the victims survivor fund.
2. That every family had been talked to and given consent and that it was factually correct in every way.

One family member said that the media and alot of folks in the US HAD forgotten the terrible events of that day and " those guys who want us dead are still out there".

She then tried to spin that statement as if he was saying that our military was not getting the job done.

He reponded that there are alot of these types out there and that it is gonna take along time to weed them out. They don;t wear uniforms.One father added that if our enemy had their way they would kill her and she just didn't get it.

Her face was priceless.

I'm seriously sorry I missed that.

Did you see the Diane Sawyer interview just after the war started with Colin Powell and she started arguing with him over military strategy. "But what about the flanks!?" He looked at her like she was an idiot.

4/18/2006, 01:13 PM
i'm sure it will be on youtube soon...

4/18/2006, 01:13 PM
He looked at her like she was an idiot.
Was this before or after the interview?

Jimminy Crimson
4/18/2006, 01:14 PM
Was this before or after the interview?

Both. :D

4/18/2006, 01:18 PM
I heard that clueless *** hat Keith Olbermann on MSNBC named Michelle Malkin the worlds worst person yesterday for outting the anit-military group on the net at UCSB, on the same day that the palestianian suicide bomber slaughtered people eating in Tel Aviv.

4/18/2006, 01:30 PM
I heard that clueless *** hat Keith Olbermann on MSNBC named Michelle Malkin the worlds worst person yesterday for outting the anit-military group on the net at UCSB, on the same day that the palestianian suicide bomber slaughtered people eating in Tel Aviv.

The thing is she just linked to their press release and they're raising all kinds of hell because the press release contained contact information.

Note to liberal activist groups: If you want to retain your personal and organizational anonymity then it's probably best not to issue a press release with your contact information.

4/18/2006, 01:32 PM
Here Tis. What a ******.



I notice that the "slanted eyed c**t" (as the libz call her) even beat out our own friendly local child murdering Hannibal whannabe.

4/18/2006, 02:45 PM
I'm looking forward to seeing the film. I read a piece in one of the newsmags which detailed how carefully they cast the roles. Real airline pilots, real controllers, real flight attendants, etc.

They also intentionally made sure the actors playing the killers never met the rest of the cast until they shot the takeover and final scenes.

It may well be the most accurate theatrical depiction of a historic event ever filmed. I guess there are enough cockpit recordings, ATC tapes, radar images and cell phone conversations to allow them to piece together the final moments with minimal guesswork.

I'm sure there will be protests at its release because lots of folks don't want the rest of us to be reminded why we are at war.

4/18/2006, 02:47 PM
I'm sure there will be protests at its release because lots of folks don't want the rest of us to be reminded why we are at war.

I was told it was on account of WMD's.


4/18/2006, 02:50 PM
There is something I have never understood regarding the cell phone conversations. On occasion I have inadvertently left my phone on during a flight, and I get no coverage at all. Couldn't make a call if I tried. I'm not the only one, because I have had this discussion with others.

How did these cell phones have coverage at altitude? Was it truly a cell phone or was it one of the old phones on the back of the seat?

4/18/2006, 04:36 PM
There is something I have never understood regarding the cell phone conversations. On occasion I have inadvertently left my phone on during a flight, and I get no coverage at all. Couldn't make a call if I tried. I'm not the only one, because I have had this discussion with others.

How did these cell phones have coverage at altitude? Was it truly a cell phone or was it one of the old phones on the back of the seat?

Could it be that cell coverage is more pervasive and stronger on the eastern seaboard because of the relative population density and more cell towers?

4/18/2006, 04:39 PM
Could it be that cell coverage is more pervasive and stronger on the eastern seaboard because of the relative population density and more cell towers?

I really don't know. I mean, I have no doubt there were cell phone conversations, I just have never understood that. In fact, I have had cell phones drained because I left them on in my laptop bag and they were on roam for a number of hours.

4/18/2006, 07:27 PM
Is the cute commie on youtube yet?

4/18/2006, 07:43 PM
There is something I have never understood regarding the cell phone conversations. On occasion I have inadvertently left my phone on during a flight, and I get no coverage at all. Couldn't make a call if I tried. I'm not the only one, because I have had this discussion with others.

How did these cell phones have coverage at altitude? Was it truly a cell phone or was it one of the old phones on the back of the seat?

didn't the plane lower to around 12,000 feet? that would help.

4/18/2006, 07:45 PM
didn't the plane lower to around 12,000 feet? that would help.

Heck, even 40K' is only about 8 miles up and way from the cell tower.

4/18/2006, 09:04 PM
I think the ragheads took Flight 93 down to 3,000 feet.

4/18/2006, 09:25 PM
I hope Kevin Costner's not in it.

Chuck Bao
4/18/2006, 10:03 PM
But who is going to play the gay guy?

Jimminy Crimson
4/18/2006, 10:23 PM
There is something I have never understood regarding the cell phone conversations. On occasion I have inadvertently left my phone on during a flight, and I get no coverage at all. Couldn't make a call if I tried. I'm not the only one, because I have had this discussion with others.

How did these cell phones have coverage at altitude? Was it truly a cell phone or was it one of the old phones on the back of the seat?

I've texted on flights before. I think it all depends on the flight path and its proximity to the interstate system.