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Tear Down This Wall
4/18/2006, 08:19 AM
Restrained Or Needs To Be Restrained? Tom Cruise Interviews
by Jack Ryan
Apr 18, 2006

Insisting he was 'restrained' during his now infamous interview with the normally uninteresting TV host Matt Lauer, Tom Cruise says he "wasn't ****ed" when he claimed to know the history of psychiatry.
The actor shared his Scientology beliefs with the world when he bluntly slapped down the sciences of psychology and psychiatry on the "Today" show while criticizing the use and users of prescription anti-depressant drugs.

During a promotional interview for his film "War of the Worlds" last June, Lauer turned the subject to Cruise's recent bashing of actress Brooke Shields, who revealed she sought medical help to overcome postpartum depression after the birth of her first child.

After roundly telling Lauer, "You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do," Cruise was the fodder of comedy skits and morning news mockery. Add to this the couch-jumping incident on Oprah, and you've got a recipe for crazy.

In the May issue of GQ magazine, Cruise tells readers he wasn't angry and managed to control his strong emotions on the subject.

He says, "I thought I was pretty restrained. I've been ****ed off about things, believe me. I thought it was a terrific interview. I wasn't ****ed; I just was intense on wanting to communicate."

Too bad his intensity seems like mania.

On the baby front, papa-to-be Cruise is holding seminars to help Katie Holmes and his family and staff prepare for the coming of baby Holmes-Cruise.

The actor says in his interview, "We've been doing seminars ... so that everybody in the family understands ... what Kate's going through and for Kate to understand it. We've also been studying what happens after the birth and how to take care of the baby."

The "Mission: Impossible III" star claims "everybody" who comes in contact with Holmes has been educated on the impending birth.

Speaking on ABC's "Primetime," to be aired tonight, Cruise also slammed reports that he plans to enforce the Scientology belief that birth should be silent and drug-free. Cruise says the silent, drug-free birth rules are just a guideline:

"If she needs medicine, she needs medicine."

"She does what she's gotta do. A quiet birth is basically just respecting the mother."

On the same show, Cruise says baby Holmes-Cruise will not be raised a Catholic, and that his bride-to-be is a full convert to Scientology. Apparently, the couple has no plans of raising their child, due this month, any other way.

It was the first official confirmation the former "Dawson's Creek" star has switched to Scientology, and Cruise maintained the move has not caused a rift with her Catholic parents, as some publications have reported.

According to Father Cruise, anyone of any religion can be a Scientologist, as he said, "No, I mean you can be Catholic and be a Scientologist. You can be Jewish and be a Scientologist." Cruise, however, is a purist. "But we're just Scientologists."

In other Tom news, a report in this morning's Scoop reads as follows:

Tom Cruise has been sitting down with a lot of reporters lately — but one recent chat didn't go so well. The "Mission Impossible" star walked out of an interview with Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet Sondag after the conversation turned to his ex-wife, Nicole Kidman.

The conversation was all smiles until reporter Bjorn Benkow insisted that experts say that dyslexia cannot be cured by Scientology as Cruise has claimed. There was an awkward pause, then Cruise burst into laughter. "I'm going to, in any case, admit that you have the courage of a madman," according to our translator. "This is something no journalist has dared say to me face-to-face. . . . Scientology is a religion without divinity. Its teaching is a spiritual liberation from life's problems that can only be reached through advice, courses and deep studies. Your cynical media colleagues cast doubt over all the good that we do by spreading a bunch of hocus pocus about us."

Then the reporter mentioned Kidman and the two children that she and Cruise adopted. "Now you've gone over the line," Cruise replied. Then, according to Benkow, one of Cruise's two bodyguards put his hand on the reporter's shoulder, and Cruise said: "Now, unfortunately, I have to end this, Mr. . . . ?"
"Benkow," the reporter replied.

"Whatever," Cruise replied. "I have to move on."

Yesterday, the American College of Radiology (ACR) slammed the actor for doing at-home ultrasounds, according to the New York Daily News.

"Cruise's claim to be qualified to perform unsupervised ultrasound exams on his fiancé, Katie Holmes, because he 'read the manual' that came with the machine is irresponsible, potentially dangerous, and ... may incorrectly influence others to place their unborn children at risk by performing such exams with no medical supervision," the college said in a statement.

Cruise told Barbara Walters in November that he had bought a $200,000 ultrasound scanner for home use. But the machine causes vibrations and a rise in body-tissue temperature, which could pose risks.

A spokesman for Cruise declined to comment.

But ACR Chairman James P. Borgstede said doctors "receive years of specialized education and training in order to safely and effectively perform these exams. Others should not think that unsupervised use of medical equipment is completely safe and should, under no circumstances ... emulate Mr. Cruise's reported unsupervised use of ultrasound equipment."

Tear Down This Wall
4/18/2006, 08:23 AM
Tom Cruise's placenta plans

Tuesday, 18th April 2006, 13:05

LIFE STYLE EXTRA (UK) - Dad-to-be Tom Cruise has vowed to eat the placenta of his newborn baby and plans to dine on the umbilical cord too.

The actor's bizarre plans are sure to shock his legions of fans but the Hollywood heavyweight insists he plans to cook the unusual meal after fiancée Katie Holmes gives birth.

The 43 year-old star told America's GQ magazine: "I'm going to eat the placenta. I thought that would be good. Very nutritious. I'm going to eat the cord and the placenta right there."

Cruise, a devoted Scientologist, made the decision after reading the afterbirth contains important nutrients and vitamins.

The 'Mission Impossible 3' star - who has been carrying out medical scans on the foetus with his own ultra-sound machine - has also told Holmes she must give birth in silence, in accordance with Scientology teachings, so the baby isn't traumatised during the birth.

The couple have been holding family pregnancy classes in their Beverley Hills home.

Cruise revealed: "We've been studying what a woman goes through, what happens to a woman's body."

The actor is not the only star to indulge in strange behaviour with his baby's placenta practice.

Rod Stewart and fiancée Penny Lancaster celebrated the birth of their son Alastair by covering his placenta in tea tree oil and burying it in their garden.

jk the sooner fan
4/18/2006, 08:24 AM
what is it in hollywood that makes people wealthy beyond their wildest dreams "bat **** crazy"

Tear Down This Wall
4/18/2006, 08:30 AM
Good question. Overexposure maybe? Still, there are some who seem to be normal. My guess is that people like Jackson and Cruise "buy the hype" and then get lost in it by taking themselves too seriously.

This will never happen to Conan O'Brien.

4/18/2006, 08:38 AM
Holding "seminars" on how to deal with the birth of a child?

Wow, too bad mankind didnt think of that a few thousand years ago.
Just think of how people could have been prepared to give birth!

4/18/2006, 08:40 AM
PLEASE don't tell me anyone is going to see his crap movie.

4/18/2006, 08:42 AM
PLEASE don't tell me anyone is going to see his crap movie.
I'll see it...as soon as I get done watching Brokeback Mountain...:rolleyes:

4/18/2006, 08:43 AM
The worst thing is that I now hate Katie Holmes as well...All because of Tom Cruise...

Tear Down This Wall
4/18/2006, 08:46 AM
I just feel sorry for Katie Holmes. She's obviously too smitten to understand what an idiot Cruise has become. One day, she'll wake up and realize how overbearing and paranoid he is. Then, she'll hit eject and Cruise can go on Oprah to weep...or vent. Probably vent.

4/18/2006, 09:10 AM
I just feel sorry for Katie Holmes. She's obviously too smitten to understand what an idiot Cruise has become. One day, she'll wake up and realize how overbearing and paranoid he is. Then, she'll hit eject and Cruise can go on Oprah to weep...or vent. Probably vent.
And she can attack him with a water shooting microphone during the interview :D

4/18/2006, 09:22 AM
I predict a "helping you understand Scientology" Oprah show coming soon...

Tear Down This Wall
4/18/2006, 09:22 AM
Or, ask him about the two kids he and Nicole Kidman adopted. :D Is there anything that doesn't set him off these days?

4/18/2006, 09:33 AM
he wears lifts.

4/18/2006, 09:35 AM

4/18/2006, 09:37 AM
the interview thing reminds me a bit of Magnolia ;)

4/18/2006, 09:49 AM
All I can add to this conversation is that my very wise granny always said "Folks who think they're experts on sanity are usually fruitier than a bowl full of bananas." :D

4/18/2006, 10:14 AM
If I were inclined to cook and eat the placenta from my kid's births, I probably wouldn't give those details to a reporter.

Next, can we have the details of Kate's gaseous emission, what they smell like, and how Tom is planning on harvesting the emissions into a useable baby-raising byproduct?

4/18/2006, 10:16 AM
maybe he'll make some Sun Tea as well

jk the sooner fan
4/18/2006, 10:29 AM
does anybody see the irony of a placenta being given a burial by somebody who likely advocates abortion?

not trying to stir up a debate on that topic, but it just seems oddly funny to me

4/18/2006, 10:35 AM
it's good fertilizer

the fetuses probably go there as well ;)

seriously though, i have heard of other people planting a tree with the placenta, like it's kinda connected with the kid, you kinda watch both of them grow or something


4/18/2006, 10:36 AM
does anybody see the irony of a placenta being given a burial by somebody who likely advocates abortion?

not trying to stir up a debate on that topic, but it just seems oddly funny to me
and apparently our Alien ancestors cared nothing about being married when procreating.:D

4/18/2006, 10:38 AM
does anybody see the irony of a placenta being given a burial by somebody who likely advocates abortion?

not trying to stir up a debate on that topic, but it just seems oddly funny to me
I believe that it holds some symbolism in certain cultures- not really the significance that you're seeing. In some it has to do with binding the child to the earth and where it lives.


4/18/2006, 10:41 AM

jk the sooner fan
4/18/2006, 10:42 AM
I believe that it holds some symbolism in certain cultures- not really the significance that you're seeing. In some it has to do with binding the child to the earth and where it lives.


has this culture not heard of gravity?

4/18/2006, 10:43 AM
I believe that it holds some symbolism in certain cultures- not really the significance that you're seeing. In some it has to do with binding the child to the earth and where it lives.

the plains indians kept the umbilical cord, wrapped nicely in a beaded container.
not sure about ummm the ummm placenta.

4/18/2006, 10:56 AM
I believe they battered it and fried it with onions.

4/18/2006, 10:59 AM
Mmmm, fry bread!

Beano's Fourth Chin
4/18/2006, 10:59 AM

4/18/2006, 11:01 AM
never be as good as Mom's recipe.

4/18/2006, 11:04 AM
There is only ONE Tom Cruise.

Thank. God.

4/18/2006, 11:19 AM
There is only ONE Tom Cruise.

Thank. God.
You sure??


4/18/2006, 11:30 AM
You sure??


not a fan of the ladies, are ya Trebek?

4/18/2006, 11:33 AM


4/18/2006, 11:42 AM
http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/6905/psycho6ri.png (http://imageshack.us)

4/18/2006, 11:53 AM

4/18/2006, 12:27 PM
Well, Bobby Brown did talk about digging dook out of Whitney's backside on their reality show with his finger (allegedly). Puts Tom and Katie in fine company.

4/18/2006, 12:33 PM
Everything tastes better on a Ritz.

4/18/2006, 12:50 PM
I had a box of Ritz crackers and on the back of the box of Ritz crackers it had all these suggestions as to what to put on top of the Ritz. It said, "Try it with turkey and cheese." "Try it with peanut butter." Oh, c'mon man, they're crackers. That's why I got 'em — I like crackers. There ain't no suggestion: "Put a Ritz on top of a Ritz." I didn't buy 'em 'cuz they're little edible plates.