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View Full Version : I have reached my limit with immigrant protests

4/15/2006, 12:59 AM
I have no problem with people of any nationalty coming to our country to live and work.All I ask is that they do it legally and also learn to read and write American(who are we kidding we don't speak English) at least as well as us f'ing rednecks.

I am sick of protestors waving Mexican flags and signs in Spanish protesting our right as Americans to make laws to protect OUR borders from TLLEGAL ALIENS.The very use of Spanish signs and Mexican flags to me is indicative that the protestors DO NOT want to be Americans but Aliens living in OUR COUNTRY.

I have known and worked with Mexicans for over twenty years.The overwhelming cinclusion that I have reached in that time is this.The Mexicans who TRULY want to be Americans learn our language ,.become citizens and consider themselves to be Americans not Mexicans.The others are just in our country for a job and do not actually WANT to be Americans but rather live as Mexicans in America.

I am no politician but I know this much:IF WE DO NOT IMPROVE OUR BORDER SECURITY IN THE SOUTH WE ARE IN TROUBLE ! Personally I favor the three strike rule:Get got once ,get deported .get got twice 90 days in a border prison camp ,third offense would be 5 years in the border camps at hard labor bulding and maintaining both the border prison camps and our new Brownsville to TJ security wall and ditch.This law would apply to ALL adult ( 18 or older) illegal immigrants of ANY nationality.

I know this sounds harsh and even racist but no gentler tactics have worked to this point in our history. The numbers of illegals in our country continue to grow.Our open southern border just begs to be taken advantage of by terrorists and it may very well have already been breached in this manner.

My main point is this: those Alien immigrants who abide by our laws should have the same rights as those who are fortunate to be born Americans.but those aliens who cannot abide by our immigration laws deserve no special treatment.

Ours is a society of laws and if you cannot follow the law to enter this country legally then you should suffer the consequences and the UNITED STATES,its leaders,representatives,and citizens are the ones to prperly determine the course of this nation.Law should not be determined by crowds of foriegn flag waving ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

OK guys I am done ranting,I feel better now that I got that off my chest.

4/15/2006, 03:04 AM
Si, compadre.

4/15/2006, 03:07 AM
mi amigo es muy inteligente

4/15/2006, 03:12 AM
It could be worse.

We could be in France and have to deal with Muslims and ne'er do well student protesters.

4/15/2006, 11:32 AM
Sounds great! I say we ship all of em to Washington DC to let our A$$crack politicians deal with them. Hey it would even raise the IQ of that area.

King Crimson
4/15/2006, 11:36 AM
it aint' gonna happen. you know why? because too much construction labor and high end restaurant labor are so-called illegals.

Scott D
4/15/2006, 11:42 AM
My limit is reached because I've gone 12 whole days without my grass being mowed...this is unacceptable. ;)

Seriously quit focusing only on the Mexican 'illegals' and focus on ALL of the 'illegals' and I'll be happy.

4/15/2006, 11:52 AM
Why aren't more Asians starting mowing, landscaping and construction jobs?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/15/2006, 11:55 AM
Very good, SoonerJAM, but I don't like you saying your solution "might sound racist". I don't see any racism, if the penalties are for illegals only, as you have proposed. I think many more marches are planned, all the way up to the elections this year.

4/15/2006, 12:26 PM
I am focusing on the canadian problem myself. I believe we need a "final solution" to this influx of hosers, for our kids, our kids kids, and ours kids kids kids.

4/15/2006, 12:34 PM


4/15/2006, 12:36 PM
Don't worry, Jesus is coming back soon and he will erase the National Debt and make Exxon pay!

4/15/2006, 12:40 PM
Don't worry, Jesus is coming back soon

I hope not before my damn vacation this year. My deposit wasn't refundable and I really want to go!

4/15/2006, 12:49 PM
No Fear, us believers...aka Non Libs....will get to keep our vacations regardless ;)

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/15/2006, 12:58 PM
No Fear, us believers...aka Non Libs....will get to keep our vacations regardless ;)Where are the protocol rules posted for the Second Coming, esp. the clarification of scheduled vacations?

4/15/2006, 01:09 PM
Well if you don't get the newsletter...I really can't help you out there bud ;)

4/15/2006, 02:58 PM
The Republicans are simply making this their hot-button issue as gay marriage was in the previous election, so they can get re-elected and continue to screw over the rest of us as they and their cronies get richer and more powerful.

4/15/2006, 03:02 PM
Where, oh where, is the DC sniper when you need him? He'd break up these protests in no time flat!


4/15/2006, 03:23 PM
I think it's funny that these rallies have hurt public opinion about their cause. Of course the politicians are still going against public opinion and trying to find a way to legalize all of them. :mad:

4/15/2006, 03:30 PM
that's because some rich guys some where stand to lose money on them ;)

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/15/2006, 03:39 PM
The Republicans are simply making this their hot-button issue as gay marriage was in the previous election, so they can get re-elected and continue to screw over the rest of us as they and their cronies get richer and more powerful.Yeah, right-on brotha!!!(Flower)Power to the people!!!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/15/2006, 03:40 PM
I think it's funny that these rallies have hurt public opinion about their cause. Of course the politicians are still going against public opinion and trying to find a way to legalize all of them. :mad:BEAUTY POST!