View Full Version : For my last post

4/14/2006, 04:06 PM
m(π∓)=139.57018 ± 0.00035 MeV/c²

4/14/2006, 04:06 PM

4/14/2006, 04:07 PM

4/14/2006, 04:08 PM

4/14/2006, 04:08 PM
What do you mean your last post? You're the only one that responds to Buddahead news, you can't go anywhere...

4/14/2006, 04:16 PM
What do you mean your last post? You're the only one that responds to Buddahead news, you can't go anywhere...

now this post is my last post. really

Main Entry: last
Function: adjective
1 a : following all the rest <he was the last one out> b : being the only remaining <our last dollar>
2 a : belonging to the final stage (as of life) <his last hours on earth> b : administered to the seriously sick or dying <the last rites of the church>
3 a : next before the present : most recent <last week> <his last book was a failure> b : most up-to-date : LATEST <it's the last thing in fashion>
4 a : lowest in rank or standing; also : WORST b : farthest from a specified quality, attitude, or likelihood <would be the last person to fall for flattery>
5 a : CONCLUSIVE <there is no last answer to the problem> b : highest in degree : SUPREME, ULTIMATE c : DISTINCT, SEPARATE -- used as an intensive <ate every last piece of food>