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4/13/2006, 07:55 PM
This is the first information that has been posted on the internet, or anywhere.


I know that some of us are lazy, so here is what it says:

Turn the tide in your favor and control momentum like never before with NCAA Football 07. Storm ahead early or come from behind late with drive-stopping sacks, key turnovers, and clutch first down conversions on your path to the first-ever BCS Championship Game in Dynasty Mode. In the all-new Student Athlete mode, you must remain disciplined to maintain a high GPA and improve your character and intelligence on and off the field. Grab your text books, strap on your helmet, and experience the true year-round passion of college football with NCAA Football 07.

* All-New Momentum System—Capitalize on your window of opportunity as big plays, defensive stops, trick plays, and special teams keep you in a constant struggle for momentum.

* Back to School—Excel in the classroom to improve your overall character, and then balance your time wisely between studies, practice, and social events as you live the life of a Student Athlete.

* All-New Spring Game—Determine your depth chart in Dynasty Mode and decide whether to red-shirt incoming blue chip freshmen by evaluating their performances in the annual spring game.

* New Spring Drills—Hone your skills with 11 new and challenging mini-games focusing on all aspects of the game, including Rush the Quarterback, Passing Distance, and more.

* New Ways to Play—Utilize new gameplay mechanics like Jump the Snap, Slide Protection, Smart Routes, Defensive Hot Routes, and Precision Passing to gain every advantage over your rivals.

* All-New ESPN Integration—Get the latest sports news with real-time updates from ESPN Radio, and track all your latest Dynasty information via ESPN the Magazine and ESPN.com.


4/13/2006, 08:05 PM
Im sure AD will be a beast again

4/13/2006, 08:40 PM
so basically they havent added anything new that is worth while sept for getting rid of that sorry azz race for the heisman and giving us spring ball?

4/13/2006, 08:54 PM
so basically they havent added anything new that is worth while sept for getting rid of that sorry azz race for the heisman and giving us spring ball?

I gotta disagree. IMO i don't know how they can top 06!!!! I'm still loving that game like theres no tomorrow. The hit stick is the best thing ever! :D I actually like the race for the heisman as well. I'm not sure what the whole "momentuem" thing is all about but i'm sure i'll find out in the upcoming months!!

4/13/2006, 08:59 PM
so basically they havent added anything new that is worth while sept for getting rid of that sorry azz race for the heisman and giving us spring ball?

They didn't get rid of RFTH, they just added more useless crap to it and renamed it. Here's an idea for EA: fix the gameplay problems first, i.e., really bad OL play, ridiculous accuracy on the deep ball, impact players, psychic defenses, etc.

The momentum thing has been in the series before ('01 I think), but I'm sure this is an "updated" version.

4/13/2006, 08:59 PM
I love 06'! I cant wait for 07'!!

4/13/2006, 09:01 PM
As a big player of 06 that game looks amazing. The only reason I am buying a 360 is for that game. I think they should 3D scan the coaches like they did in Madden. I am stoked and cant wait to play it.

Anyone play on XBL?

4/13/2006, 09:05 PM
good spring games...NCAA needed those...

starclassic tama
4/13/2006, 09:16 PM
06 was a decent game but offense was wayyyy too easy. it was either all or nothing, on all american offense was way too easy, on heisman offense was way too hard, they need to balance it better.

4/13/2006, 09:49 PM
I hope they'll include the real coaches' names like they did in the College Hoops 2K6 game. Every coach in NCAA looks like his real-life counterpart (Stoops with the visor, Joe Pa with the dark glasses, Franchione with the powdered wig), so why can't they go ahead and give us the real coaches' names?
Also, with the ESPN integration, does that mean that we'll have the ESPN graphics and stat overlays a la NFL 2K5?

4/13/2006, 10:12 PM
hopefully they made other changes, like maybe shutting up lee corso. i hate that guy on the game more than on real tv. example:
(brad nessler): "And they keep the drive alive with that long pass play."
(lee corso): "your right brad. and that was a long pass play..."

4/13/2006, 10:19 PM
06 was a decent game but offense was wayyyy too easy. it was either all or nothing, on all american offense was way too easy, on heisman offense was way too hard, they need to balance it better.

After playing on Heisman for a while it got pretty easy. Also, you could use the sliders to make it more difficult if you wanted to find a middle ground.

4/13/2006, 10:42 PM
I looked at the screens and I was like, "hey, they improved the graphics a little bit this year." Then I see that it is for XBOX360.

I'm not impressed......

4/13/2006, 10:49 PM
I love the game but Im looking for them to improve game play, even if I play a dynasty with a crap team I am still beating teams senseless by the 2nd season and If I play with OU or someone good it is way way too easy

4/14/2006, 01:01 AM
just take the engine from Madden and put it in NCAA :O

4/14/2006, 01:02 AM
I sure hope they put better music in 07 because last year was just queer.

4/14/2006, 01:14 AM
It was kinda cool that they had The Clash and The Pixies on there, but everything else was complete garbage. They need football music that gets you pumped. Not 80's punk rock and modern day emo. I just switched back to the college fight songs after a few days of that crap.

stoops the eternal pimp
4/14/2006, 01:22 AM
a video game with de la soul music...very weird

4/14/2006, 01:24 AM
It was kinda cool that they had The Clash and The Pixies on there, but everything else was complete garbage. They need football music that gets you pumped. Not 80's punk rock and modern day emo. I just switched back to the college fight songs after a few days of that crap.

Yeah, no one should ever be subject to emo, much less on a football game.

4/14/2006, 02:07 AM
I love the game but Im looking for them to improve game play, even if I play a dynasty with a crap team I am still beating teams senseless by the 2nd season and If I play with OU or someone good it is way way too easy

What difficulty were you playing it on?

4/14/2006, 02:11 AM
Dude, Heisman isnt even fun its so damned hard. It just ****es you off untill you throw a temper tantrum. All-American is still a challenge when ur playing a good team. Its hard to go unbeaten in All-American, thats one reason I love this game. It's pretty real if ur not playing JV or Varsity mode (***** modes).

4/14/2006, 02:56 AM
It was kinda cool that they had The Clash and The Pixies on there, but everything else was complete garbage. They need football music that gets you pumped. Not 80's punk rock and modern day emo. I just switched back to the college fight songs after a few days of that crap.

Nobody here listens to Bad Religion? Come on people. What about ska? They picked a good ska song too.

If you don't know what ska is, it was the Pietasters on last years game. That's an example of ska. You know with the horns and stuff. I like to think of it as reggae for white people.

4/14/2006, 03:00 AM
Granted some of the music did suck but come on. They had more good than bad. The Pixies, Bad Religion, the Pietasters and the Clash are good and whoever says otherwise is misinformed.

I'm not talking about just taste here either. I'm talking about overall talent. You may not like what they do but they're good at it.

Desert Sapper
4/14/2006, 06:42 AM
I'm still playing NCAA 2004. My Army team has won multiple NCs in All-America mode (which I play with all the bars up for the computer and all down for me) and I haven't gotten sick of it. It's still a challenge when I schedule top 5 teams for the non-conference plus at least one C-USA ranked team. I've only had to play OU once, and it was in the 2007 Fiesta Bowl for the NC ('06 season). That was a game for the ages.

I refuse to buy another NCAA Football game until they put a Sooner on the cover. I thought they'd put JW on it last year (although I didn't blame them after the OB), but they put that goofy-a$$ Meechigan puke Howard on the cover. AD is a franchise, though. I'm sure they will have him on the '08 cover after he wins the Heisman, the NC, and is poised to go #1 in the draft.

4/14/2006, 10:28 AM
What difficulty were you playing it on?

I play in all-american because in heisman I cant keep up with the frickin kick meter, lol! But even heisman isnt horribly difficult, im not saying im really good or anything but I just dont want every single game to be a two td win, I want some to go down to the wire. And in all the years ive played this game ive never had a frickin snow game even when I go to colorado or up northeast during november?

stoops the eternal pimp
4/14/2006, 10:53 AM
Now that Ken Hatfield is gone, I guess i wont be running the wishbone with the Rice Owls now...I dont know who to turned to

4/14/2006, 11:03 AM
Been a few years since I played (my last version is, I believe, 2004 or 2003 -- I'd have to go dig around to find it). How have they updated recruiting? What I always wanted was recruiting where you truly had to evaluate talent -- where you could spend as much time as you wanted looking at player videos (which the game would generate based on its internal, secret stat numbers for the player) and then have to determine for yourself how good the player was.

Never did care for the way the game gave you numeric values for the player -- I don't think any coach is good enough at judging talent to be able to assign an accurate number to each stat for a player. Always thought there should be secret, internal values for the "real" value of a player -- and then some sort of less-precise external evaluation system. Like, your assistant coaches (or you) might evaluate how well a player played, and assign scores to various attributes -- but those stats wouldn't be fully accurate.

Hope that made sense :D

Being too old for the twitch reaction stuff of games, it was the strategy, planning, and shaping of a program through dynasty mode that I enjoyed... So if they improved that aspect dramatically (especially by something like being able to watch scout footage to judge players for yourself) that'd be a big enticement to make me want to play.

But the times I've read reviews of the various new iterations of the game, there's been no mention of anything like that.

4/14/2006, 12:38 PM
Still no playoff system?

This is a flippin' video game, EA! Put in a 16 team playoff!!!!!

4/14/2006, 01:05 PM
They didn't get rid of RFTH, they just added more useless crap to it and renamed it. Here's an idea for EA: fix the gameplay problems first, i.e., really bad OL play, ridiculous accuracy on the deep ball, impact players, psychic defenses, etc.

The momentum thing has been in the series before ('01 I think), but I'm sure this is an "updated" version.

I agree, psychic defenses **** me off. It's BS how the computer knows everytime if I'm doing a fake punt (they drop back two return men). It's funny, because if I audible between fake and real punt, they switch to match me.

4/14/2006, 01:28 PM
You think they'll put our faggoty ponies on the mascot mode??

4/14/2006, 01:41 PM
I agree, psychic defenses **** me off. It's BS how the computer knows everytime if I'm doing a fake punt (they drop back two return men). It's funny, because if I audible between fake and real punt, they switch to match me.

Yeah, that punt thing bugs. Fortunately it doesn't come into play very often...at least, not for me.

They'll even go into "Safe Return" when you're in punt formation with a fake punt called on 4th and goal from YOUR OWN 1 yard line (99 yards away from a score).

4/14/2006, 01:49 PM
It was kinda cool that they had The Clash and The Pixies on there, but everything else was complete garbage. They need football music that gets you pumped. Not 80's punk rock and modern day emo. I just switched back to the college fight songs after a few days of that crap.

Whoah, hey now. Mother Love Bone is garbage? Blasphemy man, for shame. I agree that alot of the music doesn't really have a good football feel, but "This is Shangrila" started the very first time I fired up NCAA 06 and I ran through my house screaming like a little girl. Let's not be so quick to judge here. :D

4/14/2006, 02:04 PM

I dont think anybody has notcied this yet, but look at where the meeeechagon fans are sitting. They are all in one section. This gives me hope that the Red River rivalry game will finally be split 50/50 in the stadium.

Rock Hard Corn Frog
4/14/2006, 02:09 PM
1. The game needs to add National Recruiting Championship mode.

2. Trophies for division co-championships

3. Maybe work in a little Need For Speed Hot Pursuit with Brent Musberger or :eddie: crashing cars in the parking lot.

4. Lee Corso dressed up as the "Big Buckin' Chicken"

5. In game breaker mode, AD shouldn't even have to bother to stiffarm would be tacklers. A stern look should suffice.

6. Cody Freeby must remain on team and beats up 2-3 ninjas per game.

4/14/2006, 02:39 PM
just take the engine from Madden and put it in NCAA :O
No. Take the engine from ESPN NFL 2K5! That's the best football video game there is and I hate pro football!

4/14/2006, 02:45 PM
No. Take the engine from ESPN NFL 2K5! That's the best football video game there is and I hate pro football!

true, but EA develops the madden franchise so it wouldn't be near as hard as trying to get the 2k5 engine from sega :)

4/14/2006, 03:25 PM
true, but EA develops the madden franchise so it wouldn't be near as hard as trying to get the 2k5 engine from sega :)
Ruuuuuuf, I could be wrong but I thought EA bought out TakeTwo the folks that had something to do with ESPN 2k5. I don't know the details and it's likely I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. I thought there was some connection there. That's why I was hoping they'd utilize the 2k5 engine.

All EA does is add 'features.' They don't do anything to improve game performance from year to year. Yes, they do tweak but that's it.

The EA people are a bunch of lazy bastards. Let me say I do enjoy the NCAA franchise. It's pretty good! It could be SO MUCH BETTER!

It would have been Heaven On Earth if TakeTwo had done a college football series.

Then again there are others around that are more 'in the know' than I am about the politics of all of this crap.

4/14/2006, 03:46 PM
Here's the politics: EA owns everything now. This means they get to do what they want when they want and charge as much as they want for it, despite the fact that it may not work at all (XBOX for '05 anyone?).

EA sucks, they treat their employees like crap, and they've got so much market share that it sickens me.

4/15/2006, 03:23 PM
If they would hurry up the PS2 loading times that would be tremendous. Can't wait for PS3.

4/17/2006, 10:29 PM
Let's keep the updates coming. I've paid my dues, it's time for you young'ns with all kinds of time on your hands to seek out all the latest info.

Get to it.

4/17/2006, 11:13 PM
Thats not all kinds of TIME thats on my hands...he he

4/18/2006, 01:44 AM
Thats not all kinds of TIME thats on my hands...he he


4/18/2006, 06:17 AM
this isn't realistic at all.... not even close...


when was the last time you saw a miami game sold out?

Tear Down This Wall
4/18/2006, 09:18 AM
A couple of years ago, I got tired of the system recycling the same names for new players during recruiting. So, I made an excel program with 65,000+ first names and last names. It randomly places the names together each time I open it.

Yes, I have become that much of an EA Sport NCAA geek. My wife's happy. It keeps me out of bars and pretty much guarantees I'll never find another woman.

Speaking of NCAA geekery, does anyone else create college teams, put them at the lowest level, and build them up? I do this to make more of a challenge. I'll take a college that has no football team, give it a team, set it to academic or creampuff, and go. Creating the jerseys and stadium is cool.

Yes, I have become that much of an EA Sport NCAA geek.

4/18/2006, 09:23 AM
Speaking of NCAA geekery, does anyone else create college teams, put them at the lowest level, and build them up? I do this to make more of a challenge. I'll take a college that has no football team, give it a team, set it to academic or creampuff, and go. Creating the jerseys and stadium is cool.

I do this with every edition. Makes it fun. I like making a huge stadium and work to get it filled up. Unfortunately with '06, everytime I score a TD with my 'D+' team, the system freezes up and I can't ever get past the first game.

4/18/2006, 09:25 AM
Speaking of NCAA geekery, does anyone else create college teams, put them at the lowest level, and build them up? I do this to make more of a challenge. I'll take a college that has no football team, give it a team, set it to academic or creampuff, and go. Creating the jerseys and stadium is cool.

I enjoy that part too. I'll usually trade out my creampuff team with Vandy (in the SEC) to ratchet up the challenge.

Typically I'll play a few games when I first get it just to learn the ropes. Then I'll start a dynasty. I'll play the dynasty with OU, my creampuff SEC team and a few other teams that I like. I try to have about 4-5 teams total with a variety of offensive attacks, but OU is the only big-time team that I pick...I want the rest to be more challenging. So in a typical dynasty, I might have OU, created SEC team, Duke, Arizona and Minnesota. That gives me a team in the 5 biggest conferences, so by year two I'm starting to dominate the BCS.

4/18/2006, 12:53 PM
Speaking of NCAA geekery, does anyone else create college teams, put them at the lowest level, and build them up? I do this to make more of a challenge. I'll take a college that has no football team, give it a team, set it to academic or creampuff, and go. Creating the jerseys and stadium is cool.

I used to do that, but since EA hasn't changed anything about the Create-A-School options in forever, I don't even bother with it anymore. It'd be nice to get a little more variety in the uniform and stadium options, not to mention less ****ty logos.

Tear Down This Wall
4/18/2006, 01:27 PM
I enjoy that part too. I'll usually trade out my creampuff team with Vandy (in the SEC) to ratchet up the challenge.

Typically I'll play a few games when I first get it just to learn the ropes. Then I'll start a dynasty. I'll play the dynasty with OU, my creampuff SEC team and a few other teams that I like. I try to have about 4-5 teams total with a variety of offensive attacks, but OU is the only big-time team that I pick...I want the rest to be more challenging. So in a typical dynasty, I might have OU, created SEC team, Duke, Arizona and Minnesota. That gives me a team in the 5 biggest conferences, so by year two I'm starting to dominate the BCS.

I always start as an independent, displacing either Florida International or Florida Atlantic. I generally make dynasties out of colleges with no football program, or a lower division school. If I made the dynasty team in Texas or Oklahoma, I usually get an invitation to join the Big 12 or Conference USA within three to four years.

4/18/2006, 01:54 PM
I always start as an independent, displacing either Florida International or Florida Atlantic. I generally make dynasties out of colleges with no football program, or a lower division school. If I made the dynasty team in Texas or Oklahoma, I usually get an invitation to join the Big 12 or Conference USA within three to four years.

That's a good idea. This year I might put a creampuff in the SEC and then make an independent creampuff too.

I should also start a team with the goal to accept the best coaching offer each year...I currently always stay with the schools I'm at.

4/18/2006, 09:24 PM
IGN has the game listed for the PS2, Xbox, PS3, and Xbox 360. This is the only place where I have seen it listed for the PS3. I have my preorder for the 360.