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View Full Version : Get a brain morans

4/7/2006, 03:35 PM
So I'm going outside on my break...As I'm walking out there is a sign on one of the doors, right at eye level, that states "Please use other door"...So of course some idiot walks up to it and pushes the door trying to get out, then looks stunned at the fact that the door didn't open...Then, as I'm walking back in, different idiot same story...Come on people, PAY ATTENTION!!!1

4/7/2006, 03:37 PM
It's the people who made the door wrong's fault. They should be sued. Along with whoever owns the building, the current occupant, you (as an amused witness), and George Bush (just because).

Call a lawyer.

4/7/2006, 03:39 PM
I've never understood why 98% of all double doors have one locked down 100% of the time. It makes no damned sense.

4/7/2006, 03:42 PM

4/7/2006, 03:47 PM
Well, this door (it is a single door) has a tendancy to slam shut when the wind is blowing hard (as it is right now) which is why they put the sign up...There's 2 revolving doors (one on each side) beside this door...People make it seem as though it is an inconvenience to have to use the revolving doors instead of using the other door...

4/7/2006, 03:50 PM
Well, this door (it is a single door) has a tendancy to slam shut when the wind is blowing hard (as it is right now) which is why they put the sign up...There's 2 revolving doors (one on each side) beside this door...People make it seem as though it is an inconvenience to have to use the revolving doors instead of using the other door...


4/7/2006, 04:27 PM
What really sucks is doors that you're supposed to push, but that have a handle and no indicator that it is a push door.

It's a simple concept. If it's the pull side of the door, put a handle on it. If it's the push side, put a plate on it.