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View Full Version : The new Coke drink

Sooner in Tampa
4/7/2006, 07:30 AM

Has anybody tried this yet???

It does sound kind of interesting...Coke with a hint of coffee flavor.

Pieces Hit
4/7/2006, 07:35 AM
How bout Coke Yellow?

4/7/2006, 07:52 AM
In Germany you can get Spetzi, which is Coke mixed with Sprite, or Orange Crush, or tea.


4/7/2006, 07:54 AM

4/7/2006, 09:32 AM
Just picked this up a little while ago. 4-8 oz. bottles for $4.98 from WallyWorld.

*opens bottle* - Yup, smells like coke & coffee. Tastes...different. Now I'm picking up that residual artificial sweetner taste. Checking the label, and there's aspartame. The flavor is (pardon the pun) robust. Not bad, but the artificial sweetner really kills it for me. This would be really good if they used cane sugar instead of corn syrup. The flavor gets lost when consumed with food - it ends up tasting like regular coke. I'm not surprised if this is supposed to be a substitute for coffee since so many folks start their day with a coke to wake up & get going.

I give it 5/10. Good opening taste, body is a little thin, artificial sweetner aftertaste is a dealbreaker. If you just have to have coffee flavor in your coke, I'd suggest the real deal over Blak.

4/7/2006, 09:43 AM
It doesn't really taste like...anything. I guess it's for people who want a coffee kick to their morning Coke? My neighbor was raving about it, but I'd rather start the day either with a real coffee or Diet Coke.

45 calories/bottle for those counting.

proud gonzo
4/7/2006, 09:45 AM
that sounds like the nastiest thing ever. I'll pass.

4/7/2006, 09:52 AM
bad idea.

I'm sure Budweiser is next.

they'll call it Bud Java select or something like that.

Sooner in Tampa
4/7/2006, 10:07 AM
You can't mix beer and coffee....can you ?????

4/7/2006, 10:30 AM

Rwandan coffee used to make beer (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/4073075.stm)

Sooner in Tampa
4/7/2006, 10:32 AM
I should have known that somebody has already tried to mix beer and coffee.

4/7/2006, 10:33 AM
bad idea.

I'm sure Budweiser is next.

they'll call it Bud Java select or something like that.
Has anyone tried that Budweiser energy drink thing? Those are horrible. You get a little taste of beer, then a blast of energy drink, then the beer taste again, the the enrgy drink taste again...all followed up by a horrid aftertaste.

Sooner in Tampa
4/7/2006, 10:38 AM
Has anyone tried that Budweiser energy drink thing? Those are horrible. You get a little taste of beer, then a blast of energy drink, then the beer taste again, the the enrgy drink taste again...all followed up by a horrid aftertaste.Sounds like fun...a little roller coaster ride for your taste buds. :D

4/7/2006, 10:46 AM
Sounds like fun...a little roller coaster ride for your taste buds. :D

It's not good. I tried one and was very unimpressed. And at $5.99 for a four pack, it seemed like a bad deal.

Regarding the Blak, I will not try it. For many reasons. Coffee and espresso - straight. Why mess with a good thing?

4/7/2006, 10:49 AM
Has anyone tried that Budweiser energy drink thing? Those are horrible. You get a little taste of beer, then a blast of energy drink, then the beer taste again, the the enrgy drink taste again...all followed up by a horrid aftertaste.
Budweiser by itself is bad enough.

Sooner in Tampa
4/7/2006, 10:55 AM
Bud Select ain't so bad.

4/7/2006, 11:12 AM
Bud Select ain't so bad.


4/7/2006, 11:14 AM
Red Hook (http://www.redhook.com/) used to have a porter (BlackHook) made with Starbucks.

4/7/2006, 12:04 PM
bad idea.

I'm sure Budweiser is next.

they'll call it Bud Java select or something like that.

Drew Carey is coming after you.

4/7/2006, 12:12 PM
Drew Carey is coming after you.

Dammit. I'm eight minutes too late for my Buzz Beer reference. :mad:

4/7/2006, 12:16 PM
bad idea.

I'm sure Budweiser is next.

they'll call it Bud Java select or something like that.
No, B-to-the-C, man. B-to-the-C.

4/7/2006, 01:22 PM
No, B-to-the-C, man. B-to-the-C.

I thought it was E.