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View Full Version : I think a bird died in my dryer exhaust vent

4/5/2006, 11:49 AM
The other day I heard some loud rustling in the wall behind our washer and dryer and shortly thereafter my wife started noticing some nasty smell coming from our dryer. I looked into the vent from the outside of the house and there was a lot of bird nest debris in there. Then I pulled the dryer out and unhooked the hose and there was some more bird nest stuff there too. But I can't look up the wall to see anything. I guess I'll have to call out some service d00d. Man, I hate paying $100 for something so stupid. Kind of what it must feel like to buy OSU season tickets.

Jimminy Crimson
4/5/2006, 11:51 AM
Burn the house down? :texan:

4/5/2006, 11:54 AM
just make a new vent that vents the dryer into the garage. Works much better than through the roof. No help on the dead bird though.

4/5/2006, 11:54 AM
Probably a pretty fowl smell.


4/5/2006, 11:55 AM

And who vents dryers through the roof?

4/5/2006, 11:57 AM
We had to pull a live blackbird out of the fireplace the other night, but when we let him go he was immediately knocked down and presumably killed and eaten by an owl. Pretty cool.

Viking Kitten
4/5/2006, 12:20 PM
We had a bird decide that our fireplace (sans the grate at the top) would be a keen place to build a nest and hatch its little family. We heard some fretful sounding scratching and chirping for a day or two, and we even tried to see if we could help get the nest out. Which was a no go without a 30-foot ladder.

Then, the scratching and chirping suddenly... stopped. After a week when things started to get nice and stinky, we called a dude to come fix it. He poked a pole up the chimney and down comes... A shower of dead baby birds. While my son was intently watching.

Explaining Birdie Auschwitz to a three-year-old little boy is not cool.

Jimminy Crimson
4/5/2006, 12:45 PM
Explaining Birdie Auschwitz to a three-year-old little boy is not cool.

Tell him it was bird flu.

Or bird flue! :D

4/5/2006, 01:01 PM

4/5/2006, 01:02 PM
We had a bird decide that our fireplace (sans the grate at the top) would be a keen place to build a nest and hatch its little family. We heard some fretful sounding scratching and chirping for a day or two, and we even tried to see if we could help get the nest out. Which was a no go without a 30-foot ladder.

Then, the scratching and chirping suddenly... stopped. After a week when things started to get nice and stinky, we called a dude to come fix it. He poked a pole up the chimney and down comes... A shower of dead baby birds. While my son was intently watching.

Explaining Birdie Auschwitz to a three-year-old little boy is not cool.

See, fire really does work...Take note, Widescreen.

4/5/2006, 01:05 PM
Hmmm. So I should use a poll to get the bird out. Or fire.