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4/4/2006, 08:53 PM
that pic of you and the ball of dung is better then the pic of our ball of dung from 2 years ago. this years ball of dung wasn't very good coach. which is better then being a ball of dung that should have lost 9 games this year in this years ball of dung season.

4/4/2006, 08:55 PM
Don't bogart that joint, my friend...

4/4/2006, 08:58 PM
if coach ball of dung was so good than he wouldn't have been putting Jorbo Thumbnail in the starting qb position at the start of this years ball of dung season.
we should have lost 9 games this season on the ball of dung field. not very good coachig from a caoch who is supposadly a ball of dung coach who is good.

4/4/2006, 09:03 PM
...pass it over to me....

4/4/2006, 09:06 PM
think baou tit. if Jorbo Thumbnail isn't moved to linebacker we don't make that int at the end of the Oregon game of the ball of dung game on the field in the Tom Holliday Bowl. that would have made at least 9 losses for a team that played in the national title game in last years national title game ball of dung.

4/4/2006, 09:07 PM
What is that sound?


4/4/2006, 09:11 PM
What is that sound?

and my Jimmy Page poster. he's wearing those tight jeans with the sprakly stones on them. annd he's playing the one guitar with two guitars on it. I think one is a 12 string guitar on it.

makes me happy like seeing Jorbo Thumbnail miss that frist play action pass os the ball of dung season againt s a team that wasn't a very good football team that we lost to on our home dung field. game.

4/4/2006, 09:12 PM
I think this was you. (http://www.cowboybooks.com.au/html/acidtrip1.html)

4/4/2006, 09:15 PM
even Bob Dunleavy never lost that many balls of dung in the Nebraska football season. and he was a very good coach in the game.


4/4/2006, 09:16 PM
to much doctor pepper.

4/4/2006, 09:25 PM
Jorbo's pet and totem, Sebastian.

Coach Dunleavy before he joined the NBA season of games.


Viking Kitten
4/4/2006, 09:44 PM
In Before The Munchies.

4/4/2006, 09:49 PM
Kelvin Sapmson would not have lost 9 games in any dung game of the last season or more. because he was a good good coach for ou in this game. better then the one coach who lost to the TCU school that didn't even recruit Jorbo Thumbnail in any postition on the game.

4/5/2006, 05:50 AM
I think dolemite stole Matt's password.

4/5/2006, 07:34 AM
Man, artists.

They just can't leave the peyote alone.

4/5/2006, 08:06 AM
They just can't leave the peyote alone.
This guy?


4/5/2006, 09:56 AM
If I was going to rank ou coaches it would be like this.

Bud Wilkerson.
Barry Switzer.
Gomer Pyle.
Bennie Owen.
Bob Stopps.

Stoops is low on the list until he proves more ont he ball of dung season.
he needs to be able to recruit better players like Jamelle Holleyway from Kansas. not players like Jorbno Thumbnail. who isn't a very good player for us.

4/12/2006, 11:42 PM
I can think of 3 freshman quarterbacks who were better then Rhett Bomar last year.
Jamelle Holliesway
Troy Aikman
and a toss between Jack Mildern and Jorbo Thumnail's grandpa Hiram Thumbnail who played in 1902.

4/13/2006, 09:20 AM
I still don't think a guy who can't wear his belt buckle right side up don't deserve our praise.
how do you say your name? is it Jocks or Jeaux like a frenchie hiney boy?

maybe we neeed a frenchie boy to couch our football team in the coming sesaon. he could do not worse then our current coaching staff. we really should have lost 13 games last season.

4/13/2006, 11:48 PM
Eets prounced jojo like JoJo Washingtown, #s_24...but the first jo is silent. Can I coachemup? Sheee...is the Pope German?
I likes potato salad without the potatoees.
oooh ok, it's like Joe. cool

that's better then Bob Dunleavy.