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4/4/2006, 12:05 PM
I'm happy in my ears.

4/4/2006, 12:37 PM

4/4/2006, 12:45 PM
I'm happy in my rear.

4/4/2006, 12:48 PM
It's greatness.

4/4/2006, 12:52 PM
My first experience with the Lips was when I recorded the Letterman show the other night.

my thoughts. pretty good song. but really, a skeleton outfit? You find out you're gonna be on Letterman and your first thought is 'Yippers, I can wear my skeleton costume on TV'? and why bring out the double-headed 18 string if you're not gonna play the bottom 6? I could have done without the ahhhhhhhhhhhh chants but all in all a good song. It didn't make me want to listen to more songs nor buy the album but I'd never say that they suck. IMO

4/4/2006, 12:53 PM
Where is a good place to sample music from the Lips? I've seen much talk about them on this board, but missed them on Letterman.

4/4/2006, 01:08 PM
www.flaminglips.com (http://www.flaminglips.com/)

There is a tab a the top called "audio." Click on that, and an audio player appears on the page, near the top of the browser. You can listen to every song on the new album in its entirety. You can also listen to many of the songs on the band's Warner catalog. Be sure that you've selected "broadband" so that you can hear it in near-CD quality.

4/4/2006, 01:11 PM
And 1TC, you shouldn't judge the Lips' by that one song, or the performance of it. Musically, they are a Pink Floyd type studio band in many ways, and you really need to listen to the other songs on that disc before judging the music. Plus, as far as the live show goes, seeing them by themselves on a stage shows you about 10% of what their live shows are really like.

4/4/2006, 01:13 PM
The version of Bohemian Rhapsody disturbed me and rawked my face off at the same time. It reminded me of the time I dropped acid and cranked Monster Magnet while watching monkeys play foosball on the ceiling.

4/4/2006, 01:14 PM
It's all pretty simple, go buy Yoshimi. I'm heading to Tower right now for the new one.

Jed- Should I just buy it on itunes for extra goodies or are they on the album too?

4/4/2006, 01:18 PM

Jimminy Crimson
4/4/2006, 01:29 PM

4/4/2006, 04:32 PM
The lips got some love on DTV channel 101 "CD USA".

They played a clip from one of their new videos...

King Crimson
4/4/2006, 05:29 PM
i think best the introduction (well, second best) would be to go buy a louder stereo than the one you have. turn the speakers upside down, drink some gasoline or rocket fuel, go buy In a Priest Driven Ambulance and listen to Shine on (Sweet Jesus) as loud as your stereo can go. sitting no more than 18 inches from the speakers and construct a pentagram made of raw Ball Park franks in the center of your living room.

4/5/2006, 12:04 PM
Update: At War With The Mystics is today's most downloaded "alternative" album on iTunes, and the second most downloaded album of any genre. Detals to follow.

4/5/2006, 12:13 PM
I don't like it as much as Yoshimi or Soft Bulletin. I do need to listen to it more.

4/5/2006, 12:14 PM
Doh. There are two versions of the disc (one with bonus tracks, one the same as in the record stores) competing with each other on the iTunes rankings. They actually have the number one and the number four spots on the alternative album rankings, and the number two and the number eight spot in the overall category.

I wonder if you combined those two versions if it would unseat Rascal Flatts as the number one downloaded album overall on iTunes...

4/5/2006, 12:22 PM
I don't like it as much as Yoshimi or Soft Bulletin. I do need to listen to it more.
Interesting. I don't look at it like that. The Soft Bulletin is my favorite Lips album, but that in no way diminishes Yoshimi for me. I'm lovin' on this disc right now because, as always, they're not sitting still. They're not content to innovate on one disc and then camp out on that same sound for the next few albums just to sell records.

This disc is nice and crunchy, and it rocks more than the last couple. I think that makes it worth listening to in itself.

4/5/2006, 12:27 PM
Interesting. I don't look at it like that. The Soft Bulletin is my favorite Lips album, but that in no way diminishes Yoshimi for me. I'm lovin' on this disc right now because, as always, they're not sitting still. They're not content to innovate on one disc and then camp out on that same sound for the next few albums just to sell records.

This disc is nice and crunchy, and it rocks more than the last couple. I think that makes it worth listening to in itself.

I hear ya. It just depends upon what appeals to me . I like 5 songs so far. 3 of which I really like. Which is a strong album by today's standards.

I also bought Morrissey's new one yesterday. It is horrid. I can't stand it for some reason. I pretty much liked You Are The Quarry, but this is nicht so gut!

4/5/2006, 01:20 PM
Number one ranking (based on sales) on Amazon's UK site.

Jimminy Crimson
4/5/2006, 01:22 PM
Number one ranking (based on sales) on Amazon's UK site.

Cheerio! :D

4/5/2006, 01:22 PM
I'm happy for Wayne and the boys. They deserve it for going out on a limb consistently for 20 friggin years.

Jimminy Crimson
4/5/2006, 01:24 PM
Wayne will be able to buy a new pair of galoshes! :cool:

4/5/2006, 01:26 PM
Number four album ranking on Amazon's U.S. site.

4/5/2006, 01:32 PM
the lips are going to be on ACL tomorrow night (along with the shins)

4/5/2006, 01:37 PM
Amazon rankings (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/new-for-you/top-sellers/-/music/all/ref=pd_dp_ts_m_1/002-6815389-2091250)

I'm buying them as fast as I can. Hopefully I can have them in the top three by the end of the day. Can anyone spare an extra $100,000?

4/5/2006, 02:23 PM
Amazon rankings (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/new-for-you/top-sellers/-/music/all/ref=pd_dp_ts_m_1/002-6815389-2091250)

I'm buying them as fast as I can. Hopefully I can have them in the top three by the end of the day. Can anyone spare an extra $100,000?

Hee hee...

And 'crunchy' is a good word.

Mmmm, crunchy rock...:D

4/5/2006, 05:19 PM

4/5/2006, 10:59 PM
What a great ****ing cd

4/5/2006, 11:14 PM
I bought it on the 4th, but haven't had a chance to listen to it....too much craziness going on for me right now.

And I'm so mad I missed the Lips on Letterman last week. Which song did they sing?

4/6/2006, 08:35 AM
They did the YEah Yeah Song. Not a great rendition of it live, but OK. I like it off the album 100 times better. If you do a search in SO for the other lips thread, Rhino linked the vid from Letterman on Putfile or somethinglike that.

They're down to #5 now. :(

4/6/2006, 08:35 AM
What a great ****ing cd
I'm impressed you spelled ****ing right. :dolemite: supa
And I agree.

4/12/2006, 10:29 PM
Not bad:

Billboard (http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1002342814)

The Flaming Lips' "At War With the Mystics" debuts at No. 11 with 48,000, their highest chart position and best sales week ever. The Warner Bros. set more than doubles the Lips' previous best sales week of 22,000 for "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots," which started at No. 50 in August 2002.

4/19/2006, 12:12 PM
Still in the top 10! (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/new-for-you/top-sellers/-/music/all/ref=pd_dp_ts_m_1/002-4328595-7293605)

And outselling LOTS of big names who released within the past couple of weeks.

4/19/2006, 12:17 PM
#7 on the Billboard chart (http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/charts/chart_display.jsp?g=Albums&f=Top+Internet+Albums)

...and all of these sales are without the benefit of a big single...

4/19/2006, 12:21 PM
Oops. The post above was INTERNET album sales. The disc is #11 in overall album sales (http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/charts/chart_display.jsp?f=The+Billboard+200&pageNumber=Top+11-50&g=Albums).

5/9/2006, 11:56 PM
Update: I ran into Mike Ivins at Target tonight. And no, it wasn't in Cincinatti or wherever he's living these days. He must be in town visiting his parents or Wayne and Steven or someone during the couple of weeks they're taking off from touring.

Anyway, I was in line to check out at closing time, and I saw a bald guy right next to me. I kept looking, and thinking, "that dude sure looks like Mike Ivins..."

But I could only see that back of his head and the side. But he was rockin' some seriously worldly threads. They didn't look like they were off the rack at John A. Brown or Sanger Harris, I can tell you that much. I was standing next to him in line at the register, but still couldn't see well enough. Finally, when he was walking away, took a chance and said "Michael..."

He turned around and sure enough, it was him. I said something lame about how the new album was great, and he lit up and took a few steps back. We shook hands, made some small talk.

He was quite friendly, didn't seem as painfully shy as I had been led to believe, and at no time was I afraid that he was going to take me back to his cave, boil my head and eat it.

Jimminy Crimson
5/10/2006, 12:07 AM
...at no time was I afraid that he was going to take me back to his cave, boil my head and eat it.

That would have been a cool story though! :oink:

5/10/2006, 12:08 AM
For everybody BUT me! However, I have it on good authority that if he did boil my head and eat it, it would taste like ribs.

5/10/2006, 12:10 AM

Jimminy Crimson
5/10/2006, 12:10 AM
No doubt about that.

You are what you eat!


Viking Kitten
5/10/2006, 12:11 AM
Update: I ran into Mike Ivins at Target tonight. And no, it wasn't in Cincinatti or wherever he's living these days. He must be in town visiting his parents or Wayne and Steven or someone during the couple of weeks they're taking off from touring.

Anyway, I was in line to check out at closing time, and I saw a bald guy right next to me. I kept looking, and thinking, "that dude sure looks like Mike Ivins..."

But I could only see that back of his head and the side. But he was rockin' some seriously worldly threads. They didn't look like they were off the rack at John A. Brown or Sanger Harris, I can tell you that much. I was standing next to him in line at the register, but still couldn't see well enough. Finally, when he was walking away, took a chance and said "Michael..."

He turned around and sure enough, it was him. I said something lame about how the new album was great, and he lit up and took a few steps back. We shook hands, made some small talk.

He was quite friendly, didn't seem as painfully shy as I had been led to believe, and at no time was I afraid that he was going to take me back to his cave, boil my head and eat it.

Was he wearing Crocs?

5/10/2006, 12:17 AM
Was he wearing Crocs?
Nope. Even Michael (far right) has enough fashion sense to not be seen in Crocs.


5/10/2006, 08:35 AM
Man, that was some crazy hair.

5/10/2006, 08:36 AM
It looks like a bunch of spiders are having a meeting on his head.

5/10/2006, 08:38 AM
Jonathan always looked a little too cool to be in the Lips. He's better off in Mercury Rev.

5/10/2006, 08:40 AM
Oh, I watched 'Fearless Freaks' last night.

Those boots...