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proud gonzo
4/3/2006, 08:24 PM
I advisement March 2nd (while my allergies were making my throat close up, no less) but when my enrollment window opened at 7:30 tonight, the system wouldn't enroll because it said my advising stop had not been cleared.

I've emailed president boren, the dean of the school of journalism, the national merit office, and all the journalism advisors. I left messages on all of their phones as well (except for presiden boren's because a machine never picked up)

If they don't get back to me by the time I leave for my zoology class tomorrow, i'm going straight from my zoology class to Boren's office and i'm not going to leave until somebody enrolls me in the classes I want.

4/3/2006, 08:27 PM
If you can locate a Pony suit, they'll let you right in to see him.

4/3/2006, 08:28 PM
I think she swapped the words "enrolled" and "advisement" in her first sentence, but you get the idea.

4/3/2006, 08:28 PM
You must not have gotten the "no more ALL CAPS thread titles" memo...

4/3/2006, 08:29 PM
You must not have gotten the "no more ALL CAPS thread titles" memo...
PG's wrath knows no memos.

proud gonzo
4/3/2006, 08:41 PM
I think she swapped the words "enrolled" and "advisement" in her first sentence, but you get the idea.
:mad: fixed

4/3/2006, 08:42 PM
what's the big deal? are you trying to get into classes that will fill up?

4/3/2006, 08:43 PM
what's the big deal? are you trying to get into classes that will fill up?

She's a journalism/professional writing major. so yeah. And she's been locked out of classes before because of this same problem. Which is why she's ****ed.

proud gonzo
4/3/2006, 08:44 PM
what's the big deal? are you trying to get into classes that will fill up?
yes. every freaking semester it's REALLY hard to get into journalism classes because even though they have this big fancy new building, they don't have enough sections of things and they're ****ing RETARDS.

Jimminy Crimson
4/3/2006, 08:45 PM
Transfer? ;)

4/3/2006, 08:46 PM
yes. every freaking semester it's REALLY hard to get into journalism classes because even though they have this big fancy new building, they don't have enough sections of things and they're ****ing RETARDS.

You just described most reporters, dear. :D

Why don't you try for a profession that is useful to society? Go to law school!!

proud gonzo
4/3/2006, 08:46 PM
Transfer? ;)
only if they'll still give me my national merit scholarship. :mad:

btw, i was promised that as a national merit scholar I'd get priority on choice of classes.
bull ****.

proud gonzo
4/3/2006, 08:48 PM
You just described most reporters, dear. :D

Why don't you try for a profession that is useful to society? Go to law school!!
I don't even WANT to be a journalist! I want to be very very far from a journalist! I want to write MOVIES! It's bad enough they don't have any classes in the professional writing degree that are relevant at all to professional writing.

4/3/2006, 08:48 PM
You just described most reporters, dear. :D

Why don't you try for a profession that is useful to society? Go to law school!!

She's aiming for screenwriting - you should hear her rantings about the lousy writers they let near the OU paper.

4/3/2006, 08:49 PM
advisement stops are retarded. Who actually needs to be advised? They assigned a different advisor to me every semester and I just walked in, told them what I was doing, had them sign the form and left. No use whatsoever.

What's the deal with your national merit 'ship PG?

proud gonzo
4/3/2006, 08:50 PM
She's aiming for screenwriting - you should hear her rantings about the lousy writers they let near the OU paper.

it's not a paper, it's bull****!

proud gonzo
4/3/2006, 08:51 PM
What's the deal with your national merit 'ship PG?
they give me money to go here so they can say OU has the highest per capita National Merit enrollment in the country.

4/3/2006, 08:52 PM
advisement stops are retarded. Who actually needs to be advised? They assigned a different advisor to me every semester and I just walked in, told them what I was doing, had them sign the form and left. No use whatsoever.

What's the deal with your national merit 'ship PG?

That's what I keep saying. If you're too iiotic to keep track of what you need to be taking on your own, you deserve to pay the university extra thousands of dollars for he extra years it will take you to get done. Now, I think advising service should be available for those that want it, but it shouldn't be required.

and the Nat'l. Merit thing is a 5 year ride with extra benefits like early enrollment windows and grad student library privileges and such.

4/3/2006, 08:54 PM
I enrolled March 2nd (while my allergies were making my throat close up, no less) but when my advisement window opened at 7:30 tonight, the system wouldn't enroll because it said my advising stop had not been cleared.

I've emailed president boren, the dean of the school of journalism, the national merit office, and all the journalism advisors. I left messages on all of their phones as well (except for presiden boren's because a machine never picked up)

If they don't get back to me by the time I leave for my zoology class tomorrow, i'm going straight from my zoology class to Boren's office and i'm not going to leave until somebody enrolls me in the classes I want.

I sorta empathize...typical OU bureaucratic bs.

Except that if you were a normal college slacker you wouldn't be surprised, angry, or feel entitled...you'd have long ago realized that you and all your slacker friends go through the same thing every semester :D

I ran into the same thing every semester. How well do you know your professors? I made a living off the "walk-in and sign up" method...

proud gonzo
4/3/2006, 08:54 PM
oh, and NOW it says this:

Your Student enrollment window has not opened.
You will need to clear all stops before you will be allowed to finalize this enrollment.
Your enrollment window is:
07:30 PM Apr 03, 2006 until Dec 08, 2006

and that's not contradictory AT ALL.

Jimminy Crimson
4/3/2006, 08:54 PM
advisement stops are retarded. Who actually needs to be advised? They assigned a different advisor to me every semester and I just walked in, told them what I was doing, had them sign the form and left. No use whatsoever.

I agree. As long as you pay your money, you shouldn't have to deal with damn bureaucratic red tape sheet. :mad:

proud gonzo
4/3/2006, 08:56 PM
I sorta empathize...typical OU bureacratic bs.

Except that if you were a normal college slacker you wouldn't be surprised, angry, or feel entitled...you'd have long ago realized that you and all your slacker friends go through the same thing every semester :D

I ran into the same thing every semester. How well do you know your professors? I made a living off the "walk-in and sign up" method...
I know the film professors for 2 classes in that department, and i don't have to worry about those classes being full. I don't know the journalism professor, but they're all a5sholes about enrollment. you can't do the walk in and sign up thing.

bastards :mad:

4/3/2006, 08:59 PM
I can beat that. The younger met with the advisor as a Junior and decided to get a double major, which would add a couple of summer classes and an extra semester. The benefits outweighed the extra cost.
The classes he needed last summer were cancelled. Add an extra semester. Not happy, but managable.
During the advisement last Fall, for this semester, he got the list of classes that he needs to graduate - IN WRITING. (We've had some issues before) And quit trying to get ahead of me here! :mad:
When he tried to register for graduation, he discovered that he is short a class and a lab. Not that it showed up on his advisor's list.
He could graduate with the single major in May, but it would be another 90 hours of class for the second degree. So he is trying to get the class and lab in summer school.

There have been complaints about the the advisor, but she still has a job. So they now have a new policy - starting the Junior year, there are two advisors looking over the transcript and what is needed. Still costing us big bucks.

4/3/2006, 08:59 PM
I know the film professors for 2 classes in that department, and i don't have to worry about those classes being full. I don't know the journalism professor, but they're all a5sholes about enrollment. you can't do the walk in and sign up thing.

bastards :mad:

yeah, that blows...any gen-eds left? ;)

4/3/2006, 09:03 PM
they give me money to go here so they can say OU has the highest per capita National Merit enrollment in the country.

I'm familiar with the program, I just thought you were having some difficulty getting them to apply your funding toward your bill or something.

4/3/2006, 09:03 PM
My advisor at UTSA is an OU grad.

4/3/2006, 09:09 PM


4/3/2006, 09:10 PM
You think I should commute to Norman?

proud gonzo
4/3/2006, 09:11 PM
yeah, that blows...any gen-eds left? ;)
yeah, gen eds that i couldn't get last semester because my advisor told me my enrollment would start several weeks after it did. Plus the ones i'm trying to get into this semester. :mad:
I have to get those out of the way first because i've been locked out of journalism classes so many times and there are idiotic prerequisites. oh, and classes only offered spring OR fall semester, not both.

4/3/2006, 09:11 PM
You think I should commute to Norman?

seems reasonable ;)

4/3/2006, 09:20 PM
I so don't miss college enrollment . . . of course it wasn't quite the nightmare at East Central that it seems to be at OU.

4/3/2006, 09:32 PM
What they really should do is get rid of the fragging advisors.

How f*cking hard is it to check your degree sheet and go, "Gee, I haven't taken that class yet. Maybe I need to take it to graduate."

I never used my advisor for anything, and I managed to graduate a year early by aligning the classes up properly. I literally just walked in and told him, "Here's what I'm taking. Sign the sheet." And he did.

A total waste. Rule #1 is that you never, ever trust anything any human at OU says regarding your graduation. Nobody. Knows. Anything. Go to the paper docs, and figure it out yourself. The only exception is if you can find out who wrote the documents, they sometimes actually know something.

4/3/2006, 10:25 PM
change to Physics.

i've never had these problems :D

4/3/2006, 10:38 PM
You know, back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth, we used to fill in a little enrollment form that had these blue flimsies between each page called carbon paper. You put down the classes you wanted with a ballpoint pen, then you kept a copy, gave one to your advisor and the registrars office took the original and did the rest.

Then a couple weeks later you found out what you got. It was kinda like Powerball. If you didn't get what you wanted, you waited til the "drop-add" period which began a week or two before class started and you kinda felt like a commodities trader. It usually worked out. One time, I had to take botany because zoology was full, but it worked out okay and I learned about plant respiration and the difference between meiosis and mitosis which was a bonus.

I guess what I'm trying to say is chill. None of this is gonna matter much at all after you graduate

4/3/2006, 10:41 PM
i like how the enrollment windows open after all the administration and advisors go home ;)

4/3/2006, 10:47 PM
Dayum PG just GADGADWI :cool:
your a good shot rite ?:)

4/3/2006, 10:51 PM
I advisement March 2nd (while my allergies were making my throat close up, no less) but when my enrollment window opened at 7:30 tonight, the system wouldn't enroll because it said my advising stop had not been cleared.

I've emailed president boren, the dean of the school of journalism, the national merit office, and all the journalism advisors. I left messages on all of their phones as well (except for presiden boren's because a machine never picked up)

If they don't get back to me by the time I leave for my zoology class tomorrow, i'm going straight from my zoology class to Boren's office and i'm not going to leave until somebody enrolls me in the classes I want.

i always disliked the national merit students at OU simply b/c they assumed they were better than everyone else.

4/3/2006, 10:51 PM

King Crimson
4/3/2006, 10:59 PM
as someone who's taught over 1000 college students...it's not the teacher's job to worry about who's enrolled or not.

what you get is flirty sorority chicks or frat guys who all want to take the class in groups so they can cheat and share notes. and skip out on coming to class.

it's not my job to worry about those people.

if you had a register window, why didn't you?

4/3/2006, 10:59 PM

i always disliked the national merit students at OU simply b/c they assumed they were better than everyone else.
Not better ! just smarter !:P

Jimminy Crimson
4/3/2006, 10:59 PM

i always disliked the national merit students at OU simply b/c they assumed they were better than everyone else.

...and athletes? :O

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
4/3/2006, 11:01 PM
Won't you be a junior next year? When I was an undergrad at UCO, juniors and seniors didn't have to be advised. Not that it helps you any.

What classes in the Focker College are you wanting to take?

Frozen Sooner
4/3/2006, 11:02 PM

i always disliked the national merit students at OU simply b/c they assumed they were better than everyone else.

Usually a pretty good assumption. :D

Man, I remember all I had to do was stop by the National Merit Office, tell 'em what classes I wanted, and they'd go ahead and take care of enrollment for me.

4/3/2006, 11:10 PM
...and athletes? :O

at least the athletes provide an entertainment level.

all the national merit scholars did in my day was set fire to the Walker Tower trash chute.

Frozen Sooner
4/3/2006, 11:11 PM
Crap. At least we did entertaining things like build potato guns and drink ourselves into stupors.

4/3/2006, 11:11 PM
Usually a pretty good assumption. :D

Man, I remember all I had to do was stop by the National Merit Office, tell 'em what classes I wanted, and they'd go ahead and take care of enrollment for me.
That was great. Sometimes I'd go in to register with the seniors and grad students.

And what ticked me off about some National Merits is that they assumed if you didn't look like a nerd you weren't smart. Pfft. I had a freshman nat'l merit kid say "But you don't look like one!"- No kidding. I worked hard to lose the geek image I had for the first 18 years of my life.

My hubby was a EE major who had a lot of classes where the prereq was only offered in the fall, so you had to wait around a year to take stuff. I'm suprised he made it out in five years.

4/3/2006, 11:12 PM
at least the athletes provide an entertainment level.

all the national merit scholars did in my day was set fire to the Walker Tower trash chute.

if by "your day" you mean 2001...and this little incident originated on the 11th floor...then I have no idea what you're talkin about

4/3/2006, 11:13 PM
at least the athletes provide an entertainment level.

all the national merit scholars did in my day was set fire to the Walker Tower trash chute.
Eighth floor? They called the girls the 8 East Germans. Pretty accurate description.

4/3/2006, 11:13 PM
1997 and it originated on the 4th floor. i know b/c i had to live with them and was interrogated by the cops.

4/3/2006, 11:14 PM
Best thing in the Walker trash chutes was to send down bottles. I was only on the 4th floor, so it wasn't as much fun for us.

4/3/2006, 11:15 PM
one can only hope the kids never change...

4/3/2006, 11:15 PM
trashcans full of water made quite a noise.

4/3/2006, 11:19 PM
trashcans full of water made quite a noise.
Rats. Never thought of that.

My brother ended up on 4E, which is where I had been back when it was the girl's side. He was in the room of a friend of mine whose mom had put up this really cute floral border around the top of the walls. It was quite the fashion statement for two freshmen guys.

4/3/2006, 11:21 PM
we had the socialist lounge on 4W and one morning i woke up to the hallway being blocked by a wall of Hay bailes that stretched from floor to ceiling.

footballs hitting smoke alarms don't equal a good time.

4/3/2006, 11:32 PM
as someone who's taught over 1000 college students...it's not the teacher's job to worry about who's enrolled or not.

what you get is flirty sorority chicks or frat guys who all want to take the class in groups so they can cheat and share notes. and skip out on coming to class.

it's not my job to worry about those people.

if you had a register window, why didn't you?

I'll 'splain before she kicks you. she had an enrollment window. It opened today. she got advised a month ago. 5 minutes after her window opened, the system told her she couldn't enroll because she hasn't been advised yet. This is not the first time it has happened to her, and it has resulted in her having to wait an extra year to take a class because they only offer one section one semester, and she can't go on to other classes because the class she missed was a prerequisite for all the others.

Oh, and she's also generally ****ed with them because half the classes on her degree sheet (including all the ones relevant to screenwriting) for professional writing aren't offered at all, ever.

4/3/2006, 11:41 PM
Try calling the "President's Hotline" if you haven't, 325-1212. According to one of my profs, whoever's on the end of that phone line seriously lights a fire under people's arses.

King Crimson
4/3/2006, 11:49 PM
I'll 'splain before she kicks you. she had an enrollment window. It opened today. she got advised a month ago. 5 minutes after her window opened, the system told her she couldn't enroll because she hasn't been advised yet. This is not the first time it has happened to her, and it has resulted in her having to wait an extra year to take a class because they only offer one section one semester, and she can't go on to other classes because the class she missed was a prerequisite for all the others.

Oh, and she's also generally ****ed with them because half the classes on her degree sheet (including all the ones relevant to screenwriting) for professional writing aren't offered at all, ever.

i'm sorry to hear that. believe me, i'm not defending the administrative practices of a large educational institution. i'm FAR too familiar with the Kafka-esque stupidity of them.

4/3/2006, 11:50 PM
Heh. And I might give her that number, Vaevictis.

4/4/2006, 12:02 AM
I think the issues with Walker 4 west being one of the problem floors in started when I was there in 1993. In the fall, we used to just hand our RA a couple beers when we brought in on the floor. By spring semester they had us in lock down, with all visitation prividges cancelled (didn't stop a thing). They also had to put in some sort of heavy duty fire alarms because people kept breaking them.

Scott D
4/4/2006, 12:08 AM
You just described most reporters, dear. :D

Why don't you try for a profession that is useful to society? Go to law school!!

I'm still waiting for you to name that profession that is useful to society :D

proud gonzo
4/4/2006, 12:41 AM

i always disliked the national merit students at OU simply b/c they assumed they were better than everyone else.
i don't assume I'm better than everyone else, but when the main recruiting point they use is that you'll be treated better than anyone else, they damn well better treat me better than everyone else.

Won't you be a junior next year? When I was an undergrad at UCO, juniors and seniors didn't have to be advised. Not that it helps you any.

What classes in the Focker College are you wanting to take?
the goddamned required ones
Try calling the "President's Hotline" if you haven't, 325-1212. According to one of my profs, whoever's on the end of that phone line seriously lights a fire under people's arses.
I just left them a message.

Jimminy Crimson
4/4/2006, 12:46 AM
i don't assume I'm better than everyone else, but when the main recruiting point they use is that you'll be treated better than anyone else, they damn well better treat me better than everyone else.

Are you talking about nat'l merit peeps or athletes? ;)

proud gonzo
4/4/2006, 01:00 AM

I also just remembered to email the professors of each class.... that is probably the WEIRDEST email my screenwriting professor has ever gotten from me. I'm very tired. i kinda rambled and stuff. but luckily, he's the professor I already know, so he'sll probably think it's funny.

proud gonzo
4/4/2006, 09:33 AM
HEH. my advisor enrolled me in those classes and said "Also, with future e-mail's, please contact me only. I am your advisor and the only one who can help you regarding enrollment and any questions that you may have."

riiight. She only knows I emailed the other advisor as well--she doesn't realize I also emailed National Merit, Boren, and the Dean.

4/4/2006, 09:37 AM
btw, i was promised that as a national merit scholar I'd get priority on choice of classes.
bull ****.

They don't let let NM people enroll a week before everybody but athletes anymore?

proud gonzo
4/4/2006, 09:41 AM
They don't let let NM people enroll a week before everybody but athletes anymore?
I don't know--this semester i'm finally getting to enroll really early, the problem was just that my advisor is a tard and didn't clear my advising stop until this morning.

4/4/2006, 09:41 AM
And what ticked me off about some National Merits is that they assumed if you didn't look like a nerd you weren't smart. Pfft. I had a freshman nat'l merit kid say "But you don't look like one!"- No kidding. I worked hard to lose the geek image I had for the first 18 years of my life.

Heh. My incoming class of National Merit people looked like any other random group of druken frat dudes. And they set off a paintball cannon in Walker 4 East - painted the whole hallway yellow...

Harry Beanbag
4/4/2006, 09:48 AM
Eighth floor? They called the girls the 8 East Germans. Pretty accurate description.

That's what we called them. 1990-91?

Oh, and I think the Walker Tower trash chute gets fireballed once a year at least. So it's really nothing special.

4/4/2006, 09:53 AM
That's what we called them. 1990-91?

Oh, and I think the Walker Tower trash chute gets fireballed once a year at least. So it's really nothing special.
Uh...should I know you? Yes, 1990-91. My (now) husband was on 8W that year; I lived on 4E.

4/4/2006, 09:55 AM
HEH. my advisor enrolled me in those classes and said "Also, with future e-mail's, please contact me only. I am your advisor and the only one who can help you regarding enrollment and any questions that you may have."

Yeah, right. I decided to change my major my sophomore year and ended up being advised by an assistant dean in A&S. My econ advisor tried to get me to take Japanese (I'd already taken French and German) and could never remember who I was each semester. A hamster could have done better advising.

Harry Beanbag
4/4/2006, 09:59 AM
Uh...should I know you? Yes, 1990-91. My (now) husband was on 8W that year; I lived on 4E.

I don't know if I remember anybody from those days, it's all a little fuzzy now. :) I lived on 9W, and I was basically attached at the hip to the only hawt chick from 8E.

I do remember one of the guys across the hall from me dropping dead in the shower one morning. That was a sad day.

4/4/2006, 10:26 AM
HEH. my advisor enrolled me in those classes and said "Also, with future e-mail's, please contact me only. I am your advisor and the only one who can help you regarding enrollment and any questions that you may have."

riiight. She only knows I emailed the other advisor as well--she doesn't realize I also emailed National Merit, Boren, and the Dean.

email reply from PG: Will do. As long as in the future you clear my advising stop when I get advised to prevent me from jumping through hoops to get enrolled because of a mistake that I did not make. Thank you for your timely help in this matter. PG

4/4/2006, 10:31 AM
And they set off a paintball cannon in Walker 4 East - painted the whole hallway yellow...

God I miss college. :(

4/4/2006, 11:14 AM
Coupla bits of advice for PG.

1. Switch to being an English major and get out of the J-school. It'd probably be more useful for screenwriting.

2. If you have a NM 'ship, why didn't you go to UCLA or some place that actually has a film school?

4/4/2006, 11:23 AM
All I remember about the NM kids when I was there was that the bastards always took the elevator to the 4th floor when the rest of us were going to 9 and up.

4/4/2006, 11:24 AM
Are you in that media studies track or just the J school?

My college was a waste of time for my profession in Film/TV. Transfer to UCLA/NYU or go to AFI after you graduate.

4/4/2006, 11:31 AM
PG, by 'advisor' do you mean a Mrs. Stewart in Journalism?

4/4/2006, 11:46 AM
I think the issues with Walker 4 west being one of the problem floors in started when I was there in 1993. In the fall, we used to just hand our RA a couple beers when we brought in on the floor. By spring semester they had us in lock down, with all visitation prividges cancelled (didn't stop a thing). They also had to put in some sort of heavy duty fire alarms because people kept breaking them.

Small world, indeed.

I was on Walker '4 West Left' or '4WL' (as in, go left when you come in from the elevator lobby) in '93. Good times, good times.

My roommate and I were caught throwing frisbees down the L-O-N-G, narrow hallway. You'd score points for distance or if you hit someone :). The fire alarms were set off more than once by this smelly dude spraying lysol too close to the sensors.

About the craziest thing I remember was this one guy (a proven ladies man) very wasted and naked, walking room to room, trying to sit with guys and getting too touchy-feely for everyone's comfort.

He was strong armed back to his room, where he collapsed and passed out. One guy's homophobia caused him to retaliate by pouring half a can of Morton's salt on the drunkard's 'snail' :O He wasn't in very good shape for a couple of days, to say the least.

proud gonzo
4/4/2006, 12:13 PM
Coupla bits of advice for PG.

1. Switch to being an English major and get out of the J-school. It'd probably be more useful for screenwriting.

2. If you have a NM 'ship, why didn't you go to UCLA or some place that actually has a film school?
1. No f-ing way. I don't want the JMC degree to help me with screenwriting, i want it to help me get PAID.

2. because they dont' give crap for scholarships there. Very few schools give a full ride to national merit students like OU does. Plus, I started as a music performance major.

Are you in that media studies track or just the J school?

My college was a waste of time for my profession in Film/TV. Transfer to UCLA/NYU or go to AFI after you graduate.
I'm doing a professional writing degree in the school of journalism. it's bull**** and i'm going to go talk to the Dean Thursday and tell him that (politely). I can't transfer because I'd have no way to pay for school. And though film school would be cool, I plan on going to LA and working.

4/4/2006, 12:24 PM
I can't transfer because I'd have no way to pay for school.

I bet you could arrange free room and board if you transferred to UA-Anchorage....

proud gonzo
4/4/2006, 12:54 PM

Frozen Sooner
4/4/2006, 01:05 PM
Heh heh heh.

That'd be sinful.

Though I'll bet UAA would give you a full ride.

4/4/2006, 01:05 PM
I recommend at least taking some courses when you get out there. SUC/UCLA/AFI all have continuing ed type stuff and seminars- it's always good to make connections, unless you have a bunch.

4/4/2006, 01:12 PM
Though I'll bet UAA would give you a full ride.

You're not really talking about UAA, are you?

4/4/2006, 01:23 PM
2. ...Plus, I started as a music performance major.

I thought I remembered that right... What made you change, if you don't mind me asking? From the little time I spent marching in front of you, you sounded great to me. :D

4/4/2006, 01:24 PM
I would guess that mass comm law is the root of the problem in all of this.

proud gonzo
4/4/2006, 03:47 PM
I thought I remembered that right... What made you change, if you don't mind me asking? From the little time I spent marching in front of you, you sounded great to me. :D
i was absolutely miserable in the theory and history classes. I hated practicing for lessons, i hated lessons, and i was to the point that i wanted to sell my horn and not play anymore. I wanted time to write and never had any, and when i MADE time to write i felt guilty because i should be doing something else "productive". I thought it was backwards to hate what i was majoring in and feel guilty about doing what I enjoy. so I switched.

now, i get to write, and i'm still doing ensembles--wind symphony, civic orchestra. playing for the musical, recitals for people. I'm playing more than I was when I was a music major, and I'm enjoying it a lot more, too. I still love playing horn, since it's my idea instead of a requirement.

4/4/2006, 04:05 PM
i was absolutely miserable in the theory and history classes. I hated practicing for lessons, i hated lessons, and i was to the point that i wanted to sell my horn and not play anymore. I wanted time to write and never had any, and when i MADE time to write i felt guilty because i should be doing something else "productive". I thought it was backwards to hate what i was majoring in and feel guilty about doing what I enjoy. so I switched.

now, i get to write, and i'm still doing ensembles--wind symphony, civic orchestra. playing for the musical, recitals for people. I'm playing more than I was when I was a music major, and I'm enjoying it a lot more, too. I still love playing horn, since it's my idea instead of a requirement.

Yeah, from what I've heard those are the two that people complain about the most.

It sounds like you made the right decision! Props. :)

4/4/2006, 05:48 PM
Back in the old days, the 4th floor at Walker was full of foreign students with questionable hygiene practices. And those idiots wouldn't walk up the stairs either. When the elevator door opened, all thoughts of food would vanish.