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View Full Version : Little River Zoo in Norman

4/3/2006, 09:38 AM
Checked it out yesterday. It was pretty good. Not bad at all for $6. Even got spit on by a Llama. Cue the Llama song!

Got to feed the Kangaroos and stuff. The monkeys were really cute, a couple of them even had little babies.

I didn't even know it existed until a few weeks ago when I went to Johnny Carino's and they had a European Linx cat out there for people to pet. They bring an animal out there I think once a month and if you tell your server you saw them Johnny Carino's will donate 10% of your bill to the zoo.

4/3/2006, 09:40 AM
llama song! (http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/llama.php)

proud gonzo
4/3/2006, 09:47 AM
hmm.... I didn't know about this place. I might have to go out there sometime. I ought to see if i can get a job out there or volunteer or something

4/3/2006, 09:50 AM
zoo (http://www.littleriverzoo.com/)

Open every day 10-5

They give you a walking tour thru the zoo, take many of the animals out of the cages and let you pet them/feed them. Takes about an hour and a half.

4/3/2006, 09:53 AM
Great kid place too. My son loves it. For those of you with kidlets, they put on a pretty good birthday party for not much moola.

4/3/2006, 09:55 AM
yeah, that was the downside, lots of kids.

I did enjoy watching a grandma and grandpa there with two little ones. Grandma kept trying to push the stroller and drag the oxygen tank thru the woods, she lasted about 15 minutes and then had a seat and waited for us to come back around. meanwhile grandpa kept letting the toddler go into the "restricted" areas where the tour guide kept warning of SNAKES and POISON IVY. Grandpa never really seemed to catch on and just continued to let him roam.

proud gonzo
4/3/2006, 09:55 AM
ooooh, sounds like fun

4/3/2006, 09:58 AM
yeah, that was the downside, lots of kids.

Geez, you sound like my sister.

You're not getting any younger, td2k. Just wait. Maternal instincts can kick in without warning. My wife is a perfect example. Back when we were first married, she made similar statements. Now, she wouldn't give up mommahood for anything in the world.

4/3/2006, 09:59 AM
I've felt like this my entire life. Not changing my mind. I want dogs and fish.

I can love my 2 nieces for about 2 hours and then it's time for them to GO HOME.

Kids aren't my thing.

4/3/2006, 10:01 AM
There is no zoo in Norman.

4/3/2006, 10:03 AM
There is no zoo in Norman.

zoo (http://www.littleriverzoo.com/)

4/3/2006, 10:06 AM
My parents took my kids there last summer...they really enjoyed it.

I may have to go sometime.

DO NOT have kids unless you really want 'em. That's what I say. :)

4/3/2006, 10:09 AM
DO NOT have kids unless you really want 'em. That's what I say. :)

thanks. I appreciate your saying that. I get so ****in tired of that "Oh, you'll change your mind, you'll meet someone that you can't WAIT to have babies with, you'll make such a GOOD mom" bull****. It's my damn decision and if I don't want them, I'm not gonna have them. I see SO many kids out there that aren't wanted and just wish more people would wake up and USE PROTECTION.

/end of rant

4/3/2006, 10:28 AM
thanks. I appreciate your saying that. I get so ****in tired of that "Oh, you'll change your mind, you'll meet someone that you can't WAIT to have babies with, you'll make such a GOOD mom" bull****. It's my damn decision and if I don't want them, I'm not gonna have them. I see SO many kids out there that aren't wanted and just wish more people would wake up and USE PROTECTION.

/end of rant

True...kids are the best thing to happen to you if you want 'em, and can be worst if you don't (although I think most people will find the ability to accept their circumstances and become a good parent).

Please note with most protection there is a 99% chance of success...meaning, you should stay home and watch TV on that 100th time. ;)

4/3/2006, 10:45 AM
Please note with most protection there is a 99% chance of success...meaning, you should stay home and watch TV on that 100th time. ;)

yes, I'm aware of that. But 99% + 70something% = 170+%. I like those odds better.

Beano's Fourth Chin
4/3/2006, 11:10 AM
I don't understand why Miss Trunchbull would even go to the zoo due to the high probability of coming into contact with a pre-pubescent.

4/3/2006, 11:11 AM
I don't understand why Miss Trunchbull would even go to the zoo due to the high probability of coming into contact with a pre-pubescent.

I wanted to see the animals. It was worth dealing with kids for a couple of hours.

4/3/2006, 11:40 AM
I don't understand why Miss Trunchbull would even go to the zoo due to the high probability of coming into contact with a pre-pubescent.


4/3/2006, 11:55 AM
I don't understand why Miss Trunchbull would even go to the zoo due to the high probability of coming into contact with a pre-pubescent.

Well, since she kicked Achmed to the curb, her days are free. :D

4/3/2006, 12:00 PM
Well, since she kicked Achmed to the curb, her days are free. :D

actually, his parents are here and we took them. :O

4/3/2006, 02:48 PM
Has the Little River Band ever played at the Little River Zoo?

4/3/2006, 03:21 PM
Lynxes (Lynx? Lynxii?) are cute. I remember we got to play with one in a biology class at OU. The handler got worried when it started roughousing with me, but I just smiled and let it chew on my arm a bit. It was still a "teenager" so it wasn't that big. HUGE paws though.

4/3/2006, 03:24 PM
actually, his parents are here and we took them. :O

longest breakup in the history of mankind.

We've gone from buying a house together to breaking up and kicking him out of the rent house to now taking his parents to the zoo.


4/3/2006, 03:34 PM
Lynxes (Lynx? Lynxii?) are cute. I remember we got to play with one in a biology class at OU. The handler got worried when it started roughousing with me, but I just smiled and let it chew on my arm a bit. But luckily I can still type with just my left arm. It was still a "teenager" so it wasn't that big. HUGE paws though.


4/3/2006, 03:42 PM

4/3/2006, 03:51 PM
Lynxes (Lynx? Lynxii?) are cute. I remember we got to play with one in a biology class at OU. The handler got worried when it started roughousing with me, but I just smiled and let it chew on my arm a bit. It was still a "teenager" so it wasn't that big. HUGE paws though.

yeah, they have HUGE paws. never grow into them though. this one is about 8 months old and LOVES to chew/play.

4/3/2006, 03:52 PM
longest breakup in the history of mankind.

We've gone from buying a house together to breaking up and kicking him out of the rent house to now taking his parents to the zoo.


yeah, I know. One of my friends asked me why I was inviting them into my home, entertaining them, etc. and I simply said "Cause I'm too GD nice not to."

4/3/2006, 03:56 PM
yeah, I know. One of my friends asked me why I was inviting them into my home, entertaining them, etc. and I simply said "Cause I'm too GD nice not to."

it's never nice to string people along. Cut the string so both of you can get on with your lives. If you ever liked him that's what you would do. It's not fair to him to string him along. IMO.

Hell, it could not be fair for you if he's the one stringing you along. WTF do I know.