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View Full Version : The Mall

4/1/2006, 02:58 PM
Allright, me and my homiez were chilling down at the mall right. We was jamming out to the newest 50 cent and Eminem joints, you know just rolling around the parking lot impressing so many sweet females. You know they just the love the flavor. Anyway, this old *** cracka and his wife walk out the mall, now that isn't the problem we be having with em. Those crazy fools bring their little baby to the mall...I say hellz nah, shouldn't they get some sitter or at least take the little thing to the ole Grannie's house. So anyway we are cruising up, trying to impress the ladies when the old white cracka gives me the look...you know which one i am speaking of. Like he thought he was Rocky Marciano or some crazy ****. Well ya know being the compassionate homey that I be, I didn't want to kick his *** in front of his wife and child, that **** is straight trauma. So Homie turns the music down which totally ruins our skillz and game. Well thank God the cracka walks off but if you wouldn't know i go down the aizzle and guess who is there but the Cracka, his cracka wife(who btw looked like she hadn't popped out any babies, we thought about letting her roll with some real g's) and their little midget. Anywayz please leave the babies at home so that you don't crimp a homies style:cool: