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View Full Version : Work is nuts right now

3/31/2006, 09:55 AM
This is the most amazing argument I've ever heard. Another project engineer, the lazy one, is fired up saying that nobody gives him anything to do. Another project engineer is getting into it with him and the lazy guy said it's borderline racial discrimination. The lazy guy has called our big boss at the main office.

The shouting is awesome. I hope punches are thrown.

Updates to follow.

3/31/2006, 09:57 AM
You should jump off the top of your desk Superfly Snuka style and start some straight up gangster ****.

3/31/2006, 09:57 AM
Is lazy a protected race now too??

woo-hoo...i I have rights!!

3/31/2006, 10:01 AM
You should jump off the top of your desk Superfly Snuka style and start some straight up gangster ****.

I was gonna say WWDD, but I think this is the same answer.

3/31/2006, 11:49 AM
If he is the lazy one, and you are online typing in message boards.......Who really is the lazy one?

3/31/2006, 11:55 AM
any punches yet?

3/31/2006, 12:01 PM
If he is the lazy one, and you are online typing in message boards.......Who really is the lazy one?

I get here at 7:15am, everyone else gets here at 8am. I leave at 5:30. The lazy one gets here at 8:30 or 9 and leaves at 5. I get my productive time in during the week and allow for SF.com time.

When he was arguing he said that he hasn't done anything in two weeks because nobody gives him anything to do.

He's been working on buying out the flag poles. For 3 weeks. It should take 4 hours. It's still not done. I've processed 9 submittals, 13 RFIs and written two contracts this week. I've also updated our as-built set of drawings.

And the project manager and the lazy one just got back from a walk and everything is golden, for now.

Scott D
3/31/2006, 12:21 PM
I get here at 7:15am, everyone else gets here at 8am. I leave at 5:30. The lazy one gets here at 8:30 or 9 and leaves at 5. I get my productive time in during the week and allow for SF.com time.

When he was arguing he said that he hasn't done anything in two weeks because nobody gives him anything to do.

He's been working on buying out the flag poles. For 3 weeks. It should take 4 hours. It's still not done. I've processed 9 submittals, 13 RFIs and written two contracts this week. I've also updated our as-built set of drawings.

And the project manager and the lazy one just got back from a walk and everything is golden, for now.

Better watch your step, they could have a nefarious plan to eliminate the carpet watering one. ;)

3/31/2006, 01:20 PM
Oh f**k. The big bossman is here. He's talking to the lazy guy right now.

The lazy guy doesn't work for our company. He works for a HUB contractor that we partnerned with so that throws a kink in things.

3/31/2006, 01:23 PM
Don't you experience crap like this at every one of your jobs?

Maybe its you, not them?

Pieces Hit
3/31/2006, 01:35 PM
I would gladly trade environments.

3/31/2006, 01:44 PM
1tc " He's been working on buying out the flag poles. For 3 weeks. It should take 4 hours. It's still not done. I've processed 9 submittals, 13 RFIs and written two contracts this week. I've also updated our as-built set of drawings. "1tc
Dude it might be taking so long cause those flag poles dont want to sell, you know how hard it is to negotiate with a POLE :cool:

3/31/2006, 01:51 PM
I get here at 7:15am, everyone else gets here at 8am. I leave at 5:30. The lazy one gets here at 8:30 or 9 and leaves at 5. I get my productive time in during the week and allow for SF.com time.

When he was arguing he said that he hasn't done anything in two weeks because nobody gives him anything to do.

He's been working on buying out the flag poles. For 3 weeks. It should take 4 hours. It's still not done. I've processed 9 submittals, 13 RFIs and written two contracts this week. I've also updated our as-built set of drawings.

And the project manager and the lazy one just got back from a walk and everything is golden, for now.

Maybe you should do less...set the bar a little lower ;)

3/31/2006, 01:52 PM
1tc " He's been working on buying out the flag poles. For 3 weeks. It should take 4 hours. It's still not done. I've processed 9 submittals, 13 RFIs and written two contracts this week. I've also updated our as-built set of drawings. "1tc
Dude it might be taking so long cause those flag poles dont want to sell, you know how hard it is to negotiate with a POLE :cool:

The poles don't want to sell because they don't want to be the next in line for the debate over the Mexican flag being raised on it...

3/31/2006, 01:54 PM
Don't you experience crap like this at every one of your jobs?

Maybe its you, not them?

ummm Stan. I'm not in this argument. It's between lazy guy and other guy. I've just been listening and giggling to myself. Other guy wanted to tell me his side and I stopped him and said that I'd like to just watch from the sidelines but that if lazy guy got to lying to come get me.

Big bossman is now talking to the PM (me, other guy and lazy guy's boss).

It's construction. We work with people not balance sheets, debits and credits. Folks get fired up all the time. We don't wear dark socks and slacks to work. ;)

Scott D
3/31/2006, 02:03 PM
It's construction. We work with people not balance sheets, debits and credits. Folks get fired up all the time. We don't wear pocket protectors and carry an abacus to work. ;)

fixed. :D

3/31/2006, 02:35 PM
True, but you are paid by those of us who do.

3/31/2006, 02:40 PM
you should have yelled at them mid-arguement and told them to keep it down you are trying to sleep.

that would have shown them

3/31/2006, 03:17 PM
True, but you are paid by those of us who do.

you mean the 'Overhead' portion of our bids?


3/31/2006, 03:20 PM
Shut up and go fetch me some batteries for my ten key, grunt.


p.s. My peem box is lighting up from the ladies of the SO. There ain't no smack like accountant smack baby.

3/31/2006, 03:23 PM
I've processed 9 submittals, 13 RFIs and written two contracts this week. I've also updated our as-built set of drawings.

But did you put the cover sheets on your TPS reports?

3/31/2006, 03:27 PM
damn skippy. And we can bump up the RFI number to 14 Requests for Information sent to the architect this week :)

3/31/2006, 03:30 PM
We don't wear dark socks and slacks to work. ;)

for some reason this pic popped into my head:


3/31/2006, 03:41 PM
it's all good. Miguel, our laborer stopped by to store his leaf blower in my office. I'm getting high off of the gasoline fumes. This rawks!!!!

3/31/2006, 06:41 PM
The lazy guy doesn't work for our company. He works for a HUB contractor that we partnerned with so that throws a kink in things.
For those of you who don't know about HUB contractors, basically this is what 1tc is trying to say:

I think we'll all agree that minorities are lazy and don't know how to run companies, but the company I work for is willing to team up with their companies in order to get preferential treatment on government jobs

3/31/2006, 07:21 PM
For those of you who don't know about HUB contractors, basically this is what 1tc is trying to say:

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that HUB contractors can get away with doing less because they get preferential treatment from the government? Most people wouldn't try as hard if they didn't have to be competetive, regardless of race.

3/31/2006, 11:00 PM
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that HUB contractors can get away with doing less because they get preferential treatment from the government? Most people wouldn't try as hard if they didn't have to be competetive, regardless of race.
that was kind of the joke. see, 1tc is not really a racist, and if he really was I wouldn't be bringing it up on a message board.

4/1/2006, 04:20 AM
You don't know it now but the lazy one will be in management way before you.You are to productive, lazy people make the best managers because when they go golfing no one misses them.And there productivity doesn't suffer.Slow down let success come to you don't chase it.